The observance of paganism is a year-around, 24-7 undertaking for that which calls itself “the church.” Though all of her heathen observances are of great importance, some are believed to be more important than others. The religious worth of each observance can be determined by the amount of time and energy dedicated to observing it. Throughout the world of professing Christendom, one annual celebration stands out for its supposed exaltation of the Lord’s Messiah. The irony is that the celebration, called Easter, in fact honors a false messiah named Tammuz. Though the Sunday Sabbath, Christmas, New Years, Valentines Day and Halloween are important observances within Satan’s religious system, nothing rivals Easter for outward worship of and service to the arch enemy of the Biblical God. Like all other pagan observances, the activities related to the Easter Season are conducted in the name of the Lord. This is not a new phenomenon. The first recorded example of such heresy took place when Aaron formed a molten calf and presented it to the Israelites as the god that “… brought you up out of the land of Egypt.” Having blasphemed God, he then instructed them to congregate before the calf where they would “… observe a feast to THE LORD” (Exo. 32:5). As this website has pointed out repeatedly, nothing has changed–the professing church still serves and honors a mythical savior in the name of the Biblical Savior.
For approximately one billion members of the Counterfeit Church, the celebration of Easter is a one day affair centered around the resurrection of Tammuz (Eze. 8:14), the supposed immaculately-conceived son of the sun god who was supposedly killed in the prime of life. After supposedly spending one day and two nights (Friday night to Sunday morning) in the grave he was supposedly resurrected by the power of his father. Since that time Tammuz reportedly returns each December 25th (his birthday) with presents which he places under the trees his worshipers have taken from the forest and brought into their homes (Jer. 10:3-5). The annual spring celebration combines his resurrection with the exaltation of his mother–Semiramus, known throughout the heathen world by a variety of names. In the Western world she is called Easter–the goddess of fertility whose calling cards are eggs and rabbits–symbols of reproduction.
For another billion or so Satan-deceived parishioners, the Easter Season begins several weeks before Easter Sunday with the beginning of the Lent. “Lent” comes from the Old English word “lencten,” meaning “spring.” Beginning with Ash Wednesday, Lent is a period of time characterized by some degree of self-denial such as a partial “fast” (doing without certain types of food and drink). As stated in Antiquities of the Christian Church, Book 21, chaper 1, Lent was not observed in the church until the sixth century when parishioners, led by the priesthood, began to reject the Scriptures as the church’s standard of behavior. Having rejected the Lord’s Word, it was decided that the apostate church needed to do something to maintain the appearance of religious legitimacy. Rather than embracing one of God’s doctrines, she created the heathen-inspired Lenten Season. Collier’s Encyclopedia states that Lent is “admittedly not of Apostolic origin,” meaning that Lent was neither observed nor taught by God’s original apostles. Added to this was the statement that: “Lent has always been associated with the pagan Easter celebration.” In Ecclesiastical History we find the following statement: “… the feast of Easter came to be observed in each place according to the individual peculiarities of the peoples inasmuch as none of the apostles legislated on (spoke or wrote about) the matter …. the observance (of Easter) originated not by (apostolic) legislation, but AS A CUSTOM (of the people).” Simply put: heathenistic Easter is the climax of heathenistic Lent. Each is an abomination in the eyes of God. To be continued. L.J.
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