In this posting we will examine a few statements heard within the Institutional Church which are used to justify her WOKE and DEI beliefs and actions relative to what the church believes that she should be in this enlightened age. We will also study the Holy Scriptures in order to discern the Lord’s attitude toward the Satan-induced theological principles that are taking the church world by storm. Prophecies found in God’s Word warn us about what we now see taking place on the evening news. Read Leviticus 26 and Deuteronomy 28, beginning with verses 13 and 14 respectively. What you will read is God’s warning to His people about the “STORM” He is preparing to send their way. Jesus said that what we are seeing take place now is merely “… the beginning of sorrows” (Mat. 24:8)–the warm-up act before the main event. Read The “Voices” of God. Key word–Voices. This beginning of His sorrows (vss 3-7) is like a gentle breeze before the arrival of a category 5 tornado, or like a slight tremor before the arrival of a category 10 earthquake, if there is a cat. 10.
In the following paragraph I will list five statements which summarize why the church’s WOKE and DEI obsession is affecting (and afflicting) not only the church, but the social, political, educational, commercial and military sectors throughout the world. The WOKE and DEI disease is specifically attacking “Christian Nations” because they were chosen by God to lead the world’s Gentiles to Him. Having blessed them mightily, then and having found them in a full-fledged state of apostasy (falling away), He is beginning to unleash the fulness of His wrath after two thousand years of minor attacks (“voices”) such as two world wars, disease pandemics, invasions, “natural” disasters, etc. in an attempt to get the church’s attention and convince her to turn from her wicked ways. In that Christianity’s host nations follow the leading of the church, the Lord was also trying to turn the nations back to Him in the spiritual reversal process, but to no avail. Both church and state have sown the wind. Unless there is a wholesale reversal of spiritual direction, they both will reap the whirlwind. Sadly, the church/nation consortium is refusing to hear the warnings issued by God’s apostles. Instead, the church is using her own “truths” to justify her apostasy. Following the listing of five such statements, we will delve into the mind (Word) of the Lord in order to determine His will concerning the direction both the church and the state are taking.
Though there are a number of talking points being expressed, we will examine five that summarize the theology being expressed by much of professing Christendom in an attempt to legitimize her WOKE and DEI obsession. Those statements are as follows: (1) “We need to pray about this situation.” (2) “Don’t say anything that would harm your witness or your family relationships.” (3) “Ministers should uphold church doctrine and the laity should follow their lead.” (4) The church must be a “safe place” for all people regardless of his or her lifestyle. We need a holistic approach to church activities and teachings so that all people will feel welcome. (5) “Allowing sinners into the church is true Christianity. After all, we are all sinners.”
(1) Recall in Matthew 10 that Jesus warned those who would believe and obey His message that the world (everyone outside of His tiny church) would hate them (His true saints) just as the world hated Him. It is important that we remember that He was hated BECAUSE OF HIS MESSAGE OF STRICT OBEDIENCE TO THE HOLY SCRIPTURES–GOD’S LAW/TRUTH/LIGHT/GOSPEL IN PRINT. Part of His message involved prayer. God’s Bible authors noted time and again that praying to God in Jesus’ name is a waste of time IF we do not obey His Law–the entire Bible summarized in The Ten Commandments. His insistence on obedience is made abundantly clear in Second Chronicles 7:13-15 where the Lord is speaking to those who made up His “church (assembly) in the wilderness” (Acts 7:38) and those who make up “the church” today.
To the 99.99% of professing Christendom who believe that the Law was “nailed it to Christ’s cross,” recall that “The (New Testament) church is founded on the teachings of THE PROPHETS AND THE APOSTLES” (Eph. 2:20). Note that, to the Lord, the Old and New Testaments are of equal value. For the first sixty years of her existence the New Testament Church had only the Old Testament to study for spiritual guidance. Remember that Paul was on his way to the synagogues in Damascus to find believers in Christ when he was struck down (Acts 9:2). Remember also that he sent believing Gentiles to the local synagogues to learn God’s Word (Acts 15:21). Read about the Old Testament’s place in the New Testament Church in that series using the key word–Old.
In Second Chronicles the Lord says to His congregation anciently and today: “If I (God) shut up heaven so that there is no rain, or if I (God) command locusts to destroy the land, or if I (God) send pestilence (disease epidemics) AMONG MY PEOPLE ….” Note that it is THE LORD HIMSELF Who places those curses on people who are called by His name (vss 14,15). To such people He states that IF they will “… HUMBLE THEMSELVES, PRAY, SEEK MY FACE AND TURN FROM THEIR WICKED WAYS, THEN (AND ONLY THEN) will I HEAR from heaven, FORGIVE their sins and HEAL their land. THEN (AND ONLY THEN) My eyes will be OPEN, and My ears will HEAR THEIR PRAYERS ….” Note it: GOD DOES NOT HEAR THE PRAYERS OF A SINNING CHURCHITE. HE ANSWERS ONLY THE PRAYERS HE HEARS. TO SO-CALLED “SINNERS SAVED BY GRACE” (SSBG) HIS MESSAGE IS CLEAR: THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS A SINNING SAINT. “(ONLY) THEY WHO ARE LED BY THE SPIRIT OF GOD ARE THE SONS OF GOD” (ROM. 8:14). THE HOLY SPIRIT DOES NOT LEAD CHURCH PEOPLE TO SIN. FOR SSBG, HE TURNS THEIR HEAVEN INTO BRASS SO THAT THEIR PRAYERS CANNOT GET THROUGH TO HIM. Take it from one who knows from experience, those words are true.
Only a minutely few church prayers are answered. I am guessing not more than one percent. Why? because church people refuse to seek out God’s “FINE PRINT” which explains HOW TO RECEIVE what God has promised. His “HEADLINES” tell us WHAT is available. His “fine print” tell us HOW to receive the promises. Jesus said that only a few would search out all of His Truths (Mat. 7:13,14; 22:14). The majority do not see the need because they are told repeatedly by Satan’s false prophets that God requires that they “only believe” in to enter into and remain in His good graces. Total acceptance of this Satanic lie explains why only a minutely few church prayers are ever answered. When they are answered, God grants the sinner’s petition IN SPITE OF THEIR SINS. Recall that He mercifully “sends sunshine and rain on the just and the unjust.” Another church-defined truth states that, because sin is inevitable due to Adam’s sin-transferal miracle, forgiveness is automatically awarded when requested. Read Is Forgiveness Automatic? Key word–Automatic.
(2) Jesus noted that He did not come to bring peace to the earth. He came with a sword–the sword of the Holy Spirit (the Bible) that cuts going in and coming out, slicing upward and slicing downward. Pardon the raw language. But why else does the Almighty call His Word His “SWORD,” and not His feather? A sword has only one purpose–to produce death. Accordingly, the true salvation seeker must use God’s sword to slay himself–to spiritually circumcise his mind (heart), thereby removing everything that is not of the Lord. Only those who do so can be led by His Spirit from within his heart. God’s Holy Spirit does not share living space (the person’s heart/mind) with sin. One either obeys God or Satan. As Moses said to the nation of Israel: “Choose you this day whom you will serve, EITHER God OR Satan.” Read Revelation 3:14-18 where God describes the modern church whose spiritual bent is to serve both, for which God likens her to spiritual vomit.
God’s Word lays out for the Truth seeker where his/her theology conforms to His will and where it conflicts with His will. The Bible is God’s will in print; Jesus was His will in the flesh, which is what we must be–Jesus being our holy (and only) Example. The purpose of such a self-inflicted sword attack is to show salvation seeker where he/she must make life-altering spiritual changes in order to get to where God demands him/her to be spiritually. The true saint’s spiritual goal is characterized in Ephesians 4;13 where we are told that we must grow in righteousness until we: “come to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ.” There is no alternative–it is all or nothing at all.
No matter how close we are to God, we need to compare our lives to His Word continually in order to assure ourselves that we are “walking with Him” which is possible only if “there is agreement” between the saint and God (Amos 3:3). There is no such thing as partial oneness. Sorry, Sinners Saved By Grace (SSBG), you are not what you think you are. Having lived that life for many years, I know what I am talking about, unlike your hirelings who know what Satan is talking about.
Relative to the information provided in this posting, what we are witnessing is truly a phenomenon: WHILE THE BUSINESS WORLD IS SEEING THE LIGHT AND BEGINNING TO USE SOME GOD-GIVEN COMMON SENSE, THE CHURCH IS IN FULL-SATAN MODE. The business world seems to be more God-conscious than the church as it is now ridding itself of its WOKE AND DEI craziness. Loss of income tends to have that effect.
Both church and state had better be changing drastically, for both are about to experience a shaking like never before IF people do not follow God’s commands in Second Chronicles 7:13-15. In order to prepare for what is coming, we must plumb the depths of God’s Holy Scriptures in search of His IF caveats. The word “if” is the ultimate “fine print” word which is found over 500 times in the Holy Bible. Remember, the Lord is in the “fine print.”
As I have noted before, I believe that we will remain in a “revival” season briefly. Then things will return to the spiritual deadness in which so-called Christianity has been languishing for many generations. With the end of the “revival season” and the church’s return to normalcy the Lord will begin to pour out His wrath as depicted in Revelation 6. This Tribulation Period will begin following the church civil war that I wrote about in the previous series.
Only in the Godhead will one find the promised “peace that passes all understanding” in the midst of the coming religious civil war which I believe will begin within four years. I believe that it will be encouraged, possible led by Donald Trump who will believe that he is walking in the will of God. If I am right, he will join with the United Nations, the European Union and their leader–the reigning Catholic Pope which I believe will be Francis who will lead the world to establish an internationally-enforced Sunday Sabbath Law. Those who accept that law will receive the “Mark of the Beast” which will allow them to buy, sell, work etc. Those who refuse to embrace Satan’s Sabbath will be outcasts and will be totally dependent on their God Who will sustain them while they remain in the midst of Satan’s people. I believe that our well-being in the face of world poverty will be a major reason for the world’s hatred toward us. At the appointed time the Lord will take His tiny church them to “her place” of safety, which I believe will be in a mountain range called Petra located in Jordan. Read Revelation 12:14.
Following the removal of God’s remnant from the line of fire, the Great Tribulation/Day of the Lord period will sink sinning man into a state of terror, destruction, death and enslavement that will last 3 1/2 years. Read about this time using the key word–Tribulation.
We can escape that horrendous future. All that is required is our death–our death to self. Leave self at the foot of the cross. Walk away from Satan and his counterfeit church. Find God’s church (even if it is only available on-line) and follow after Christ by “walking as He walked” while on earth (1 Jn. 2:6). Do not let Satan’s false prophets tell you that there is an easier way. The “only believe” path to salvation does not exist. We are told that we must “count the cost” (Lk. 14:28) of following Jesus, determine to pay that cost–then do it. The cost will probably involve alienation from family and friends, at least on the spiritual level. It will hurt, but it is necessary. Read Matthew 10. Only those who walk as Jesus walked will sit with Him on His throne in the Kingdom of God whose capital will be New Jerusalem. Read The Kingdom of God. Key word–Kingdom. L.J.
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