Question: What does Easter have to do with the resurrection of Jesus Christ? Answer: Nothing.
Each year millions of church people attend Easter Sunday Services where they hear a short sermon about Christ’s resurrection. Afterwards they head out to enjoy the real reason for the season–the Easter festivities highlighted by the annual Easter Egg Hunt. I find it strange that for days, or weeks, before “the Easter Celebration” all one sees are advertisements about flowers, food, decorations, clothing, etc. All conversation relative to the holiday centers around the heavenly woman and what fun celebrating her day will be. Ironically, Easter is more popular than Christmas–the supposed birthday of Jesus Christ. Billions of dollars are spent in preparation for the global holiday. Jesus does, however, get a modicum of attention as a few church signs mention the Lord’s resurrection on their signs. But compared to Easter and the festivities surrounding her festivities, the resurrection of Jesus is a non-issue–a subject to be mentioned in passing as the church zeroes in on the true emphasis is on the celebration of the heavenly whore called Easter and the egg hunts, egg rolls, special clothing, etc. connected to her exaltation which was recently celebrated on the White House lawn where there was not one thing done or said concerning the death of Jesus or His resurrection. It was, however, the scene of a huge easter egg roll. The true “reason for the season”–Christ’s death–played no part in the festivities. I assume the question is: Why ruin a wonderfully festive celebration by introducing such a morose subject?
Admittedly, throughout my days of ignorance I looked forward to the annual “Sunrise Service,” “Easter egg hunt,” “dinner on the grounds,” kid’s games, etc. Thank God, I grew up spiritually and am no longer the ignorant, Satan-serving reprobate I was. I wanted to know the Bible Truth. God heard my prayer and answered it. The result is this website. Those who honestly crave His Truth will receive it. Those who take their leaders’ word as God’s Truth will never know His Truth. And if they happen to stumble across it, they will reject it. Because Satan has total control over the vast majority of the world’s inhabitants, honest Truth hunters are commanded to “try the spirits” of those in charge of all things religious to see which spirit they are following: the Spirit of Christ or the spirit of antichrist (1 Jn. 4:1). There is only one way to find this life or death information: WE MUST STUDY GOD’S WORD WITH AN OPEN MIND, THEN BELIEVE AND OBEY WHAT HE HAS WRITTEN AND PRESERVED FOR US.
Easter–the most sacred of church observances–consists of bunny rabbits, colored eggs and hot cross buns. What do those things have to do with the real reason for the celebration–the death of the Lord Jesus Christ? The Easter celebration is not mentioned in the Bible. There are no instructions relative to its observance. By studying the origins of Easter we will understand why.
It is true that the word “Easter” is mentioned in Acts 12:4 where the word was substituted by King James’ translators for “Pascha,” which in English is rendered “Passover.” One will notice in the Exodus account that there is no mention of a female goddess, reproduction, eggs, rabbits, etc. These features were added during the time of the Roman Empire when heathen people were forced into the Catholic Church by governmental decree. Many of them were sun worshipers, which is how the Easter theme seeped into church lore and became “Bible truth.” More on this subject later.
In order to fully understand why church people for many generations have observed Easter one must trace the holiday back to the origins of the Easter morning “Sunrise Service” which I attended annually with my mother and many in our extended family and friends. Let us now go back in time to determine how the ritual became a church practice.
The English term “Easter” came to be inserted into church lore through Estre, the heathen goddess of the rising sun. In the Babylonian language she was called Ishtar. Her Phoenician name was Astarte, the wife of the sun god whose name was Baal, the worship of whom God repeatedly condemns as the most abominable of all pagan gods(1 Ki. 22:53/ Jer. 32:15). Baal’s devotees sacrificed their children to him. The modern day version of such a sacrifice is called abortion. The modern day god to whom people sacrifice the unborn is known as “self.” Following the same god as did Adam and Eve, modern day gods have assumed the power to determine good and evil. Only God can determine good and evil. By taking that power to himself, man has made himself his own god. The true God calls man’s escalation unto god status IDOLATRY. ANY SIN IS AN ACT OF IDOLATRY BECAUSE, BY SINNING, MAN OVERRULES GOD’S COMMAND TO “SIN NO MORE,” THEREBY MAKING HIMSELF GOD’S SUPERIOR. ONLY A GOD IS SUPERIOR THE GOD.
The following is a Biblical fact that most people do not understand. Recall that Jesus told the rich man that he would be denied eternal life because of “one thing” (one sin)–greed (Mk. 10:17-25). Sin separates the sinner for God (Isa 59:2). If one is separated from God one cannon walk with Him, cannot be one with Him–cannot be saved by the death of His Son. In John 15:13,14 Jesus told His God-chosen disciples that He would die for them, IF they did “… whatsoever (everything–no exceptions) I command you to do.” Jesus did not command them to sin. ONE SIN PREVENTED THE RICH MAN FROM RECEIVING ETERNAL LIFE. The man knew that even if he repented it would not be enough. He knew his repentance would be faked because he would continue to lust after things and stuff. He went away sad because he knew that Jesus had seen through him and knew that any repentance from him would be counterfeit. He knew that Jesus knew. We operate under the same rules as the rich man.
Sin is not forgiven due to repentance; sin is forgiven only AFTER one stops sinning following repentance. Those in a sin-repent cycle (sinners saved by grace) are deceiving themselves. The Lord says that such people have “UNREPENETANT HEARTS”–their repentance comes from their mouths only, not from their hearts. In truth, serial repenters’ sins are being and will continue to be accumulated (“treasured up”) until the day of judgment (read Rom. 2:4,5). The Lord views them this way because their repentance is counterfeit in that they have no plans to stop sinning. To legitimize their self-made decision, they have created for themselves a scapegoat–Adam.
Jesus is not impressed with their “Adam made me do it” excuse for sinning. The Lord does not change; He is the same yesterday, today and forever. What was true for the early church is true for the modern church. NEITHER FAITH, NOR GRACE, NOR EXTREME RELIGIOSITY, NOR A COMBINATION OF THE THREE CAN SAVE THE SOUL. ONLY HOLINESS AND RIGHTEOUSNESS CAN SAVE THE SOUL. HOLINESS AND RIGHTEOUSNESS RESULT FROM OBEDIENCE TO GOD’S LAW, THE END RESULT OF WHICH IS ETERNAL LIFE. READ ROMANS 5:21, 6:22 AND MATTHEW 10:22. Note in Romans that the END RESULT OF RIGHTEOUSNESS AND HOLINESS IS ETERNAL LIFE. Notice in Matthew that only those who ENDURE IN A GODLY STATE UNTIL THE END WILL (THEN) BE SAVED.
The premier sin among churchites is their ignorance of God’s definition of sin. Satan has seduced them through his false prophets who fill the air and the airwaves with their sugar-coated sermons, smooth talk and instant salvation mantras. I call them salvation sluts, salvation whores and salvation pimps. They seduce salvation seekers by telling them: “Just repeat after me and you will be instantly saved, born again and rapture-ready. The fix will be in regardless of what you do. You will remain sinners, but not to worry; Jesus (or Mary) will take care of it–just be sure to repent.” Such messages have led billions of salvation seekers onto Satan’s street to hell by assuring them that they are on God’s highway to heaven. Their “Come as you are; stay as you are; Jesus love you just the way you are” propaganda is hard to resist. For those who have been lured into “the church,” such heresies as the celebration of “Easter Sunday” seems like right thing to do. And Satan smiles. L.J.
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