The “things of man” are found in abundance in two distinct locations: the unchurched world and the churched world, both of which dine at the same trough on spiritual food supplied by Satan. God warned the church early on about Satan injecting his food (doctrines) into her theology: “Now the Spirit says expressly that in the latter times some will DEPART FROM THE (only true) FAITH, giving heed to deceiving spirits and DOCTRINES OF DEMONS, speaking lies in hypocrisy, having their OWN CONSCIENCE SEARED WITH A HOT IRON” (1 Tim. 4:1,2). Churchman has “gone a’whoring” after the “things of man” which he has institutionalized as church doctrine. By so doing he has seared his conscience, thereby preventing God’s Truth from penetrating his heart/mind. Notice in verse 6 what Paul says to Timothy, “If you instruct the brethren in THESE THINGS you will be a good minister of Jesus Christ, nourished (fed) on the WORDS OF FAITH and the GOOD DOCTRINE which you have faithfully followed.” True faith is based on God’s Word (Rom. 10:17). God’s Word is Truth (Jn. 17:17). One’s conscience is based on what one believes is the truth. Therefore the conscience of one who truly seeks God’s Truth will reflect His Word. The conscience of one who has “departed from the faith” will reflect his/her concept of “right.” King David is a case in point.
In Second Samuel 11 we find the familiar story of David and Bathsheba. How could a man so blessed of God and so close to Him do such things–adultery, murder? The process of conscience change is not a sprint, but a stroll. David’s life was golden; everything he did succeeded. But the King had a hidden problem, one only he knew about–he had acquired from Satan a lust for pretty women. Over time his unchecked sin grew until one day he saw Bathsheba bathing. The rest is very sordid history.
When things continued to go his way, David began to think that all was well with the Lord– He was seeing things David’s way–his conscience no longer bothered him. And why should it? The nation continued to prosper, victory followed victory. God was blessing him just as He always had. David was following an age-old dictum: “Let your conscience be your guide.” Which is fine if your conscience is geared to the Word of God, which was no longer the case with the king. But who knew? He was riding high; success followed success. As if things could not get any better, he now had a new son. Months of the good life were followed by more months of the good life. Until Nathan showed up and told him a parable about a wicked man. David became angry at the man and pronounced the death sentence upon him. Pointing his finger at the king, Nathan announced: “Thou are the man” (2 Sam. 12).
But sin is just sin, right? No big deal for the uberreligious, right? God pays no attention to the sins of those who call themselves by His name, right? After all, they are all saved, born again, etc., right? Remember, we are dealing with God’s appointed KING OVER HIS CHOSEN PEOPLE. This is as high as one can go. So surely He views the sins of such luminaries as the church and King David through a cloudy glass, if He sees them at all, what with the blood of Jesus covering them up, etc. Nathan put that popular heresy to rest very quickly: “Thou (the sinning king) hast DESPISED THE COMMANDMENT (Law) OF GOD” (vs 9). Here God (Jesus of Nazareth-see The God of the Old Testament) is telling David (and us) that when he sinned (disobeyed His Word/Law) he was despising His Word/Law, which is the same as despising Him in that He and His Word (including the Law-10 Commandments) are one in the same (Jn. 1:1-4,14). Notice David’s heartfelt response: “I have sinned against the Lord” (vs 13). He had committed adultery, contracted for a murder and deceived the nation–he had sinned against God’s Word. But notice that his sin was “… against the Lord.” And the damage continued. Nathan explains: “The Lord has put away thy sin; thou shalt not die. Howbeit, BECAUSE BY THIS DEED THOU HAST GIVEN GREAT OCCASION TO THE ENEMIES OF THE LORD TO BLASPHEME (HIM).”
Nothing has changed. BECAUSE THE COUNTERFEIT CHURCH’S CONSCIENCE HAS BEEN SEARED BECAUSE SHE HAS GONE A’WHORING AFTER PAGANISM, THE WORLD LAUGHS AT HER AND BLASPHEMES THE GOD OF THE BIBLE SHE CLAIMS TO BELIEVE AND OBEY. Is it any wonder that the unchurched world rejects God when the various factions, sects, cults, denominations, faiths, etc.–each one claiming to be THE one–openly and proudly proclaim to the world that they are free to defy the very God they all claim has supposedly saved them? And what do they claim will be the result of their rebellion against Him? ETERNAL LIFE. AND SATAN SMILES. To be continued. L.J.
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