Previously in this series I mentioned a few examples of how Satan, through his fallen angels called “devils” or “demons,” has gained control over the mental and physical lives of the world’s population beginning in the Garden of Eden. Adam and Eve’s descendants followed in their spiritual footsteps. At one point God had to kill every human being on earth, except Noah and his family, because: “God saw that the wickedness of man was great on the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart (mind) was only on evil continually. And the Lord regretted that He had made man on the earth; it grieved Him in His heart” (Gen. 6:5,6). Those days have returned.
Anciently God saved Noah–“a preacher of righteousness”–and his family in order to repopulate the earth. Noah had preached God’s commands for holiness and righteousness–the result of obeying Him. Mankind did not want to hear God’s Words. Instead, he determined what was right and wrong and lived accordingly. Matters of good and evil were subjective–each one did what was right in his own eyes. The lesson the Lord taught by destroying the world’s population was rejected by the following generations. In Judges 17:6 we find God’s chosen people repeating the sins of their ancestors. Because “there was no king in Israel” to lead the people in the ways of the Lord, the Israelites turned away from Him. It is because the United States has rejected the KING OF KINGS that she is at present wallowing in Satan’s spiritual, physical, economic, political and social sewer.
In the life of man there are no accidents. This reality becomes especially meaningful in those who are focused on pleasing God. Such few people realize that whatever happens to them is either caused by God or allowed by God. I learned this Truth through many experiences, many of them painful. Because God’s true saints, “Thank God always for all things in the name of Jesus Christ” because “all things work together for good to those who love God, who are called according to His purpose” (Rom. 8:28). “All things” often includes sickness, disaster, “accidents,” social interactions, wars, so-called “natural disasters,” etc. Read God’s Warning Voices: Where are They? and The Meaning of the Cross. Key words–Voices and Meaning respectively. Note that only those who answer God’s call to FULFILL HIS PURPOSE (obedience to His Word) for their lives have all things–both negative and positive–working for their good. As the “voices” series reveals, God either causes those types of hardships or, as is the case of demon involvement, allows Satan to cause them, as were the cases discussed in the previous posting. The fact that the Apostle Paul told the church to be thankful for ALL things is interesting. Church people are thankful for the positive things that happen to them. But only a minutely few realize that the negative things they suffer are administered by or allowed by God for a positive REASON–TO GET THEIR ATTENTION AND POINT THEM TO HIS WORD. This rarely works. Most people assume that what they are experiencing “is what it is.” In other words, normal. But why is it normal. Read Leviticus 26 and Deuteronomy 28 where God tells us that whether we are blessed or cursed in this life DEPENDS ENTIRELY ON US. His life formula is: Obey Me and be blessed; disobey Me and be cursed.
I have a preacher friend whom God repeatedly knocks to the ground–literally. I have told her His Truth but she is too engrained in church theology to hear it, for which she has paid, is paying and will pay a terrible price. He has shown me what He is going to do to her if she does not obey Him. It is not pretty. On this website I have in the past written about three individuals who refused to hear God’s message He had sent to them through me. All three rejected what I told them. All three died shortly afterward for no medical reason.
God has allowed Satan to take over and rule the Catholic/Protestant church system because the people refuse to believe and obey His Word. In the Introduction to this website I list a number of heathen beliefs and practices the church has turned into foundational principles to be believed and practiced. How did this happen? How did Satan get control of the Institutional Church? I believe that secular science has inadvertently provided the answer, at least in part. I will add the final touches to what these God-rejecting geniuses have come up with.
I recently read that science has determined that there is a cause and effect link between RELIGIOUS FUNDAMENTALISM AND BRAIN DAMAGE. I agree with them, as far as they go, which falls far short of the whole Truth. I agree because the so-called “fundamentalists” are as wrong as their not-so-fundamentalist brethren. BOTH ARE TOTALLY WRONG, if we can take God at His Word. Those in both camps mbrace the heathen beliefs and practices listed on the Introduction page of this website. In the fundamentalist=brain damage article it is noted that fundamentalists refuse to listen to or consider the theological beliefs that they do not accept. This is true. The more fundamental the person, the harder it is to teach him/her God’s Biblical Truth. Though this is not the way the scientists presented their theory, the principle they proclaim applies to all within professing Christendom. The depth of Bible rejection depends on which group one is addressing.
Because those in the Institutional Church, including the fundamentalists, have embraced Satan’s perverted Gospel (Gal. 1:6-9) and will not hear anything that in any way contradicts their beliefs. However, the fundamentalists the “storm troopers” of the church’s false Gospel. They are more adamant than their counterparts when it comes to believing Satan and rejecting God. Where the nominal church member is somewhat “ho-hum” about church doctrine (Satan’s gospel), the fundamentalists adamantly proclaim that every word of that gospel must be obeyed. The problem is that what both groups cling to are the false doctrines and practices listed on the Introduction page. Both nominal and fundamentalist people insist that Satan’s version of God’s Holy Bible is true. Fundamentalists simply insist more adamantly. This ministry has the job of telling church people, including so-called fundamentalists, that what they believe is dead wrong. Needless to say, the church, especially the fundamentalist wing, refuses to listen.
Because of religious man’s refusal to believe and obey God’s Word He has allowed Satan to take control of the entire Catholic and Protestant church consortium. This is a deadly self-inflicted wound–a spiritual “bullet” into the brains of those who participate in Satan’s church system. The scientists are right, but only so far. They focus only on the fundamentalists. If the Scriptures can be believed, all in the Institutional Church suffer brain damage due to their refusal to believe and obey God’s Word. Satan has had His way with almost 100% success. Only a minutely few believers take God at His Word. The masses, including the fundamentalists, flatly refuse to listen to or read the Lord’s Bible Truth. Rather, they take church leaders, who also listen to demons, at their word which, as I have proven many times, is actually Satan’s word. The end result has been, is and will continue to be brain damage which renders its victim unable to entertain the possibility that they can be wrong. In most cases, the church’s problems are caused by demons that must be cast out in order to allow God’s Truth to invade their minds. And in that the church does not believe what I have written in this series, she just keeps staying the devil’s course. And he smiles. L.J.
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