Several years ago I placed a series on this website taken from a newspaper article I had written in the local newspaper on September 18, 2011. The title of the article and the series was The Liberal Manifesto. Key word–Manifesto. Though the basic goals outlined in the article have remained the same, much has changed relative to the implementation of those goals. Considering the recent liberal /socialist takeover of the American government I feel the need to update my original presentation. This time I will call the program by its official name: THE COMMUNIST MANIFESTO.
In 1978 the communist goal of the takeover of the American Government became known world-wide by the publication of a book titled The Naked Communist written by Cleon Skousen whose purpose was to warn those who love freedom, specifically the United States, of what World Communism has in mind for her. This multi-bodied, behind-the-scenes organization has been quietly working for world domination since the Bolshevik Revolution turned the nation called Russia into the United Soviet Socialist Republic–a sweet-sounding name for a nation whose people suddenly found themselves, not in the “Workers’ Paradise” they had been promised, but under the deadly, soul-killing, poverty-guaranteeing boot heel of raw, dictatorial Communism. Communism is a two-classed system in which 99% of the population is owned and operated by a ruling class which, having nationalized all sources of production and prophet, is able to dictate what the other 99% do, say, think, where they can go, where they must live, what job they must do, what they are paid, etc. Over the years since the end of World War II the world’s “socialists” (closet communists) have turned nations such as China, North Korea, Cuba, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, etc. into “big brother” dictatorships described by a book titled 1984 written by George Orwell.
Always hungry for more victims to rule over and subjugate, World Communism has kept its collective eye on the most valuable of all national prizes–the United States of America. Over the past 75 years communists world-wide have salivated at the thought of a United Socialist States of America based on the Lenin/Stalin pattern made infamous by the end product of their efforts–the United Soviet Socialist Republic that fell in the 1980’s and is now being reconstructed by Vladimir Putin. With total control over America as its goal, the movement has periodically managed to place their candidates in positions of political power by giving them nice sounding titles such as “socialist,” “liberal” and “populist.” The title under which all of America’s communists hide is DEMOCRATIC, meaning “power TO the people.” In reality, American democracy has come to mean “power OVER the people.” Let us now turn to the written source which provides proof of all that will be written in this series–The Naked Communist, with a special heart-felt “thank you” to Cleon Skousen without whose book much of what we now know would still be a well-kept secret.
But before we go there, let us be reminded of WHY WE ARE WITNESSING THE MORAL, SOCIAL, ECONOMIC, POLITICAL AND MILITARY DECAY OF THE GREATEST NATION GOD EVER CREATED–REBELLION AGAINST HER CREATOR. As I stated previously, I believe that God is going to give America one last chance to humble herself, repent, turn from her evil ways and walk in obedience to His Word. I believe that He will do this using the next two elections. I also believe that we will see a rise in religiosity which, I believe, will last a short time before the nation returns to business as usual and literally self-destructs–again,–and this time permanently. Be reminded, this is only my personal belief.
In The Naked Communist we find 45 goals formulated by America’s enemies which spell out the exact political and social rule book designed, first to affect the communist takeover of the United States Government, then to place its totalitarian jackboot on the heads of the nation’s people en masse. Why is this conquest so important to Worls Communism? Because world totalitarianism cannot be achieved as long as America remains free. She is the wall that stands between the Sovietization and Communization of the world’s nations under the Party’s absolute rule. As modern day communist nations plainly reveal, under Party rule, all personal freedoms are suspended. Under communist rule, human beings are nothing more than a means to an end. Having no intrinsic value, they are eliminated and replaced when they are no longer of value to the only love they are allowed to have–the State. For example, Joseph Stalin killed 20,000,000 of his own people during the 1940’s, many of whom starved to death due to the communist rules under which they were forced to live. Others were summarily executed. Do not let the word “socialist” fool you. Escapees from communist countries tell us that Socialism is the first step toward Communism.
Of the 45 goals stated in The Naked Communist I chose 16 of the more obvious ones to demonstrate how far America’s enemies have advanced and how close they are to accomplishing their ultimate goal–the communization of America. Following the election of the Democrat slate in 2020 which turned all three branches of the American government into bastions of socialist ideology, we have witnessed the rapid and open rise of Communistic governance which, I must admit, surprised me. The rapidity with which the democrat/socialist/Marxist/communist regime now in power has implemented its nation-destroying, totalitarian agenda has been nothing short of phenomenal.
Let us now examine 16 of world Communism’s stated and written goals for the takeover of the United States government which, if successful, will result in the eventual overthrow of the nation itself. As you will see, the democrats have followed their communist playbook to the letter. If the nation continues on the path she is now on the United States of America is 28 months and two elections away from becoming the latest, and by far the most prized trophy on World Communism’s mantle. The next two elections will determine whether the nation stays her present course and evolves into full-fledged Communism, or reverses course and returns to freedom. As 16 of the goals set by America’s enemies are listed, I will show how each goal is being met and publicized on the evening news for all the nation to see.
Over the past couple of years I have read and heard testimonies of people who have escaped communist countries such as North Korea, China, Russia and Cuba. They all have the same reaction to the revolution this nation is experiencing at this time. They are shocked and dismayed when they hear and see the very atrocities they risked their lives to escape being praised by their academic and political leaders while forcing them upon the American people. These who have fled from the communist world are trying to warn the American people that they are trodding the same path as those who are now under communist rule. The young ignore them and call out for ever more “American style Socialism” which is being offered by the current federal administration and the leaders of several states. The program World Communism has laid out has been embraced by many within the United States. Let us now examine some of the parts of that program to see exactly how they are being implemented.
(One) “Promote the United Nations as the world’s one and only hope for global peace and prosperity.” This is being done through the U.N.’s push for the eradication of all national boundries and the subjection of all national sovereignty to a central governing body–the U.N. The current American administration has effectively eradicated the nation’s borders and welcomes any and all to partake of American tax-payers’ earnings. Not only does the administration offer the nation’s wealth to the world, it comes free of charge. All one needs to do in order to partake of the fruits of America’s labors is to break her law by crossing her border illegally. And if they want to bring in deadly drugs and human slaves, that’s alright too. Just remember to vote democrat.
The overall goal of the left and their communist comrades is to make the United States nothing more than a state operating as a cog in a one-world political, economic, military machine owned and operated by the ruling communist powers. To see a miniature version of what the world would look like under such a globally centralized rulership, study about life in Cuba, North Korea, China, Russia, Venesuela, etc. Then ask yourself why those countries are forced to use armed guards to prevent people from escaping the “WORKERS’ PARADISE” their leaders have created for them. One does not try to escape paradise. L.J.
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