When reading the writings of the Apostle Paul it becomes obvious that no matter how long an apostle had (has) been in the Lord’s service, or how successful a minister has been, the need for Bible study never wanes. In his letter to the Apostle Titus Paul encourages him to “hold fast to the faithful Word” which he calls “sound doctrine.” Just as he wrote to the young Evangelist Timothy, Paul admonishes Titus to use the Scriptures (both Old and New Testaments) to “rebuke the gainsayers” (Gr,-antilogos-contradictors of Truth). Today the counterfeit (Catholic/Protestant) church is led by and populated by such “gainsayers” who repeatedly contradict God’s Truth and thereby judge Him (Rom. 3:4). Who can judge God? Only another, and greater, God. When one accuses the Biblical God of lying or of being mistaken the accuser automatically infers that he/she is superior to Him and is more able to determine truth and error, right and wrong, holiness and sin, etc.
This feeling of self-importance and superiority to the Biblical God is THE common thread that runs through the whole of professing Christendom. For proof, read the Introduction page to this website where I have listed a number of beliefs and customs put forth by professing Christendom as “Bible truth”. These are “truths” that the Catholic church embraced after forcing all heathen people within the Roman Empire to “convert” from their various Babylonian mystery religions. Many, if not most of those listed were embraced by the church in order to appease the heathen converts. When the so-called “Protestants” left with Martin Luther they took the church’s pagan beliefs with them. Let it be known that the so-called protesters did not leave the Catholic Church because of false doctrines, they left because of the personal practices of the priesthood, such as the granting of “indulgencies,” not to mention their sexual activities.
Jesus said as recorded in Luke 9:23-26 that those who have kept and practiced His “sayings” (which includes the Old Testament) but do not obey them are “… ashamed of me and My words.” He added that, because of this, He will be ashamed of them upon His return to earth. For anyone who is still not convinced of God’s jealousy concerning His Words, I submit the following.
In 2 John 1:9 the apostle writes: “Whosoever does not obey “THIS DOCTRINE” has neither Jesus nor God. Only those who obey THE (ONE AND ONLY) DOCTRINE (2 Tim. 3:16,17) have both the Father and the Son. Those who claim to belong to God and Christ but do not obey their Word have been deceived by Satan (Rev. 12:9) through His false prophets who have been deceived by his fallen angels known Biblically as “devils,” commonly known as “demons.” Note that the words “TRUTH,” “DOCTRINE” AND “WORD” are all SINGULAR. This is because God’s Word cannot be divided into various categories such as true, false and questionable. God views His Word/doctrine/Truth as one entity. We must talk the entire Bible or leave the entire Bible. If God and Christ lied or were wrong on one point, They could be wrong on other points. This cannot be. This is why Jesus said that we must “… LIVE BY EVERY WORD THAT PROCEEDS FROM THE MOUTH OF GOD” (Mat. 4:4). He also said to the Father: “… Thy Word (singular) is Truth” (Lk. 17:17). Christendom’s false prophets declare openly and proudly that they, being superior to God and Christ, have assumed the role of arbiters of Biblical Truth. They have made themselves gods, thereby committing idolatry, thereby breaking the first commandment in God’s Law.
In 2 John 1:10,11 the apostle tells us to reject anyone who preaches anything other than THE ONE DOCTRINE–THE GOSPEL OF CHRIST. Paul warned the Galatians against those who would come with “another gospel” which, he said, was not actually another Gospel, but rather a perversion of the true Gospel (1:6-9). This would be a gospel preached by “another Jesus” which, as he warned the church at Corinth, some would embrace if such a Jesus were presented (2 Cor. 11:4). As stated in another posting, each denomination, faith, cult, etc. within professing Christendom has its own Jesus, God, plan of salvation, etc.
In Romans 16:17,18 Paul tells us to “mark” (identify) and “avoid” such leaders for they deceive the “simple” people whom Jesus described as those: “… who draw near to Me and honor Me with their lips, but their heart is far from Me.” These people worshiped Him “in vain” by obeying man’s commandments and ignoring His doctrines (Mat. 15:8,9). In Matthew 7:21-23 Jesus warned that He would reject those people at judgment because He has never known them. The Institutional Church is filled with such people today.
Those who abide in “the church” have never heard God’s Truth. They know only Biblical “headlines.” Satan has kept them so far from God’s “fine print” that, when it is presented to them, they reject it, believing that it came from Satan. I once administered the Lord’s healing to a woman who, after acknowledging that she was indeed healed, then claimed that I had used witchcraft to heal her. In making that statement she blasphemed the Holy Spirit. God told me He was going to kill her. She died in her sleep about two months later for no medical reason. She was not the first church doubter God killed for rejecting His Word from me.
Though the faith problem is deadly, the solution is readily available: Follow the example of the publican (Lk. 18:13); separate from the simple (2 Cor. 6:14-7:1); enter the Lord’s strait gate and walk His narrow way that leads to eternal life (Mat. 7:13,14). The ways of Catholicism/Protestantism (wide gate and broad way) lead to death. L.J.
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