(3) Number three on our list of favorite statements designed to support WOKE and DEI-based (Satanic) theology is as follows: “Church leaders should preach and teach CHURCH DOCTRINE and the laity should follow their teaching.” Church doctrine is man’s wishful thinking relative to the Word of God. Liberal ideology, especially in the spiritual realm, forms around the “truth” that WISHING IS REALITY. In the series on Transreligion (Key word) I point out that the world has followed the church by embracing the ideology that what WHAT A GROUP WANTS SOMETHING TO BE, THAT IS WHAT IT IS, REGARDLESS OF THE FACTS INVOLVED. Each division (denomination) within the Counterfeit Church has designed its own reality based on the theology of its founder. God’s Holy Word is accepted only when it confirms church “truth” (what the group wants it to be, which becomes truth/fact) which becomes church doctrine).
The only reason for creating church doctrine is the church’s rejection of God’s doctrine. Jesus spoke to this hypocrisy as recorded in Matthew 15:7-9 where He says to a group of religious leaders who were twisting God’s Words to fit their version of truth: “You hypocrites, rightly did Isaiah prophesy about you, saying: ‘these people draw near to Me with their mouths and honor Me with their lips, but their hearts are far from Me. THEY WORSHIP ME IN VAIN BY TEACHING THE COMMANDMENTS OF MEN INSTEAD OF THE DOCTRINES OF GOD.” By so doing they “MAKE THE COMMANDMENTS OF GOD OF NO EFFECT” (VS 6). This statement perfectly describes the theology of the modern day (Laodicean) church which Jesus characterizes in Revelation 3:14-18.
Jesus had earlier addressed this abomination in Matthew 7:21-23 when He said: “Not everyone who says to (calls) Me, ‘Lord, Lord’ will enter into the kingdom of heaven. Only they who do the will of My Father Who is in heaven,” will enter that kingdom. On the Day of Judgment many will say to Me, ‘Lord, Lord, we have prophesied (spoken) in Your Name. In Your name we have cast out devils, and in Your name we have done many wonderful works.’ Then I will say unto them, ‘I NEVER KNEW YOU; GET AWAY FROM ME YOU WHO PRACTICE INIQUITY. “Iniquity” is a Greek word that means “LAWLESSNESS.” These will be those leaders and their disciples who have preached and believed that God’s holy, eternal Law was “nailed to the cross” of Jesus Christ. The Apostle James stated that to break one commandment in the Ten Commandment Law is to BREAK THE ENTIRE LAW. The vast majority of those in the Institutional Catholic/Protestant Church “know” that the Ten Commandment Law was destroyed by God. However, the Apostle John stated that God’s definition of sin is thus: “To transgress the Law is sin; FOR SIN IS THE TRANSGRESSION OF THE LAW” (1 Jn. 3:4). The Apostle Paul noted that “The Law is holy, just and good” (Rom. 7:12). The Prophet Isaiah stated that the Messiah would come to earth to “magnify the Law and make it honorable” (again) after man had vilified it (Isa. 42:21). For the past 1900 years church leaders have taught, and their followers have practiced, Satan’s version of God’s Truth, thereby making God’s Holy Word “of no effect” within the church world.
Why is the church obsessed with destroying God’s Law? Because removing it removes God’s definition of sin. Now man can define sin to be whatever he wants sin to be. There being no God-defined sin, there is no need for a savior from on high to forgive man for breaking man’s self-defined sins. That leaves man himself as his own messiah. God calls this abomination IDOLATRY. The Institutional Church is an idolatrous institution whose members use the words “God,” “Lord” and “Jesus” occasionally in order to make themselves feel religious. God is about to pour out His wrath on that Satanic institution. She will not turn from her wickedness until she is in the Great Tribulation. Read about the church’s choices of actions and outcomes while in the coming Tribulation in the series using the word Multitude as the key.
(4) “The church must offer to ALL PEOPLE a “safe space” where they can feel comfortable, regardless of their lifestyle. The church must present a holistic (all things to all people) gospel that welcomes everyone.” The true Church of God is “the (one and only) body of Christ,” meaning the (one and only) holy body of which CHRIST IS THE ONE AND ONLY HEAD OF THE ONE AND ONLY CHURCH. The religious system known as “the church” declares holiness to be an impossible goal due to Adam’s supposed sin gene transferal miracle. I have been ridiculed for quoting such Scriptural passages as First Peter 1:15,16; 2:5 and 2:9. The question that always arises is: “If only the righteous are saved and are part of the one true church, how do sinners get saved?”
My answer is: TEACH THEM OUTSIDE OF THE CHURCH (BODY OF CHRIST) SETTING. If I were the pastor of a church, I would not allow a sinner to enter a church meeting. He/she and I would have as many one-on-one, Bible-searching sessions as would be necessary for me to declare him/her truly converted. Only then would he/she be allowed to enter the Body of Christ, “in Whom (Christ) there is NO DARKNESS (SIN) AT ALL.” (1 Jn. 1:5). One cannot be allowed to bring sin (darkness) into the Body of Christ Who is the Head of THAT ONE AND ONLY CHRISTIAN BODY. For sin to enter Christ’s body (the true church) would make First John 1:5 a lie. If sinners were allowed to be part of the true Church of God, the resulting monstrosity would be “THE CATHOLIC/PROTESTANT RELIGIOUS SYSYEM KNOWN AS “THE CHURCH.” Read “My People Called By My Name” and Who are God’s People? Key words–Called and People respectively. God’s one and only body is found throughout the world, normally meeting in homes. In the city in which I now live I had a home church with three parishioners. Since then one has died and two have moved away.
(5) “We must allow sinners into the church; after all, we are all sinners.” Which is true. Which proves that those in “the church” are not God’s people who will rise to meet him in the clouds during the first resurrection–“the resurrection of the firstfruits” (1 Cor. 15:23). Here we are told that CHRIST IS THE FIRST OF THE FIRSTFRUITS. THOSE WHO “WALK AS HE WALKED” (1 Jn. 2:6) AND “OVERCOME AS HE OVERCAME” (Rev. 3:21) WILL JOIN HIM IN THE AIR. These and only these saints will live with Father and Son in the earthly Kingdom of God and rule the earth and the universe with Them forever. Read The Three Resurrections, The Kingdom of God and God’s Very Elect, Future Caretakers of the Universe. Key words–Three, Kingdom and Caretakers respectively.
Using God’s Word, I have repeatedly pointed out that only holy, righteous, godly people are in God’s true church, which, Jesus tells us, is very small. As I have point out, a religious civil war is coming. As the war against God’s true saints heats up, the true church will become even smaller. As Jesus tells us in Matthew 10, children will turn on their parents and parents will turn on their children. One’s enemies will be those closest to them. Though existing at the present time, present day persecution against God’s true saints is othing comparing to the persecution that is coming soon against them. Why will God’s people be persecuted? Because they will not merely survive the famine, disease pandemics, spiritual warfare, etc. that are soon to envelope the earth (Mat. 24:7), they will prosper while everyone else struggles to stay alive, which masses of people will fail to do. As a result, God’s “peculiar” people will be accused of causing the famine. As Jesus said in Matthew 24, by the time THE famine and THE disease pandemic hit, many regional famines and pestilences will have taken place throughout the world. THE end-time famine will aid the “false prophet” in his goal of uniting the world’s people into one religion. Having succeeded, he will declare war on those who refuse to take the “mark of the beast” which will identify one as a Sunday Sabbath observer which will allow him/her to buy, sell, work, etc. Read the previous series.
There is an old saying that “THE WORLD IS GOING TO HELL IN A HANDBASKET.” Never before in the history of the world was this statement been more true. In the past, segments of the world’s population have been obliterated, defeated and enslaved as God became less and less a part of mankind’s life. What this generation will witness and be a part of is a level of terror, destruction and death never before experienced. Read The Great Tribulation. Key word–Tribulation. But before the Tribulation Period wreaks havoc on the world, there will take place a religious civil war in which all religions will unite under the one world-famous religious leader known as the “false prophet” who is written about in Revelation 16:13; 19:20 and 20:10. Under the leadership of that man, whom I believe will be the reigning Catholic pope who will be backed by a world-ruling government known as the “beast,” a concerted effort to eradicate God’s true saints will take place. I believe that the war will last 3 1/2 years and end with the Lord taking His true church to “her place” where, over the following 3 1/2 years, He will protect and provide for His Very Elect saints (holy ones) who, 3 1/2 years later, will rise to meet Jesus in the air upon His return to earth. That group will be tiny. Only the Lord’s holy, righteous, godly saints will be part of it. Read Romans 5:21 and 6:22. As the Apostle Peter tells us in 1 Peter 4:18, judgment is taking place in the church now, and ONLY THE RIGHTEOUS WILL BE SAVED, AND THEY SCARCELY” (few in number).
Today, if you are a part of the Catholic/Protestant Religious System known as “the church,” you are being lied to. If you believe what you are being told, you are believing a lie. If you are living as you are being led to live, you are living a lie. Read Second Corinthians 6:14-7:1 and Revelation 18:4 and act accordingly. L.J.
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