In the Bible we find “the Word of God” and “the Words of God” used interchangeably on numerous occasions, thereby proving that He values each individual Word and all of the Words in the Bible combined equally. He spoke each Word in the Holy Tome, which is why we are commanded to “live by EVERY WORD that comes from the mouth of God” (Mat. 4:4: Deut. 8:3). Each Word of God is Truth–the Truth by which He sanctifies His true saints (Jn. 17:17). To “sanctify” means to set aside for holy use. God’s Very Elect are set aside from the world to be shining lights to the world. They are on earth as His lights, having the same responsibilities as did the man Jesus and His disciples of old–to declare His Word in word, thought and deed.
Individual Biblical Words, as well as Words joined together to form a statement, a verse, a statement or the entire Bible constitute God’s Truth. If man can eliminate, change, add to or remove from any Word, then man can make any Word, any group of Words, any statement or the entire Bible mean anything anyone wants them to mean. Sound familiar? It should for this is how MAN CREATED THE TWO RELIGIOUS BODIES KNOWN AS CATHOLICISM AND PROTESTANTISM AND HUNDREDS OF MINI-CULTS KNOWN AS “DENOMINATIONS.” Man was not acting alone when he designed and brought this religious monstrosity into being. Satan was and continues to be the mind and the power behind his most abominable creation which calls itself “the church” which began to take form soon after the founding of the true Church of God (Acts 20:28/ 1 Cor. 4:17) in 31 A.D. The Catholic (universal) Church was founded in 33 A.D. by Simon of Samaria. Examine her history by reading the series by that name. Key word–Simon. His followers began infiltrating God’s church immediately.
As did the other 12 apostles who dealt with Satan’s infiltrators throughout their ministries, Paul saw the problem arising early on in the churches he had founded. He voiced his concern in a letter to those located throughout the region known as Galatia. In Chapter 1 verses 6-9 we find him writing the following message to those churches: “I am amazed that you have so soon rejected the God that called you unto the grace of Christ and have embraced ANOTHER GOSPEL. Which is not actually another Gospel, but rather A PERVERSION OF THE TRUE GOSPEL OF CHRIST. But if we (apostles) or an angel from heaven preach unto you any other Gospel than the ONE (GOSPEL) WE PREACHED UNTO YOU, LET HIM BE ACCURSED (SEPARATED FROM AND CURSED BY GOD). I repeat, anyone preaching any other Gospel (the good news about the Kingdom of God), he is accursed.” Isaiah 29:2 tells us that sin separates man from God, which causes God to curse him. Read The “Voices” of God in order to learn how God curses those who disobey His Word(s). Key word–Voices. Hint: America is “hearing” several of His “voices” now loud and clear. The problem is that she does not know that He is “speaking” to her. What He is “saying” is what Jesus describes in Matthew 24:3-8 as “… the beginning of sorrows.” Note the connection between the Lord’s “voices,” His “curses” and man’s “sorrows.”
In verse 7 Paul mentions some men who were “TROUBLING” the churches of Galatia by preaching another (perverted–altered) Gospel to the people. As would all future false Gospels (there would be many, their Gospel was touted to be better than the Gospel the true apostles were teaching them. Sound familiar? Recall that the Serpent of Eden presented a to Eve (Gen. 3:3,4) a much more user-friendly “truth” than the strict, no options edicts God had so callously forced on her. Over the past 2000 years Satan’s false prophets have presented hundreds of different versions of God’s Gospels which have resulted in the creation of hundreds of different denominations, faiths, churches, etc. that have lured billions of salvation seekers away from God’s Truth and into Satan’s deadly web. But mankind was warned.
In Matthew 24 Jesus warns about men who would proclaim that He (Jesus) was indeed the Lord’s Messiah and, having gained the trust of the people, would “DECEIVE MANY.” This is the reason He prophesied in 7:13,14 and 22:15 that, though many are called to enter His gate (church) and walk His way (obey His Gospel), “FEW” would “FIND” answer His call. For this reason He, through Paul, tells today’s Truth seekers to get out of the false Catholic/Protestant Church System and not to ever “touch” it again (2 Cor. 6:14-7:1). Read the series on “Touching.” Key Word Touching. Christendom’s refusal to obey God produced the Institutional Church system of this Laodicean (final) era of church history. Read God’s Letters to the Church Eras, specifically the final (Laodicean) era in which we live today. Key Word–Eras.
How did the church tragedy happen anciently? How does it continue to exist today? What message could those false prophets have preached (and their religious descendants continue to preach) that turned so many church members away from the One that supposedly saved them? Paul tells us in Second Corinthians 11:4,13-15 where he warns the Corinthain Church about Satan’s initial act in the destruction of the church. Here Paul warned that men, claiming to be ministers sent by the Lord, would present to the churches ANOTHER JESUS AND ANOTHER HOLY SPIRIT Who would show them a better, easier and more user-friendly way to salvation. This is the initial pitch employed by all false prophets.
Getting rid of God’s Law is the second act in drawing people away from God, which makes sense if one wants to destroy a body of salvation seekers. Sin, as defined by God, is the breaking of His Ten Commandment Law (1 Jn. 3:4), which creates unrighteousness in the worker of iniquity (Gk.–Lawlessness). That being true, obeying the Law creates righteousness in the obedient one. By doing away with the Law eliminates sin. Which creates a problem, for if there is no sin, there is no need of a Savior, which religionists must have in order to the Bible they all own. The solution is to allow man to define sin. Only God can define sin and its opposite–righteousness. By granting himself the power to determine sin and righteousness, man declares himself his own god, which is idolatry. For this reason God hates the Catholic/Protestant Religious System which has rejected His Law, created its own definitions of sin and righteousness, created groups of like-thinkers, declared God’s approval of their respective cults. They then convince themselves that the God they hate has saved them. Read Luke 10:17/ Deut. 5:9 and Psalm 5:5.
In verses 1-3 (Cor. 11) Paul warned the church that the same serpent that beguiled Eve would beguile (deceive) them also, which is exactly what happened to both the Corinthian and Galatian Churches. Paul had to cause the death of an adulterer in the Corinthian Church in order to get the people to return to the Lord (1 Cor. 5:1-5). Being proud of their newfound, self-awarded godship, the church had allowed the sin to continue without putting the sinner out of the congregation. As Peter said, judgment is on-going in the church and only the righteous will be saved (1 Pet. 4:17,18). This is one of the most hated verses in the Holy Bible. We do not need to wonder why.
Within a generation of the founding of the New Testament Church, Satan had deceived many, if not most of the people in the churches into setting aside the teachings of the apostles and embracing the teachings of his false prophets. As both Jesus and Paul had warned, false apostles (“deceitful workers”), by presenting themselves as true apostles of God and “ministers of righteousness,” had wormed their way into the churches and had spread Satan’s false light among the people. As he noted, they had not brought a new Gospel, but had rather defiled God’s true Gospel, repackaged it, sweetened it up and sold it to the congregations as “the Gospel of Christ.” They had followed the serpent of Eden’s lead by using God’s own Words as the bait, then changed them ever so slightly in order to make them man-centered, thereby setting the hook. This was not the first time he had done this. He even tried the ruse on Jesus Himself. Read Matthew 4:1-7. Read Bait and Switch. Key word–Bait.
The false teachers within the early churches made subtle changes to Christ’s Gospel that slipped by the people who did not take the time to compare their false prophets’ words to Christ’s Words. In refusing to do so they failed to do what the Apostle John told all Truth/salvation-seekers to do: “Try (test) the spirits (of church leaders) to see if they are of God” (1 Jn. 4:1). Nothing has changed; we are to test today’s ministers by comparing what they are preaching to what is written in the Holy Scriptures. Doing so, one will find that only about one in a million are proclaiming God’s divine Word, which explains why God is nowhere to be found in today’s churches. He “stands at the door” of the Laodicean (modern) Church System and knocks (calls to those inside). Read Revelation 3:14-20 to “hear” what Christ is “saying” to the counterfeit churches today. Only a minutely few individuals are listening to His “voice.”
The result of religious man’s collective deafness is a religious entity known collectively as “Christianity.” This two-headed, multi-bodied monster has spread its spiritual poison throughout the world. Sadly, the false “truths” the devil’s false prophets have sown for hundreds of years has created a huge harvest for their leader–Satan, the “god of this world” who has “blinded the minds of those who do not believe” (God’s Word). This prevents the glorious gospel of Christ, Who is the image of God, to shine on them” (1 Cor. 4:4). Read The Light of the World. Key word–World. L.J.
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