“If you believe in Jesus Christ you have the Holy Spirit.” This radio statement sent a spiritual chill down my spiritual spine early Sunday morning as I left home to do some work. As He has done so many times before, God had me turn on the car radio at the exact instant the afore-mentioned statement was uttered. I do not normally listen to the radio on Sunday because of what the Apostle Paul called the “perverted Gospel” that normally spews out of it. Therefore I knew God had worked yet another miracle. Over the previous two days I had been asking Him for guidance relative to my next series. During that time I had not been able to get away from the eighth chapter of John’s Gospel. Now I knew why. What follows is the message the all-knowing God and creator of the universe had been preparing for me to share with you. In chapter eight we find Jesus in the Temple compound where a large number of people had come to hear the Law read and taught by a Temple priest. By this time in His ministry Jesus had become well-known, but not necessarily liked. Relative to this carpenter-turned-preacher from Nazareth, the religious jury was still out. As we will see, the jury was about to render a verdict which would affect the course of His human life. As was usually the case, within the crowd around Him was a contingent of scribes and Pharisees who, until his death, harassed Him continually. This time they had brought with them a prostitute who had been caught in the very act of sin. Question: how did they do that? The story is well known so I will not go into the details. When her accusers finished their case, Jesus forgave her, then gave her a command directly from on high. Here we find one of those “fine print” statements that are deliberately over-looked and adamantly denied in religious circles. As a result we NEVER hear sermons preached on this most important aspect of forgiveness. The first five words of His statement form the “headline” that every church person KNOWS is true: “Neither do I condemn you.” However, the following six “fine print” words are rejected outright and preached against: “… GO AND SIN NO MORE” (vs 11). False prophets proclaim that this is impossible due to Adam’s universal sin-transferal miracle. According to religious leaders, humankind’s first magician arranged for his sin gene to infect the dna of every person who would ever be born on planet earth. Church-ordained “sinners saved by grace” have assured us for 2000 years that “No one can obey the law.” This Satanic lie is part of the perverted Gospel Paul warned the church about in Galatians 1:6-9. This church-wide “truth” forms the central message put forth by all of the “other Jesuses” that church people continue to embrace, believe and serve to this day (2 Corinthians 11:4). We are told repeatedly from pulpit, podium, t.v., dvd, the Internet, radio and the printed page that Jesus died so that believers could sin with impunity. As the Apostle Jude puts it, false Christians have turned God’s grace into a license to sin (Jude 1:4) by nailing the Law, which defines sin (1 Jn. 3:4) to the cross., thereby deceiving themselves (Jam. 1:22). Jesus, knowing that religionists would re-define sin, described sin as “darkness” in John 8: 12, saying: “I am the LIGHT of the world. He who BELIEVES IN ME will not WALK in DARKNESS, but will walk (“GO”–vs 11) in My light and therefore receive eternal life.” He had told the prostitute to “Go” (“walk”/live) the rest of her life in holiness and righteousness, the END RESULT of which is ETERNAL LIFE (Rom. 5:21 and 6:22). In verse 12 He told the people then and now that there is no place in a true Christian’s life for darkness (sin) because “in Him there is NO DARKNESS AT ALL: (1 Jn. 1:5). True saints are “in Him.” The above-stated Truths are neither taught nor preached today. I have been ridiculed for doing so by some of professing Christianity’s super members, a few of whom were ordained ministers. One local pastor stated that he agreed with “every word” I had written in a newspaper article, but immediately rejected those words, stating that he and his church had developed a better set of truths. Another pastor stated that he and his church went “… outside the Bible” in search of truth. This spiritual disease has infected 99.99% of professing Christendom. In verses 14-18 Jesus speaks about His Father. In verses 19 and 26 we find the Pharisees asking Him to identify His Father. The crowd that had gathered in the Temple heard everything that was said by both Jesus and the Pharisees. Jesus continued to refer to God as “My/the Father.” The Pharisees never grasped the identity of His Father (vs 27). In verses 28 and 29 He stated that the Words He spoke were given to Him by His Father. The people could take or leave them. Here we find a truth that must be understood. The Lord does not try to force Himself on those who are determined to reject His Words. Those who do so are proclaiming that they “despise” both Members of the Godhead (Lk. 10:16). Notice that He could have simply told the doubting Pharisees that His Father was God, but He did not. When people are adamantly against His message He does not try to convince them. Recall that He spoke to the multitudes who followed Him in parables so that they could not understand the “mysteries of the Kingdom of God.” Recall that He told the apostles that when people are resistant to their Words, they were to “wipe the dust off your feet” and move on. I literally did this after talking to an ordained minister who was too churchy to hear God’s Truth. Remember, God whispers in the still, small voice of His Holy Spirit. He told the Laodicean (modern day) Church that He remains outside (of their minds) and knocks (whispers). Contrarywise, Satan shouts through the voices of his false prophets. I ask that you listen for, hear and obey the Lord’s spiritual voice. But count the cost before deciding to follow Jesus (Lk. 14;28). It can be a heavy cross to bear. I lost my ministry and my entire family (on the spiritual level) when I began to listen to the Lord’s spiritual voice (Holy Spirit) in full surrender. But the payoff was worth the cost I paid. I know that in the future I will teach my family members again. Read The Three Resurrections. Key word–Three. In the next posting we find Jesus turning His attention to the crowd of Jews who had been listening to the conversation between Himself and the scribes and Pharisees. The Jews’ response is both surprising and expected by students of the Holy Scriptures. L.J.
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