The war between faith and Law has been ongoing for almost 2000 years within “the church.” Over time faith has become the dominant theological doctrine while the Law has steadily lost ground due to man’s insistence on making his own rules relative to the “Christian life.” Like Adam and Eve, religious people have outgrown their Creator. As he did to the first human beings, Satan tells them what they want to hear. Today he uses messengers who follow their pay masters’ orders to speak only “smooth things, lies and deceits” to them (Isa. 30:10). “Only believe” is the basic theme coming from pulpit, podium, t.v. screen, movie screen, hand-held screen, book and pamphlet. The Law of God is nowhere to be heard. When boiled down to its core, the “war” involves two factors which are, in Biblical reality, intimately intertwined and interdependent. One cannot exist without the other. We will base our study of war between these two co-dependent entities on Romans 10:30,31.
A careful study of these two verses reveals two statements that prove to be thorns in the eyes of those who claim that faith and Law are diametrically opposed. Note in verse 30 that a reference is made to “the RIGHTEOUSNESS which is of FAITH” Then in verse 31 we find a reference to “the LAW of RIGHTEOUSNESS.” Note that both the Law and faith are both connected to righteousness which Romans 5:21 tells us is necessary for salvation. In Jude 1:3 we find a statement which refers to “THE faith that was once delivered to the saints.” Note that there is only one (THE) faith. This Truth is also referenced in Ephesians 1:4,5. This destroys the concept of denominations, each of which is called a “faith.” I have been asked which “faith” I belonged to. At that time I belonged to one of the hundreds of so-called “faiths” (denominations).
It is vitally important that we understand the relationship between THE FAITH and THE LAW. There is only one Biblical faith and one Biblical Law. Now let us see how they are conjoined and co-dependent. In Romans 10:19 we are told that “faith comes by hearing … the Word (Law) of God.” Here we find faith and God’s Word joined together. Faith is taking God at His Word (Law). A problem exists within professing Christendom due to a rejection of Paul’s statement concerning the origin of faith. The Scriptures tell us that believing (having faith) in the existence of God and Christ and in the fact of Christ’s sacrifice does not save the soul. Satan believes (has faith in) Both members of the Godhead. He is not, nor will he ever be saved.
The faith that is the foundation upon which salvation is based involves the MESSAGE put forth by the Godhead. This does not diminish the importance of the Godhead, for IT IS THEY WHO PRODUCED THE MESSAGE that is the central factor in true faith. This is THE faith by which one must live: “The just shall live by faith” (Rom. 1:17). God and Christ are in the northern heavens where they remain except on extremely rare occasions. However, their MESSAGE (Word/Law/Truth/Light) is here on earth, printed in dozens of languages and available to anyone who seeks it. Their message has survived thousands of years of mistreatment, unbelief and rejection on the part of mankind. The survival of the Bible was made possible only by the power of God. Faith in what is written therein is essential for salvation. Masses of people believe in God and Christ. Such faith is worthless if Their Law is not believed and obeyed.
Jesus said His Word (Gospel) was the foundation for faith. He also said that He would send the foundation for faith throughout the world by His apostles. In Matthew 24:14 He proclaimed: “… THIS gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness to all nations, and then the end will come.” Note that the Gospel to be sent throughout the world was not about Himself or His Father, but rather about the message of Their ministry–the Kingdom of God (Mat. 4:23). Jesus and the apostles were killed, not because of what they did, but because of what they said and wrote. It was the most religious among the Jews who arranged their deaths. Being under the power of the Roman Empire, the Jews did not have the right to kill. This is why they had the Romans to do their killing for them. Recall that the Temple rulers brought Jesus to Pilate to be crucified. Note also that it was Roman soldiers who crucified Jesus, not the Jews. Both groups hated His message, but for different reasons.
The second, but equally important, part of Christ’s ministry (Mk. 1:15) concerned repentance of sin–the breaking the Law–1 Jn. 3:4). The first recorded words He spoke were: “Repent and believe the gospel” (of the kingdom). In Mark 1:15 we are told that Jesus went about Galilee preaching the Gospel (good news) of the Kingdom of God and telling people to repent of breaking the Law–God’s definition of sin.
Faith comes by hearing or studying the Word (Law) of God. No Law–no faith. Faith in Jesus and God will not save the soul. Man must do WORKS commensurate with his faith (Jam. 2:10,14,17,18,20,24,26). The WORKS connected to one’s faith involve “doing righteousness” (1 Jn. 2:29; 3:7), which involves believing and acting on what is written in the Law. As the following will show, faith in the Law and acting upon it are required for salvation. When approached by a wealthy man who asked what he must do to be saved, Jesus replied: “Obey the commandments.” The man asked Him which commandments did he need to obey? Jesus began to voice the Ten Commandments. The man replied that he had obeyed all ten of them all of his life. “And Jesus, looking upon him, loved him.” JESUS LOVED HIM BECAUSE HE OBEYED THE LAW (almost). Jesus knew that the man had an issue that he had to resolve before he could qualify to receive salvation. The man lusted for more, and more. The rich do not get rich by being frugal. They get rich because they want to get rich; they want more than what they have. This is why Jesus said that it is very difficult for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of God (Mk. 10:17-25). He warned about “joining house to house and field to field,” meaning to possess more than one needs (Isa. 5:8). The rich man would be denied salvation because he broke one commandment in God’s Law–he LUSTED for more than he needed. Wealth is not a sin (Abraham was wealthy). It is the attitude toward possessions that can become sin. ONE SIN separated the rich man from any chance of receiving eternal life. We do not know if he had a change of heart later on.
Jesus makes it clear, as did His apostles, that one must have FAITH in the Word/Law of God and OBEY it. Neither faith alone nor obedience alone will save the soul. They are inseparable. L.J.
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