DISAFFILIATION means to separate parties who were previously in agreement intellectually, physically, politically, etc. Upon their separation, each party goes in its own direction and the unified group no longer exists. In the spiritual realm the word refers to the separation of God’s true church as it was in her early stages from what she has become over the years since her creation. The disaffiliation process began soon after her founding as Satan immediately attacked God’s people by sending his (the devil’s) ministers into God’s “sheepfold” (true church), not by way of the “the Door”–the “Good Shepherd” (Jesus), but by “climbing up (over the wall) another way.” By offering an easier, more user-friendly, totally self-governing way to serve Him, Satan’s false shepherds (prophets) quickly gained control of those who were and continue to call themselves God’s people while refusing to obey His Word/Law/Gospel/Truth/Light. This is explained in the series whose key word is Called. These are they to whom Jesus was speaking in Matthew 7:21-23 and 15:9,10.
It is essential that you understand that this series does not involve God’s true church–that tiny group of Law-keeping saints whom God has used to keep His Truth flame–His divine Light–alive throughout the church’s 2000-year history. God’s true church is the mustard seed-sized global congregation that He calls His REMNANT, HIS LITTLE FLOCK, HIS PECULIAR, HOLY PRIESTHOOD that has survived in spite of everything Satan and his church system has thrown at them.
Relative to the size of God’s global congregation, Henderson County, Texas is an excellent example. His only church in the county in which I live consists of two people other than myself. This in spite of the fact that I have, over many years, written newspaper articles telling the people of the county, and some outside the county, exactly what I tell you on this website. As I mentioned in a previous series, that newspaper stopped printing my articles–which I paid for–a couple of years ago. The widely-read publication had for decades been an honest, dependable, award-winning six-day-a-week product. Since refusing my submissions it has become an embarrassingly pitiful, three-day-a-week rag which is approximately half of its previous size, most of which concerns the local god–sports. A spokesman for the paper told me personally that he would not print an article that I submit. I believe that the newspaper’s demise is God’s punishment for refusing to publish His Word which the readers do not hear in their religious establishments which God calls ABOMINATIONS.
It is those abominations, commonly called “churches,” that this series is about. Much has been made of the fact that there is in progress a DISAFFILIATION taking place within the Counterfeit (Catholic/Protestant) Religious System whose claim to religious fame is that they all reject God’s Truths that do not agree with their widely-differing, conflicting, competing doctrines. Those who are involved in the church split are bickering over how best to serve their god–Satan–the “god of this world” (2 Cor. 4:4) who has “deceived the whole world” (Rev. 12:9). The Apostle Paul, writing TO the church ABOUT the church, stated that the Lord’s Gospel “is hidden from those who are lost,” though they are in “the church.” Paul goes on to say that “the god of this world has blinded the minds of those (in the church) who do not believe God’s Word, thereby preventing God’s Light from shining on them” and thereby removing the darkness in which self-professed “sinners saved by grace” live while believing that they are in God’s Light (living according to His Word/will/Truth/Gospel). NEVER UNDERSTIMATE SATAN’S POWER OVER THE CHURCH.
To both the religious and the non-religious worlds, the break-up of the Institutional Church is becoming an ugly spectacle. In this series we will look at a number or so arguments for keeping “the church” together even when there are differences within the various groups over various issues that we will discuss in this series. The major problem in this situation involves deception-SATAN HAS DECEIVED 99.99% OF SALVATION SEEKERS INTO BELIEVING THAT THEY ARE THE CHURCH CREATED BY AND CONTROLLED BY THE BIBLICAL GOD, AND THAT AS SUCH THEY NEED NOT CONSULT THE BIBLE FOR THEIR MARCHING ORDERS. SATAN HAS CONVINCED THEM TO DEPEND ON THEIR LEADERS FOR TRUTH. I know this is true because I believed and ministered those lies for several years before the true God showed me the church’s god and showed me the Biblical Truth that I had always craved. He then called me to share His Truth with whomever has ears to hear and eyes to see His Light, believe it and obey it.
As He warned in Matthew 7:13,14; 20:14, though many would be called to enter His strait (difficult) gate leading into His sheepfold (true church) and walk His narrow (strict) way leading to eternal life, few would choose to do so. As was the case with Adam and Eve, Satan’s false light is so much easier and his way is so much broader than God’s narrow, highly segregating, iron-clad rules for attaining eternal life. Ironically, Satan promises that the reward for choosing his way will be the same as the reward for obeying the Biblical God–eternal life in paradise. Satan assures those who disobey God and obey him that they “… shall not surely die.” The spiritual descendants of Adam and Eve believe that, because they are in “the church,” the wages of their sins is not DEATH, as God says, but rather ETERNAL LIFE as Satan says. Adam and Eve heard the same spiel and set the pattern for rebellion against God. The only difference between then and now is the size of Satan’s congregation.
Again, let me remind you that this series concerns, not God’s tiny true church which remains in the shadows of so-called Christianity. This series concerns the entire Catholic/Protestant Religious System known as “the church.” One day all concerned will unite and come against God’s people with everything they have, including governmental backing. Political leaders who claim to be Christians, wear crosses, etc. will fall in line with Satan’s flow. Their trusting disciples will follow in their footsteps. All will join Satan’s army BELIEVING THAT THEY ARE SERVING THE TRUE GOD BY COMING AGAINST A TINY GROUP OF BIBLE ZEALOTS THAT WILL BE CAUSING SO MUCH TROUBLE. Read the previous series.
One of the arguments against the on-going church’s DISAFFILIATION craze is that there is no place in the church for the break-up of families and friendships that invariably take place following a church split. This in spite of the Words of Jesus Christ as recorded in Matthew chapter ten where He says: “Do not think that I came to bring peace on earth, but rather a sword (His sword of the Spirit–His Holy Word). In that chapter He said that family members would betray one another and cause one another to be put to death for their stand relative to Him.
Warning: For those who think that this could not take place in God’s true church, Jesus said that in the final days Satan would be so convincing that even the Very Elect will be subject to his temptations. Note that NOT EVEN GOD’S TRUE SAINTS ARE EXEMPT FROM SATAN’S TEMPTATIONS. NOT EVEN JESUS CHRIST WAS IMMUNE FROM HIS ATTACKS. Recall that Jesus was under so much pressure to save His own life that He “sweated great drops of blood” due to the strain he was under (Lk. 22:44). He knew what was coming and asked His Father to spare Him that terror and pain. But being the true Son that He was (and is), He said, “Father, not My will, but thine be done.” If the man Jesus was subject to Satan’s temptations while on earth, what does that say about us? While walking the earth like those around Him He stated that, just as all other men had to obey the Ten Commandment Law (including #4), in order to “remain in His (Christ’s) love,” CHRIST HIMSELF had to obey that same Law in order to “remain in God’s love” (Jn. 15:10/ 1 Jn. 2:3-5). Both Jesus and his fellow man must obey the Law in order to complete their tasks and accomplish what they have been assigned to do. For mortal man, the end result of keeping God’s Law will be salvation upon Christ’s return (Rom. 5:21; 6:22). For the man Jesus the end result was to become the Savior of those who kept His Father’s Law during their earthly tenure AS DID HE. Only those who do will be able to reject Satan’s temptations as did the man Jesus and thereby be allowed to sit with Him on His throne in the Kingdom of God (Rev. 3:21).
DO NOT ALLOW SATAN’S FALSE PROPHETS TO LEAD YOU AWAY FROM THE TRUTHS YOU LEARN BY READING THIS WEBSITE. REGARDLESS OF THE COSTS, AND THERE WILL BE COSTS, TAKE UP YOUR CROSS AND FOLLOW HIM WHO SHOWED US HOW TO DIE TO SELF AND LIVE TO GOD. Read Matthew 10. Those who follow the teachings of the apostles are subject to the same treatment by the world and its church system that they received. And remember what Jesus said in Matthew 10, if you follow Him your three main human enemies will be your family, your former churchmates and the government under which you live. L.J.
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