In part one of this series on World Communism’s plans for communizing the United States of America we examined one of the movement’s manifestos (statements of intent) for accomplishing its ultimate goal. In this posting we will examine five other such plans of action.
(TWO) “Capture one or both of the nation’s political parties.” This has been done in that the democrat party has adopted Socialism’s political platform. When asked if he would run for the U.S. presidency for a sixth time, Socialist candidate Norman Thomas replied that he did not need to run again in that the Democrat Party had adopted his Socialist Party’s platform. A prime example of pure Socialism is being put forth now as America’s current administration wants one segment of America’s taxpayers to pay off part of another segment’s debts. If this passes, what’s next? Will I have to pay off the credit card bill of someone who is having problems? Socialists reward failure and punish success–the ultimate vote-buying scheme. This is why we are feeding, housing, medicating, educating, transporting and providing cell phones and hotel rooms for criminals crossing our borders down south. They know that these people will vote Democrat and keep them in office until they have the power to take over all production forms in the nation and make her citizens their employees. This will sound familiar if you listen to people who have lived under Communism and have escaped what its masters call a “Worker’s Paradise.” Survivors know how such a “paradise” came into being. What they describe is exactly what is happening today in the United States of America.
(THREE) “Use the American court system to weaken her institutions by claiming that social activities violate individual’s’ civil rights.” Individual civil rights are the subject of ever more social discourse. However, what is a right for some is not a right for all. It is now against the law for a business owner to refuse service to certain individuals. The A.C.L.U. has led the way in this regard. With the passage of the “Hate Crimes Law” the process has been completed. Any act frowned upon by any group can be deemed a hate crime which automatically increases the punishment. We have reached the point at which disagreement can be labeled a hate crime and prosecuted as such depending on the social identity of each person in the disagreement. This has reached even into the nation’s prison system. Prisoners can now take a prison administration to court if it does not provide what is needed for one’s religious observance, in this case a live sacrificial chicken. I know of a case in which an inmate sued the system for not having the type of peanut butter he preferred.
(FOUR) “Gain control of public education.” Jimmy Carter accomplished this goal when he established the Department of Education during his presidency. This allowed the federal government to gain control of local education by providing federal funds to local schools. Recently the FBI became involved in local school board meetings when parents demanded to know what was being done in the classrooms. These parents were officially labeled “terrorists” because they demanded an end to certain types of “education” being carried out secretly in the classrooms. Students were instructed to keep the activities a secret from their parents. These parents were told that they had no say in what takes place in the school setting. Today children are being “transed” by school officials without parental consent. This is a prime example of governmental indoctrination being carried out under the heading of education. There is a powerful federal push toward sexual deviance in the public schools. By holding federal financing over the heads of school officials the government has made the unthinkable acceptable in the eyes of their young victims. The socialist mindset relative to public education is that if they can have the first five years of a child’s life they will have him/her for a lifetime. When we see and hear what is coming out of the nation’s higher education institutions we realize the truth behind that ideology.
(FIVE) “Infiltrate the print press, radio and television in order to gain control over all media content.” One need only turn on the evening “news” being put forth by the legacy press to realize that this has been accomplished. Any truth that does not exalt the socialist cause is either buried or edited so that only one view is presented. With the exception of FOX NEWS one is fed only what the networks deem appropriate for public consumption. Invariably, that view is socialistic/communistic. The same is true in the case of internet platforms. The American public is allowed to see and hear what someone in an office somewhere decides what everyone else needs to hear and see. I once watched the American Secretary of State say: “The public does not know what is good for them.” A news anchor sitting at the same table agreed with him. The idea is as old as civilization: ONLY CERTAIN PEOPLE ARE CAPABLE OF MAKING DECISIONS FOR THE MASSES. Anciently they were called “the rich.” Today they are called socialists. In order to protect us from ourselves, we–the “little people”–need to be told what to think and do in order for the society to function properly. Those wielding political power now are happy to provide such vital and “correct” information. In the book titled 1984, that guiding hand was known as “Big Brother.” The socialists/Marxists/communists now leading the United States are intent on playing the part of “Big Brother” as they work to destroy America’s representative republic and replace it with a communistic system. What is now partial control over the everyday lives of the people, if not stopped, will evolve into a total dictatorship administered by a one-world government. American communists assume that they will be part of the ruling elite when the world is one big “Worker’s Paradise.” Many years ago I watched a former member of the Russian ruling class being interviewed by an American newsman. When asked how the leaders of World Communism would reward those Americans who had helped them gain power over the nation, the defector laughed and said: “They will line them (Americans) up against a wall and shoot them.”
(SIX) “Discredit American culture by emphasizing degrading and nonsensical artistic expression by promoting ugly, repressive and meaningless art.” The federal government’s financial support for the arts has done much to implement this agenda by declaring the superiority of “works of art” that defy any common sense standard of beauty and meaning. The buying public has taken the bait and invests literally millions of dollars for the product of someone literally throwing paint at a canvas. Animals such as monkeys and elephants have been used to slather paint on a pieces of canvas which are then sold for thousands of dollars. I once watched a televised art documentary in which one “artist’s” expression of “meaningful art” consisted of a commode. Another high dollar “work of art” involved a fish tank containing several basketballs. The less sense the “art” makes the more it is worth. How else does one explain Salvadore Dali’s popularity? And how does one explain the success of Grandma Moses? Truly, America has swallowed Communism’s poisoned bait. L.J.
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