Not much surprises me anymore. I pride myself on not being shocked by anything so-called “Christians” do. But I must admit that I find myself in a state of wonder as I witness the social antics of a large segment of the so-called “church” relative to politics. Until recently, when religionists did something out of Biblically-prescribed character the public did not learn about it until later, usually much later, when the truth seeped out accidentally. Then there was a recognition of the sin and a church-wide condemnation of it. Not anymore. Today, internationally-recognized representatives of the Institutional Church are publicly broadcasting throughout the world their rejection of the Lord’s Word–and therefore the Lord Himself (Jn. 12:44-50)–for all of mankind to witness. And there is no church-wide public condemnation of the sinful act. Such is the case in the upcoming presidential election here in the United States where we have the audacity to print “In God We Trust” on our money, have “One Nation Under God” as our motto and pock our landscape with thousands of self-proclaimed “Churches.” Frankly, I am embarrassed–again.
What sent me into my current state of religious revulsion is what I am hearing from professing Christendom’s religious leaders relative to endorsements of political figures in the upcoming election. Let us get one thing straight: THE INSTITUTIONAL CHURCH ELECTS ALL PUBLIC OFFICIALS. With some 70% of Americans professing to believe in God; with anyone who has ever completed The Ritual having been automatically saved, you have the vast majority of Americans professing to be church people. Seventy percent of an electorate controls any and all elections–period. So what does the church-heavy majority of Americans do come election time? They elect Satan’s people. Such false saints spit in God’s eye by calling themselves His People. Then they spit in God’s other eye by calling those they elect “God’s people.” A recent incident drew my attention to this phenomenon. A man who was voted one of the top four public personalities on earth a few years ago and who is today a leader in television punditry said for all the world to hear that a certain internationally known social leader was, and I quote: “A man of God.” Bear in mind this this “man of God” was a well-known womanizer whose pimps traveled to his next speaking engagement location in order to have prostitutes waiting for him upon his arrival. The t.v. personality admitted this immediately after calling the seminary-trained, pastor, Bible teacher and world religious leader a “man of God.” Relatives of this so-called “minister of righteousness” have admitted publicly that the world’s now-deceased moral compass was a whore-chasing, sex-crazed nympho-maniac. And yet, to a person, they proclaim him to have been a saintly figure on par with the prophets and apostles of old. Question: What made this mega-sinner a “man of God” whose naughtiness was obviously ignored by the Biblical God? What mad him so special that his repeated sins were routinely winked at by the Lord he professed to serve? Answer: He helped people socially. This is a perfect example of the SOCIAL GOSPEL, the “ministry” that is reportedly “of the Lord” because it helps people on a social basis. To religious liberals of the Social Gospel ilk, the spiritual condition of the “man of God” is irrelevant. He can openly and defiantly reject God and, if he keeps the goodies coming, can wear the “man of God” mantle without a hint of embarrassment. Social Gospel proponents’ thinking goes something like this: If it puts food on people’s plates and money in their pockets, then it has been sent from on high. If it begins its “services” with a prayer, wears a cross around its neck, carries a Bible and invokes the Lord’s name repeatedly, etc., then it is “of the Lord.” Anyone who pays attention to what has happened to the professing church does not wonder why God has turned His back on her and the nation that has followed her lead. God’s people only wonder why He waited so long. To be continued. L.J.
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