SEPARATION: to differentiate between two entities. SYNDROME: a group of symptoms that create a condition. The Separation Syndrome: the church’s practice of separating a condition–the sin–from the one who exhibits the condition–the sinner. For example, to separate the thief from his thievery.
The above-stated scenario is not tolerated in a court of law–the thief is himself declared guilty and is himself punished because of his thievery. Not so in the spiritual arena commonly called “Christianity.” “God loves the sinner but hates the sin” is the mantra the church uses to separate the sinner from his sin, thereby shielding him from the consequences of his actions. Under this banner the “sinner saved by grace” is allowed to continue to sin while being assured that, in spite of his sins, heaven awaits, that because of Christ’s death, “God can’t see through the blood,” meaning that, salvation having been attained, His love makes the sin nonexistent. This mindset is about to explode globally and will complete the destruction of the Institutional Church.
Due to the recent mass killing of sex deviates in Orlando, Florida we have seen a world-wide outpouring of love for the deviant community, which is good. But what is not good is the series of transitions that are about to take place because of love. Satan has already begun to turn the church’s love for the people into tolerance of their sins. But Satan isn’t finished; there is yet another step in his program. We are about to witness this tolerant mind-set explode onto the world scene where it will totally dominate and completely change professing Christendom. Prepare to see the whole of Catholicism/Protestantism open its arms to sexual deviants of all persuasions. This will prompt a very public, globally-reported movement as gays, lesbians, bisexuals, etc. “come out of the closet” en masse as sexual deviance becomes en vogue. In that what is popular is right, sexual deviance will very quickly evolve from rejection to tolerance to acceptance to equality within the church community–church doctrine will once again supersede God’s Word.
I recently shared my above-stated beliefs concerning sexual deviancy’s future place in the Institutional Church with my barber, a member of a staunch anti-homosexuality denomination. I predicted that within two years her church would be welcoming sex deviants with open arms. To which she replied, “not me,” to which I replied, “then you will join me,” to which she replied–nothing. As Jesus warned, obedience to Him is a solitary undertaking.
The coming exaltation of sexual deviancy will give the church’s increasingly popular “come as you are; stay as you are” doctrine new impetus as Satan pushes forward with his “love” and “inclusion” message that will cause the whole of professing Christendom to “see the lifestyle as God sees it–a legitimate option among Christendom’s many options,” all of which the church must accept due to her emphasis on “love,” “inclusion” and “nonjudgment.” To do otherwise will bring unbearable condemnation on the offending organization. No congregation will have the spiritual spine to uphold the Biblical Standard while being called “haters,” “unloving,” and “false Christians” for not accepting non-repentant sex perverts as co-equal “Children of God.” By bowing to public pressure, the church will fulfill the prophesy God spoke about her in Isaiah 5:20–she will call evil good and good evil. To be continued. L.J.
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