Recently Pope Francis told half of professing Christendom that the Ten Commandments were out of date and should not be used as the standard for Christian behavior. He is now telling his followers, which include more Protestants every day, that they must determine their own values and decide for themselves what is good and what is evil and what they should and should not do, say and think. In other words, in his view, salvation seekers are modern day Adam and Eves whom he (Francis) has given the right to eat of the tree of the “knowledge of good and evil,” meaning to claim the power to DETERMINE GOOD AND EVIL. The pope, who, for many generations has been Satan’s premiere mouthpiece on earth, has finally voiced openly and publicly what he and his predecessors have been writing in their literature and privately telling their parishioners for many years–that THE RULING POPE HAS THE POWER, EVEN THE OBLIGATION TO CORRECT AND OVERRULE JESUS CHRIST WHEN HE IS DEEMED TO BE IN ERROR, AND THAT IT IS THE POPE WHO MAKES THAT DETERMINATION. This Vicar of Christ has proclaimed the papacy to be the final arbiter of right and wrong. What you will read in this posting will prove that, according to the church hierarchy, the Pope’s powers have always trumped Christ’s powers. Obviously, the laity agrees with them. According to Francis, each individual Catholic is capable of determining right and wrong for themselves in each situation. The individual, it seems, has replaced God when it comes to determining right and wrong. This makes such decisions individually and situationally relative. Truth, is seems, is whatever one determines it to be depending on the situation.
But Catholics are not alone in their heresy. Those of the Protestant persuasion are equally idolatrous. The major difference is found in the fact that the mother (Catholic) church has been somewhat more open about her godship than her (Protestant) daughters. This will change as the two become one religious entity in the latter days, just as the Holy Scriptures proclaim. The process has already begun and is well under way. Read The Ingathering. Key word–Ingathering.
The following are quotes from Catholic literature that say in writing what Francis recently said publicly. I have provided these statements in previous postings but I feel the need to do so again. These are the sayings of those who bow to the “little horn” of Daniel 7:25 who would “… speak great things against the Most High and wear out the saints of the Most High ….” (Dan. 7:25). It was the Catholic Church which, during the Inquisition, brought about the martyrdom of between 50 million and 150 million innocent people, many of whom were God’s true saints.
“The pope is of so great authority and power that he can modify, explain or interpret even divine laws …. The pope can modify divine law since his power is not of man, but of God, and he (the pope) acts as vicegerent of God on earth ….” Prompta Bibliotheca.
“The pope has power to change times, to abrogate laws and to dispense with (remove) all things, even the precepts (statements) of Christ.” Decretal de Translat.
“The pope’s will stands for reason. He can dispense above the law, and of wrong (is able to) make right by correcting and changing (God’s) laws.” Pope Nicholas. This power is in line with Daniel 7:25 where it is prophesied that the “little horn” would be able to “change times (festivals–Holy Days) and laws.”
The following are quotes from various Popes about themselves. The pope calls himself “the Vicar (substitute in office) of Christ. Pope Leo X called himself “The Lion of the Tribe of Judah.” Leo XII allowed himself to be called “The Lord our God.” Pope Martin V called himself “The most holy and most happy, who is the arbiter (final word) of heaven and the Lord of the earth, the successor of St. Peter, the anointed of the Lord, the master of the universe, the father of kings and the light of the world.” It has been written about the pope that “he cannot err; he cannot be deceived and he knows all things.” Augustinus Triumphus.
The above will enflame Protestants who read this message who will reject Francis’ self-appointed position of ultimate spiritual power. However, his proclaimed omniscience (all-knowingnes) and omnipotence (all-powerfulness) is not only not new, it is not the exclusive possession of Catholicism. THE GODSHIP OF SELF HAS BEEN THE MIND-SET OF PROFESSING CHRISTENDOM FOR ALMOST 2000 YEARS. Pope Francis simply made public what those in the Catholic/Protestant Religious System have believed and practiced for generations.
What salvation-seeking, super-religious churchman has been secretly believing for many generations was brought out in the open by the current pope who noted that Catholics must individually decide what is right for themselves and not be guided by something written on Mount Sinai before they were born. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, he actually said that. I assume that the same can be said about Protestants who return to their spiritual mother.
Jesus prophesied that this level of heresy would come to fore in the days prior to His return. He noted in Matthew 7: 21-23; 15:9 and Mark 7:6,7 that on Judgment Day many will call Him their “Lord” and remind Him of their wonderful religious achievements, only to be told that their efforts had all been in vain because they did not obey His (Christ’s) words. They had honored Him with their lips but dishonored Him by making their own rules of religious engagement–EXACTLY AS POPE FRANCIS DECLARED MUST BE DONE IN ORDER TO BE SPIRITUALLY RIGHT WITH GOD. It never occurred to me that someone with a global pulpit would tell the truth about the man-centered, Satan-empowered counterfeit religion known globally as “the church.” Now if only the Protestants would admit their involvement in the grand deception that has brough about the downfall of billions of unsuspecting souls.
In the next posting we will conclude this series by answering two questions relative to the “many” salvation seekers who have entered through Satan’s “wide gate” and have traveled along his “broad way” leading to destruction (Mat. 7:13,14; 22:14): HOW DID THEY BECOME ENSLAVED? AND HOW CAN THEY GET FREE? First, it is necessary for those within the belly of the religious beast to recognize their spiritual condition and to realize their need to be freed. Only then can the extraction process begin. The focus of this work is the Institutional Church whom the “angel of light,” through his “ministers of righteousness” (2 Cor. 11:13-15), has lured the masses away from the Lord’s gate (church) and into his gate. As noted on the homepage of this website, in order to realize how effective he has been, one need only check a phone book under the CHURCHES heading–and count. As noted in Revelation 12:9, Satan has indeed deceived the entire world. His most prized captives are those within the Institutional Church.
Though the freeing of oneself is difficult, it can and must be done (2 Cor. 6:14-7:1). Those who have done so have become their brothers’ keepers in that those around them watch them, listen to them, etc. As long as Satan controls their lives, their attitude toward God’s people will be negative, just as Cain’s attitude toward Abel was not merely negative, but deadly. Regardless of the possible consequences, we must continue to be our neighbor’s “keepers” by living the life of Christ (1 Jn. 2:6) before them. Though we will probably be rejected, we must serve as God’s light in the darkness of this world. Hopefully, some people will come to our light. Jesus said that only a few would do so. Our job is to shine, not count. Let us not forget that, after all Jesus had done for so many, only about 120 people were with Him at the end. L.J.
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