Every abomination I have predicted over the past several years has either come to pass or is in the process of coming to pass. However, I managed to miss one such atrocity–I did not foresee that the right to assisted suicide would become the law of the land. But I have seen the light. Within five years the Supreme Court will declare that laws prohibiting assisted suicide are unconstitutional. I read moments ago that California has become the fifth state to pass such legislation. By so doing the state has followed Washington, Oregon, Vermont and Montana in our national quest to remove God and His Word from consideration in all social intercourse. California Governor Jerry Brown did what all reprobates do when God stands in the way of their doing what is “right”–he acted on “what I would want” if he found himself in a bad situation. California lawmakers who pushed the law through voiced similar reasons for doing what is “right,” stating that they “… drew on personal experiences” to reach the “right” decision.
“What I would want,” “personal experience.” You might have noticed Who was left out of the decision-making process. Not “I” (the governor) or “they” (the lawmakers). Theirs were the only voices heard concerning the “right” thing to do. It was God Who was not considered. Obviously, the One Who creates and extinguishes life is not worthy of consideration when dealing with such an important issue as life and death. And I can assure you that most, if not all of those “right”-determining lawmakers were “saved,” “born again,” “heaven bound” Christians. As will be those legislators who will pass such state and federal laws in the future.
One of the predictions I made some time ago has recently raised its Satanic head. The Texas Attorney General is receiving heat for allowing the expression “In God We Trust” to be printed on Texas State automobiles. I said long ago that the day would come when all references to God, the Bible, etc. would be stricken from all federal, state and local properties, including our money. The process of removing the Biblical God from all social considerations has begun while the writings of and references to all other religions and their gods are being welcomed with open hearts. Try preventing the Koran from being brought onto a public school or college campus and you will find yourself in jail.
Am I the only one who has noticed that the Obama administration is seeding the nation with Muslims.
Long ago I predicted that flying the American flag will one day be declared illegal. This has already happened on at least one university campus. It was “offensive” according to one Mexican transplant whose parents probably swam the Rio Grande. Several high school students were suspended for wearing shirts with American flags on the front while the school celebrated cinco de Mayo, a Mexican holiday. Some are now requiring students to participate in Muslim studies. Muslim parents are demanding that their holidays be observed in public schools. And the p.c. people will bow to their wishes. The National Day of Prayer was cancelled by our president while he and a group of his fellow Muslims held a White House prayer vigil in honor of the Muslim god. Sharia law is being pushed in American cities. State legislatures are debating the issue as I write. I predict that Sharia law will be allowed by federal decree as spineless, God-hating legislators knuckle under, first locally, then state-wide, then by presidential decree, then by a decision of the Supreme Court.
In January of 2017 this country will begin the final phase in her evolution into a communist state as President Clinton finishes the process President Obama began seven plus years ago. Everything I have predicted will come to pass as this once magnificent nation accelerates the process of internal rot by electing another liberal.
But total national disintegration will not be completed until Hillary steps down. I predict that following her eight years of Communist dictatorship a Muslim will be elected to the presidency. National euphoria will break forth as this nation shows the rest of the world how to reject the Biblical God.
But let us not forget Who is bringing all these atrocities about. THE BIBLICAL GOD IS DOING EXACTLY WHAT HE SAID HE WOULD DO TO THE NATION THAT REJECTS HIM (Deut. 28). But all that has happened in the past and will happen in the future is merely the “beginning of sorrows” for this and other God-forsaking, God-forsaken countries.
As I watch my beloved nation become sin central, I can’t help but remember the words of one wiser than I who said, “I tremble for my country when I remember that God is just.” L.J.
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