Over the years the observance of Easter has remained the most popular heathen celebration embraced by the apostate church system. Two things are of interest relative to the festival honoring the Queen of Heaven. The worship of the Goddess of Fertility wasn’t restricted to any particular part of the world. Also, the name by which she was called varied from place to place. She was known as Isis in Egypt, Athena in Greece, Minerva in Egypt and Greece, Diana in Ephesus, Cybele in Rome and Ashtoreth in Palestine. Secular history reveals that the goddess was being memorialized annually some 1500 years before the time of Christ. In keeping with her pagan-based theology, the Institutional Church continues to observe the celebration of her sex goddess as commanded by Satan instead of the Feast of Passover as commanded by the Lord in 1 Corinthians 5:7,8. See God’s Holy Days.
The glorification of Easter along with other heathen holidays continues in spite of the Lord’s warning found in Deuteronomy 12:30: “Take heed to thyself that thou be not snared by following them (heathen). Thou shalt not inquire how these nations serve their gods and do the same unto the Lord thy God. Everything they do is an abomination.” For those who dismiss the Old Testament, remember that what happened in Old Testament times was recorded “for our instruction” (1 Cor. 10:11). In Colossians 2:8 God warns us: “Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit by following after the tradition of men and … the rudiments of the world, and not following after Christ.” The Counterfeit Church rejects these and many other of the Lord’s Words to her peril.
An example of the absolute power of heathenism over the church was exhibited in 1582 when Pope Gregory XIII, found himself in a strait between traditional Catholic teachings and the theology of the heathen masses coming into the church. To make them fit together he added 10 days to the Julian calendar in order to make the pagans’ celebration of Easter and the church’s celebration of Jesus’ resurrection both take place on Sunday–the day the heathen worshiped the sun. “Good Friday” was also instituted in order to honor their sun god–Tammuz–who supposedly died on Friday and arose on Sunday. Today the Institutional Church continues to insist that her messiah died on Friday and arose on Sunday. Jesus Christ, God’s Messiah, died on Wednesday and arose late Saturday. The church worships the wrong messiah. See Christ’s Resurrection.
Since Pope Gregory I’s edict to “meet the pagan’s half-way” in order to placate them, both halves of the Counterfeit Church have ignored God’s condemnation of heathenism and have instead embraced them wholeheartedly. By the 1700’s Satan’s Christmas, New Years, Valentine’s Day, Easter, Halloween and Sunday Sabbath had found their way into the church in the new world. Though man is in charge of the day-to-day conduct of professing Christendom, the unseen power behind her doctrines, practices and customs is Satan–the father of lies.
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