“DO NOT BE DECEIVED; evil communications corrupt good manners. Awake to righteousness, and sin not; for some have not the knowledge of God. I speak this to your shame” (1 Cor. 15:33,34). In other words, leaven leavens the loaf. With these admonitions in mind, I am appalled, though not shocked, that so many of the nation’s leading theologians and members of the laity are openly coming out for a foul- mouthed, skirt-chasing, proud, arrogant reprobate in the coming presidential election. This man professes publicly that he does not read the Bible and therefore knows nothing about it, has never prayed, has never asked the Lord for forgiveness because he does not need to. Jesus Christ prayed to the Father and quoted the Bible. This man (I very rarely use the names of living persons) obviously believes himself to be above God’s Messiah. New Hampshire polling records revealed that almost one third of “evangelicals” voted for him. South Carolina polling is showing approximately the same results. And what is more revealing, several ministerial pillars of professing Christendom are publicly aligning themselves with him. These people pack much weight relative to public persuasion. One of them, when asked why he is campaigning for the morally corrupt candidate replied: “Because he tells it like it is.” Let that sink in: A famous pillar of the church, a world religious leader to whom tens of thousands, perhaps millions, look for spiritual guidance is publicly supporting a religious reprobate because he “tells it like it is.” That attitude is not new. When asked why he supported Adolf Hitler, an admirer replied that “He made the trains run on time.” Is there any doubt as to why Germany lost the war? Is there any doubt as to why America is wallowing in the sewer?
When a nation elects a leader its people are announcing to the world that this person is the best they have to offer, that he/she is the apex of everything the nation stands for, that he/she personally exhibits the traits that reflect the nation’s soul. HE/SHE REPRESENTS THE VERY HEART OF THE NATION. For the record, Joseph Stalin, Pol Pot, Ho Chi Mihn, Benito Mussolini, Mao Tse Tung and Hirohito told it like it was. At least they did not call themselves “Christians.”
Over the coming ten months look for the self-designated “Christian” in question to be the featured speaker in more and more churches. And why not? He will simply do what he does repeatedly; he will call the Biblical God a liar, which is standard procedure throughout professing Christendom. As has been pointed out time and again in this website, Satan’s false prophets repeatedly and loudly proclaim that the Lord of the universe cannot be trusted, that His Word cannot be taken at face value, but instead must be sifted through each sect’s truth filter in order to determine which passages are acceptable (some only after alteration) and which must be discarded outright. The “Christian” under consideration doesn’t know enough about the Bible to operate a filter.
What we are witnessing is a relatively new phenomenon–a man who, a generation ago would have been rejected by acclimation relative to either political or spiritual leadership, is in all likelihood going to be the standard bearer for the political party that proudly proclaims its allegiance to the God of the Holy Bible. And who is once again at the vanguard of this heresy? THE INSTITUTIONAL CHURCH. Only a few church leaders are coming out publicly for Satan’s man at this juncture. But as time goes by look for ever more “enlightened church leaders” to jump on his bandwagon. But let’s not forget that many who support his equally God-rejecting opponent for the presidency are also self-professing “Christians.”
But God’s people will not be joining the happy throng. Nor will they be for his opponent, neither of whom would recognize Jesus Christ if He introduced himself. L.J.
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