Several Scriptures have been used to prove that God does not separate the churched sinner from his sins if he continues to sin. In her on-going quest to do as she pleases and reap the rewards of obedience to God the Counterfeit Church–Catholicism/Protestantism–claims that once one has “taken Jesus as his personal Savior” the Lord does not hold the sinner accountable for his sins, but automatically washes them away with the blood of Jesus as quickly as he repents of them. See Justification. In Justification one learns that when a sinner comes to the Lord for cleansing and conversion, only his “sins of the past” are forgiven at that time (Rom. 3:25). The church teaches that once one is “saved and born again”–neither of which takes place–one needs only to repent after each sin and all is well–heaven awaits the “sinner saved by grace.” Jesus and Mary, we are told, wait patiently for their respective supplicants to call on them for forgiveness of their inevitable sins. This sin-repent, sin-repent cycle, we are assured, ends only when the supposed rapture takes place or Jesus returns at the end of the age to take them to heaven–neither of which is spoken of in the Scriptures. See The Resurrections and The Rapture. In Romans 6:23 we are told that as long as the churchite continues to sin the death penalty is in effect for him. It is only “through (obedience to) Jesus Christ our Lord (not Savior),” that one becomes eligible for “the gift of God” which is eternal life. Note that Jesus must be one’s LORD until the end of life (Mat. 10:22) in order for Him to then become one’s SAVIOR. The church-wide belief in salvation and rebirth upon the completion of a prescribed ritual is a Satanic hoax. Sin is the primary characteristic of the old life lived in obedience to Satan. In order to attain salvation one must “walk in newness of life” characterized by total obedience to the Biblical God according to His Written Instructions. He makes it abundantly clear in His Words to the church as recorded in Romans 2:1-11 that if a church member continues to sin, he “treasures up (accumulates) to himself (God’s) “wrath against (until) the day of wrath”–judgment day. This tells us that GOD DOES NOT SEPARATE THE CHURCH SINNER FROM HIS SINS, BUT RATHER ACCUMULATES THEM TO BE USED AGAINST THE REPEAT OFFENDER ON JUDGMENT DAY. Notice in verses 6-10 that God will judge EVERY MAN (including churchman) according to his DEEDS/WORKS, not merely his faith. Deeds/works refer to one’s obedience or disobedience to His WORD. See Faith Versus Works. I know this is harsh, but life and death hang in the balance. God does not mind offending readers if even one will see His light, surrender to Him and obey His Rules of Life found in the Holy Bible. God does not separate one’s righteousness from him, so why would He separate one’s sins from him? The popular belief that He sees only the church member’s goodness and ignores his evilness is one of Satan’s most-used ploys. “Sinners saved by grace” live by that belief. To be continued. L.J.
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