I have attempted to declare though this website that God has a dual-facited relationship with mankind consisting of blessing and cursing. This cause and effect program is described in Deuteronomy 28 where He told Israel–His pattern nation–that He would bless them if they obeyed Him and curse them if they did not. What, many wonder, did His relationship with ancient Israel have to do with the New Covenant Church founded in 31 A.D. on the Day of Pentecost? The answer is, EVERYTHING, as 2 Corinthians 10:11,12 tells us: “These things (God’s treatment of Israel) were written for OUR (the New Covenant Church’s) instruction (warning) …. Therefore, let him who thinks he stands take heed lest he fall.” Over the past 15 years or so we have seen Deuteronomy 28 played out from the curse perspective as God repeatedly poured out His wrath on the nations of the Western world, all of whom profess to believe in Him, the United States being the spiritual leader of this group. Recent terrorist attacks in the U.S. and throughout the supposedly “Christian” world reveal an ever increasing and ever more devastating program of attack by Satan’s people. Let us examine the most recent episode to determine what happened, why and what God promises to be the future relative to such attacks. Let us understand, 9/11 was merely the harbinger of things to come for those nations who profess to believe God while openly and defiantly rebelling against Him. Paris was merely the latest (as of 5:00 a.m. on 11/26/15) woe to descend on the hypocritical nations of the Western world. I will be surprised if this Thanksgiving-through-New Year season passes without a devastating attack within one or more of the nations that profess the Biblical God.
Soon after the carnage began in Paris, media networks began to pick up the television feeds coming from that area. Within minutes t.v. screens throughout the world were filled with a massive soccer stadium and the sight of tens of thousands of sports fans, most of whom would no doubt call themselves “Christians,” doing what millions of “Christians” do on Friday night throughout the Western world–watching a ball game. Due to Satan’s deception, the masses are oblivious to the fact that they are desecrating God’s Sabbath which begins at sundown each Friday, thereby breaking His Law and making themselves “workers of iniquity.” Following the bloody, multi-focused attack throughout the City of Lights, many people wondered why, as was the case with 9/11, God would allow such a terrible thing to take place among God-fearing people. Understand this: God did not allow the attack to take place–HE ORCHESTRATED IT. The tragedies that have taken place worldwide over the past several years constitute a mere warning love tap from the Lord–a shot across the bow of those who talk the talk but refuse to walk the walk. What He will do to those nations that reject Him was prophesied by Isaiah in the first chapter of his book, verses 1-7. Here he uses present tense language to make the message abundantly clear: “Your country is desolate, your cities are burned with fire. Strangers devour your land in your presence and it is desolate, being overthrown by strangers.” This is beginning to happen to all formerly God-blessed nations who have turned their backs on the One who blessed them. For years they have sown the wind; now they must reap the deadly whirlwind.
Airplanes flying into buildings, embassies bombed, airplanes and ships blown up, military compounds destroyed, the Charlie Hebdo episode, the Fort Hood massacre, killers rising up within so-called Christian nations or flowing across their borders intent on killing as many people as possible–GOD IS BRINGING DEUTERONOMY 28 TO PASS. After gaining the world’s attention, He will expend a major portion of His wrath on the United States by sending tens of thousands of “refugees” into our midst, among whom will be scores of terrorists. But they will not be alone in their efforts to destroy this nation–they will have help from the the native population.
To the war He is waging on America using Muslim terrorists, God is raising up domestic groups sent to destroy the social fabric of our once-stable society. Civil uprisings, race riots, occupy movements, student rebellions, Baltimore, Ferguson, the University of Missouri, Yale University, Chicago, the Black Lives Matter movement–we are witnessing the God-directed disintegration of the United States. While these domestic problems are being addressed, foreign terrorists will rise up and do what God has programmed them to do. In the near future nuclear bombs will reduce many American cities to rubble. Millions will die. Lawless multitudes will take advantage of the turmoil to kill, rob and pillage before invasion from afar brings about the capture and enslavement of survivors. The Great and Terrible Day of the Lord will have arrived and who will be able to stand? Only God’s “little flock” who will have been riding out the carnage in their “place of safety.” Millions of people, many of whom will have been in church all their lives, will have died in the carnage. A few will have realized their error, embraced God and been beheaded for doing so. Others will hold out until death mercifully overtakes them. Because I have discussed this scenario at length in past postings, I will not provide Scriptural references.
Then, just before mankind totally destroys himself, Jesus will descend from heaven and call His saints, both living and dead, up to where He will be standing on a sea of glass within sight of those still living on earth. From there He and His saints will descend to the Mt. of Olives where they will establish the Kingdom of God on earth that will last for 1000 years. Following this there will come a new heaven and a new earth. New Jerusalem will descend to earth to replace Old Jerusalem. God the Father and Jesus Christ will rule from there, assisted by their obedient saints. Peace and happiness will reign throughout the universe. Anyone interested in joining the winning team must divorce him/herself from so-called “Christianity,” study God’s Word, believe and obey it. If I can be of assistance, write to me in the space proved at the end of each posting, call me at (903) 677-5642 or write me at P.O. Box 5342 Athens, TX 75751 L.J.
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