World Communism’s desire to “fundamentally transform the United States of America” from an independent, sovereign representative republic to one of some 200 other nations which would form a one-world communist dictatorship was greatly energized by the 2020 election. What Barach Obama openly announced 12 years earlier has raised its ugly head once again. This totally unexpected outcome placed all three branches of the American Government in the hands of self-defined socialists which, as previous postings attest, is the first step along the road to Communism. The seventh goal will reveal yet another “brick” in the freedom-denying prison into which socialist/communists are trying to lure the American public.
(SEVEN) “Break down cultural standards of morality by promoting pornography and obscenity in print, motion pictures, radio and television content.” The United States is the world’s #1 exporter of pornographic materials. Several years ago the average daily viewing time for an addict was reportedly almost three hours. The porn addicted reportedly number in the millions in America and hundreds of millions world-wide. However, one does not need to pay to view pornography. Simply turn on the television, watch a movie, read a magazine or take a trip to the beach and the eyes are routinely assaulted by people, specifically women, who leave very little to the imagination. What would have gotten a woman arrested in the past is now standard visual fare. An enormous amount of printed, television, movie, videogame and Internet content is pornographic, even violently so. Revenue estimates relative to pornography range from $1 billion per year to more than $10 billion. Three of the top 15 websites in the world are pornographic. Records show that 13% of Internet searchers are searching for pornography. An estimated 87% of American adult men watch pornography at least once a week or more.
(EIGHT) “Present homosexuality, degeneracy and promiscuity as normal, natural and healthy.” More and more we see such sins depicted as not just normal, but acts to be applauded and revered. Being a queer, a whore, a trans or any of the other sexually deviant lifestyles is now en vogue. To attain one of these statuses places one on a highly valued social level. Anyone voicing an opposite (Biblical) view is labeled homophobic, transphobic, etc. and looked down upon by an ever-increasing percentage of Americans, including church people. Which brings us to the next goal of World Communism that is taking the nation by storm.
(NINE) “Infiltrate religious establishments so as to focus attention on social issues. Discredit the bible and emphasize the need for maturity which does not need a religious “crutch.” I recently watched a “Christian” pastor tell his congregation that sin is an essential, God-designed aspect of the Christian walk. His reasoning was that sin is the human being’s primary source of fun and enjoyment. And in that God wants His people to have fun and enjoy life, sin is therefore necessary if a Christian is to live a fulfilled life. The theology includes an “out” that overrides the Biblical commands for holiness. It seems that Jesus died so that one does not have to be responsible for having fun and living a joy-filled life. The Biblically-defined sins under the heading of sexual deviance are rapidly being discarded by the religious establishment. I have found 13 Biblical references that condemn homosexuality, all of which are summarily dismissed by queers. Gay pride flags are appearing in front of more and more churches. More and more participants in gay pride parades and celebrations wear or carry crosses. The “Social Gospel” is rapidly replacing the Biblical Gospel world-wide, especially in the United States. The Bible is being replaced by publications that emphasize more “socially relevant” teachings. For example, who should use which toilet.
(TEN) “Eliminate all religious expression in public schools on the basis that it violates the principle of “separation of church and state.” It is now illegal to present Biblical content in many public schools. Many schools are trying to “cleanse” their libraries of all Christian-based books, including the Holy Bible. Schools are required to provide both time and space in which Muslim students can pray several times each day. Christian students dare not exercise the same right. In the past I have read about some public schools requiring their students to periodically wear Muslim garb, observe Muslim rituals and say Muslim prayers so that everyone can “appreciate the Muslim religion.”
(ELEVEN) “Discredit the American Constitution in that it no longer represents American values.” Bill Clinton and Al Gore campaigned for doing away with the original constitution in favor of an “evolving constitution” that could be changed to align with an ever-evolving American mind-set. If the socialists retain power over the next six years I predict a Constitutional Convention to be convened for that purpose.
(TWELVE) “Discredit the American founding fathers by depicting them as power-hungry elitists who had no empathy for the common man.” This has become one of the major themes of the political left that now controls all three branches of the American Government.
(THIRTEEN) “Eliminate the House Committee on Un-American Activities along with all loyalty oaths (done in 1978). The “America last” mindset that dominates the ruling class is indicative of how far World Communism has come in its quest to turn American’s hearts away from the nation that hundreds of thousands of men have given their lives to preserve and protect. Loyalty to this country is at an all-time low. Many public schools have outlawed the pledge of allegiance. The American flag cannot be flown on some college campuses.
(FOURTEEN) “Infiltrate and gain control of all labor unions.” Marxist ideology permeates most labor unions today, the vast majority of which vote almost unanimously for democrat politicians. Politicians running on a Right to Work (without joining a union) find themselves in a hard slog.
(FIFTEEN) Discredit the family as a viable institution; encourage easy divorce; emphasize the need to separate children from the negative influence of parents.” Today there is a nation-wide uproar as parents realize that this goal has been in operation for many years within the public schools. Gay marriage has been legalized. No-fault divorce made divorce more common. States are being forced to pass laws that forbid school officials from keeping parents uninformed as to their actions, particularly in the area of sex-transitioning.
(SIXTEEN) “Internationalize the Panama Canal.” Jimmy Carter did this when he allowed Communist China to take control of the canal, thereby placing a vital avenue of transport in the hands of America’s most powerful enemy.
The ultra-liberal Democrat Party has succeeded in its quest to force Socialism (“Communism light”) on the American people. The next federal election in November 2022 will tell us which political, social, educational and economic direction the nation will go in the future. This upcoming mid-term election is, in my opinion, the most important election this nation has ever conducted. Whether America will choose to return to individual freedom and liberty or choose to be enslaved by a dictatorial regime that will take her into a one-world governmental abyss will, in my opinion, be determined in November. L.J.
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