The Prophet Elijah went to heaven, we are told by the religious masses. But is what “everyone knows is true” in fact, true? First, we must understand that “heaven” is all space above ground and sea level. Genesis 1:20 and Jeremiah 4:25 tell us that birds fly and build their nests in heaven. There is no oxygen above 10,000 feet. Birds require oxygen. The earth’s heaven is the only one where breathing entities can survive naturally–up to 10,000 feet. The Apostle Paul tells us that he, whether in the flesh or in the spirit, he did not know, was taken up to the third heaven (2 Cor. 12:2,3). Therefore, we know that there are at least three heavens.
In Second Kings 2:11 we are told that when the time arrived for Elijah to turn the ministry over to Elisha and leave the scene, he did so in a miraculous fashion as a whirlwind arrived, along with a team of fiery horses pulling a flaming chariot, brought him aboard and carried him off into heaven in a blaze of glory. It has been assumed that he continued upward until he reached the highest heaven where he resides to this day along with every church member who has ever died.
It this true? This “headline” has prompted billions of people to “know” that Elijah went straight to heaven, and that grandma and grandpa are up there with him walking on streets of gold accompanied by angels. However, the men who were with Elisha and watched it happen did not believe this. In verse 17 we find fifty of them searching the mountains and valleys for him, but to no avail. Then did this mean that he was in heaven.
As is the case with many of the “headlines” surrounding professing Christendom, we must search out, study and believe the “fine print” within God’s Word in order to learn the whole Truth of the subject under consideration (Isa. 28:9-13). By following God’s study instructions we come to Second Chronicles 21:12-14 where we find that ten years after Elijah’s chariot ride supposedly took him into God’s presence in the northern heavens, he has written a letter to King Jehoram of Judah, warning him of the impending doom to come upon the nation of Judah because of her sins. The prophet goes into detail concerning what would soon happen to Judah. Both her people and her goods would suffer and die as God would afflict them with a terrible plague. Then the prophet focused on the king himself. In his letter Elijah detailed specifically what would befall Jehoram. He warned the king that a terrible sickness would afflict him over many days. In the end his bowels would fall out of his body, causing him to experience a horrible death. It happened to the nation and her king exactly as Elijah predicted. He had heard the voice of God. But did this mean that he was in heaven with God?
If Elijah was in heaven, how did he write a letter and have it delivered to Jehoram who abode on earth? And how did the letter travel from heaven to the earthly king? If the letter had come from heaven, would not the Lord have mentioned it? I believe so. The Truth concerning Elijah’s whereabouts during the years following his miraculous departure from the earth remain a mystery. Though we do not know where he was, we do know where he was not. HE WAS NOT IN HEAVEN. NEITHER IS ANYONE ELSE WHO HAS EVER LIVED ON EARTH EXCEPT JESUS OF NAZARETH. Unless Jesus lied to us. Elijah, like all other true saints who have lived and died in a state of holiness, is dead and awaiting the return of his Messiah Who will call him up from the grave to meet Him in the air upon His arrival, as will all who will have walked in righteousness during their earthly lives. Read The Three Resurrections and Life After Death. Key words–Three and After respectively.
Contrary to church truth, grandma and grampa are not in heaven with Jesus. Though the opposing belief makes for comforting thoughts, it simply is not true as the Life After Death series proves beyond a doubt, except for those who “know” better, who “go outside of the Bible for their truth,” as one pastor put it. Or as another pastor said regarding God’s Holy Bible: “That’s not the way we are going.” But for God’s true saints, His Word on the subject is enough.
You may have noticed how religious people are moving farther and farther away from God’s Word as the church sinks deeper and deeper into darkness and becoming more and more like the world around her. Read the series concerning the church’s apostasy (falling away) using the key word Apostasy. Gird your spiritual loins, dear readers. Worse, much worse is coming.
We must prepare for what is coming. We must live in God’s Word; manifest His Word in our thoughts, words and deeds; consume it so that we are what we study; become His Word in human form so that when people see us they see His Word in operation. There is no other way to survive what is coming, weather the storm and live forever in paradise with Him and His Son.
I believe God is going to expose the sin and corruption that has come to characterize the once God-blessed “light to the world” called America. I believe that He will show the world what the communist leftists and their media propagandists have done and plan to do more of to this nation. I believe He will expose the fallen Catholic/Protestant Church System for what it has become–Satan’s home base. I believe He will “pass by” America once more” and give her one more chance to turn from her wickedness, embrace Him and live His Word.
I believe that we will see a time of revival. But it will not be a revival (return) to the Biblical standards of the distant past. The return will be to the modern church standards of twenty years ago as we see the “Jesus movement” doing today. Not being based on Biblical Truths, the revival will spring up and produce a false light for a short time, then die out as one-time zealots will return to business as usual. Voices like mine will be openly rejected during these soon-coming days. There is a spiritual line that religious man will not cross. I minister on the other side of that line. Therefore, the revival will be church-sighted and short-lived. Satan has too powerful a hold on the hearts of religious people for them to cast him aside and follow the Biblical God. Our beautiful, blessed and once righteous nation will go the way of her ancient ancestors–the nation of Israel–whose downfall is well documented in the Holy Scriptures.
Come aside, dear friends. Obey God’s unmistakable command in Second Corinthians 6:14-7:1. Totally and permanently separate yourself from the counterfeit church. Get with the Lord and stay with Him. Cling to Him. Separate yourself from all of the distractions the world, including the church world, provides. That is the ONLY way you can avoid what is soon to come upon the earth. Do not look to the church for help. God is not there. Read about the modern day worldly church in Revelation 3:14-17 which perfectly describes the Catholic/Protestant Church today. Avoid her like the plague Jesus warned that only a few would seek, find and enter His strait gate and walk his narrow way (Mat. 7:13,14) into the Kingdom of God. Has God called you to do so? If so, will you answer His call?
You know that He has called you to walk with Him when He dominates every aspect of your life, when He is not # one, but rather the only One; when He is not the bottom line, but rather the ONLY line. AND YOU LOVE IT. L.J.
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