The goddess that came to be known as Easter in the Western World was originally known as Semiramis, the supposed wife of the sun god. As his wife, she came to be known as the “queen of heaven.” The first time this queen is mentioned in Scripture is found in Jeremiah 7:17-19 where God is showing the people of Judea, specifically in the city of Jerusalem, a scene that relates to the Easter Sunday activities that the modern church observes each Spring at the time that God’s people are commanded to commemorate the death of Jesus. In true church form, the church has forced Christ’s death to take a back seat to His resurrection, the exaltation of Easter and the activities surrounding those annual Sunday observances.
God is saying to the Prophet Jeremiah: “Do you see what they are doing in the cities of Judah and in the streets of Jerusalem? The children gather wood, the fathers kindle a fire, and the women knead dough to make cakes for the queen of heaven, and they pour out drink offerings to other gods to provoke Me to anger. Is it I they provoke (harm)? says the Lord. Is it not themselves causing their own confusion?” Note that this observance concerns the worship of the queen of heaven, which God calls “confusion.”
The other relevant Scripture is found in Ezekiel 8:16,17 where we find that the Lord has, in a vision, taken the prophet into His Temple: “And He brought me into the court of the house of the Lord. And behold, at the door of the temple of the Lord, between the porch and the alter, were about 25 men with their backs to the temple of the Lord and their faces toward the east, worshiping the (rising) sun in the east. Then He said to me, ‘Have you seen this, O son of man? Is it too slight a thing for the house of Judah to commit the abominations which they commit here, that they should fill the land with violence and provoke Me further to anger?'” God was referring to His past violence toward them, with the threat of more violence.
Though this passage refers to a time centuries before Christ’s arrival on earth, millions of professing Christians do the exact same thing every Easter Sunday in the modern church world. They stand with their faces toward the rising sun in an act of worship. The practice can be traced back to the worship of the Babylonian sun god and his mythical wife, known as the “Goddess of Easter.” As Ezekiel tells us, the observance provokes God to anger. Is it any wonder that He “speaks” to church people and the people around them through His “voices” which reflect His wrath. Read The “Voices” of God. Key word–Voices. Easter Sunday has nothing to do with the death of Jesus Christ Who receives a few minutes of recognition before the main event of the day begins. And when He is mentioned, it is His resurrection, not His death, that is highlighted. How, one may ask, did such a Satanic celebration become part of traditional Christianity?
Passover was observed by the early church in obedience to God’s command to do so annually on the 14th day of the Israelite month of Nisan. Approximately 100 years after Christ’s death Pope Sixtus of Rome made the switch from Passover to Easter for the Catholic Church which was the official church of the Roman Empire that had conquered most of Europe. God’s people refused to go along with the switch. Polycarp, who had been taught by the Apostle John, had been ordained the bishop of the Church at Smyrna by the apostles who had been taught by Jesus Himself. Polycarp continued to keep the Passover as John had taught Him to do and as Jesus had taught John and the other apostles to do.
A controversy calling for the Sunday observance of “Easter” continued to boil for almost 200 years. Easter was officially adopted by the church at Rome during the time of Emperor Constantine in 325 A.D. At the Council of Nicaea that year Easter Sunday officially replaced the Christian Passover. Knowing the Truth about Passover, God’s people refused to observe the change, thereby making themselves the enemies of the Roman state and the church that is described as the great whore and her harlot daughters in Revelation 17:1-5 that will rise again in the latter days, the days in which we now live. Read The Ingathering. Key word–Ingathering. The few true Christians who kept the Lord’s Passover were forced to separate from the empire-backed Catholic Church. Because the people of the nations defeated by the empire were forced into the Catholic Church under threat of death, the church grew large and powerful and continued to observe the Easter holiday and to do so on Sunday each Spring according to the empire/church edict. Those who practiced the teachings of Jesus Christ and the early apostles became persecuted outcasts.
Now we will examine the entrance into the church of the symbols associated with the honoring of the queen of heaven. The holiday and its symbols were retained by the so-called Protestants when they left the mother church in “protest,” thereby spreading the heresy ever farther from Europe. Note: Martin Luther and his followers did not leave the Catholic Church because of her heathen beliefs and practices, which the protesters took with them when they left. They split from their spiritual mother because of the sins of the priests. See the home page of this website which reveals that both mother and daughters continue to embrace the same heathen beliefs and customs to this day. As The Ingathering reveals, mother and daughters are coming back together. As Revelation reveals, in the final years of this era they will unite into a one-world church which will serve the antichrist just before the return of Jesus Christ. That state-sponsored church will believe that the antichrist is the true Christ and will war against Him (Christ) upon His return. During the 3 1/2 years leading up to His return, the state/church consortium will make war against the church. At the beginning of that war God will take His Very Elect to “her place”–a safe sanctuary where He will protect and provide for His true church throughout the Tribulation Period (Rev. 12:6,14).
Died Easter eggs and hot cross buns came from conquered Babylonian people who used them in their mystery rites. This practice was not exclusive to the Babylonians. Many groups, as well as entire nations, worshiped the sun anciently. Heathen legend relates that a gigantic egg fell from heaven into the Euphrates River. Fish rolled the egg up onto the shore where it was sat upon and hatched by birds. At that point out popped Venus, who afterward was called the “Syrian goddess.” This goddess would later be called Astarte. In this way the egg became one of the symbols of Astarte (Easter)–the queen of heaven. When parents color eggs for their children in order to celebrate Easter Sunday, both parents and children are paying homage to a pagan goddess, which is the central theme in Christianity’s Easter Sunday observance. Jeremiah and Ezekiel tell us that the observance of Easter provokes God to anger.
We do not hear much about hot cross buns today relative to the Easter observance. However, I can remember my mother making buns and drawing crosses on them for Easter Sunday observance. Those buns have heathen origins which can be traced back to the ancient Egyptians who used them in honor of their moon goddess. The Greeks offered such buns to Astarte and other divinities. It is believed that the Greeks marked them with a cross in order to denote the four quarters of the moon. The buns were eaten by the worshipers in honor of their moon queen. In the medieval Catholic Church the buns were eaten after the Easter Sunday service. In 1252 a law was passed in England which outlawed the practice. However, the ritual continued to be observed. With the advent of Protestantism, the practice gradually disappeared relative to Easter activities. As noted, during the late 1940’s and 1950’s we were still practicing the ritual in the Protestant church I attended in Missouri. I have no reason to doubt that other churches within the Baptist denomination, as well as other denominations, were observing the same ritual.
Since God speaks directly of His hatred of Easter and everything associated with the pagan practice, let us learn exactly what it is He DOES want us to observe relative to the Passover season. In his first letter to the church at Corinth the Apostle Paul wrote about Christ’s command relative to the Passover observance just before His death. “For I (Paull) have received of the Lord that which I also delivered to you, that the Lord Jesus the same night in which He was betrayed took bread and, after giving thanks, brake it and said, ‘Take, eat. This is (represents) My body which is broken for you. Do this in remembrance of Me.’ After the same manner, He also took the cup, and after He (Christ) had supped, said, ‘This cup (of wine) is the new testament in My blood: this (eating bread and drinking wine) do, as often as you do it, in remembrance of Me.’ (Paul continues) For as often as you EAT THIS BREAD AND DRINK OF THIS CUP, YOU SHOW (MEMORIALIZE) THE LORD’S DEATH UNTIL HE RETURNS'” (1 Cor. 11:23-26). This passage shows us how to keep the New Testament Passover.
Instead of obeying Christ’s command to commemorate His death, the church focuses on His birth and resurrection, NEITHER OF WHICH WE ARE COMMANDED TO OBSERVE. WE ARE, HOWEVER, COMMANDED TO OBSERVE HIS DEATH DURING PASSOVER OBSERVANCE. Christmas and Easter, which are observed by the church masses, are steeped in paganism. Only God’s true saints observe His commanded Passover. This is only one of many reasons Truth seekers are commanded to come out of the Institutional Church. Read Second Corinthians 6:14-7:1 where Truth seekers are commanded to leave the darkness that permeates the whole of Catholicism/Protestantism and come into the light that shines forth from the Holy Bible. L.J.
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