Having grown up in a religious setting and having been “in church” all of my life (I am 83), I would not try to guess how many times I have heard: “God has a purpose for your life.” Admittedly, those words were true relative to me personally. Miracles have been performed that told my family, and later me, that from before my birth God had A SINGULAR PURPOSE for my life. Though I lived most of it in opposition to His call, the time came when I had my “Damascus Road” moment with the Lord. Though not as dramatic as that of the Apostle Paul, the command came and my life’s transition took place which caused me to be in my present spiritual and ministerial situation which, If I have heard the Lord correctly, will change considerably in the near future. For more information relative to God’s call on my life read The Gun, the Miracle and the Message. Key word–Gun.
However, this series is not about me. Instead, it is about the other 99.99% of people whom God has called to join Him in this life. Nowhere in His Holy Scriptures does the Almighty indicate that one person is called to be a carpenter, another to be a nurse, another to be a farmer, etc. But there is one call that everyone, at some point in their lives, is commanded to answer. Their answer will ultimately determine where they spend eternity, either in the presence of the Lord and His Son, or as ash under the feet of those who answered His call (Mal. 4:3).
It is the Lord’s universal call to holiness, righteousness, godliness that the Institutional Church rejects en masse. to her demise. God’s call is to personal godliness, the end result of which is rebirth and eternal life in the paradise His Son will soon establish in the “Promised Land.” This is the area in the Middle East that God promised the descendants of Abraham because the prophet “… obeyed My voice and kept My charge and obeyed My LAW” (Gen. 26:1-5). Notice that the Almighty had Laws (commandments) before Abraham came on the scene. In fact, His Law was in place in the Garden of Eden. Sin has always been defined as the breaking of God’s Law. Even the angles were governed by God’s Law. First, one third of God’s angels broke His Law. Then Adam and Eve broke His Law. Both suffered the consequences.
The land God promised Abraham’s descendants is the geographical area that lies between the Euphrates and Nile Rivers. For a more detailed description of what this area will look like following Christ’s return, read The Kingdom of God. Key word–Kingdom. To learn exactly who will occupy this Universe Capital, read The Three Resurrections. Key word–Three. How one responds to God’s Holy Scriptures will determine who will occupy New Jerusalem and eventually rule the earth and the universe. Hint: IT WILL BE THOSE WHO RISE TO MEET CHRIST IN THE FIRST RESURRECTION. We will now briefly examine a series of Scriptures that must be believed and obeyed in order to receive the promises God has made to “My people who are called by My name.” Read that series and Who Are God’s People? Key words–Called and People respectively. The following will reveal that God does indeed have a purpose for each of our lives. That purpose is both singular and universal: GOD’S PURPOSE FOR OUR LIVES IS TO LIVE (“WALK”) IN HOLINESS AND RIGHTEOUSNESS FROM CONVERSION UNTIL DEATH. His apostles (sent ones) have the extra requirement of serving Him in ministry. These men are chosen by Him, equipped with the power of the Holy Spirit for preaching, healing, casting out demons and performing other signs, wonder and miracles. For example, I once caused a rain cloud to reverse directions, to come to where I was standing and to soak the area I had prayed about. I also raised up a man who had been dead for three days. Of course, it is not me who does the divine acts, but rather God’s Holy Spirit within me. Preaching, healing, casting out demons, raising the dead, etc. is all part of the God-called, appointed and anointed messenger’s commission from the Lord (Mat. 10:8). These are the minutely few true saints who are led and empowered by the Spirit. Concerning the other 99.99% who claim to represent the Lord in ministry, He says about those false prophets: “I have not sent them.” Read the series by that name. Key word–Sent. True apostles and their false counterparts are recognized by their fruits. Godly fruit is produced by those ministers who obey God’s Word and teach others to follow them. Jesus warns us about Satan’s false prophets in Matthew 24:4,5. Notice that they deceive MANY. Notice also that only a FEW seek out, find and follow God’s true apostles (Mat. 7:13,14), although many are called to do so (Mat. 22:14).
In John 12:44-40 Jesus summarizes the entire Holy Bible by telling us what we must do in order to enter the Kingdom of God. This passage, along with Luke 10:16, addresses those who seek eternal life but refuse to do what is commanded in order to receive it: “WHY DO YOU CALL ME YOUR LORD BUT REFUSE TO OBEY ME; IN VAIN DO YOU WORSHIP ME; DEPART FROM ME YOU WHO WORK INIQUITY (LAWLESSNESS), FOR I DO NOT KNOW YOU” (Lk. 6:46/ Mat. 7:23; 15:9). One can take Christ’s Words to heart and react accordingly before Christ’s return, or hear those Words on Judgment Day and suffer the consequences. The following are some of the eternity-determining Words from the Lord that we must embrace and obey in order to live eternally in His presence.
James 2:10,14,17,18,20,24,26 and 4:7-10 tells us that one of professing Christendom’s most hated and rejected words (WORKS) is necessary in order to walk in the holiness God commands of His people. The second most hated Word is “IF.” Read the “IF” series using that word as the key. Biblically, “WORKS,” “WALK” and “LIVE” have the same meaning. Truth seekers know that we must “walk as Jesus walked” (1 Jn. 2:6) IF we are to be His spiritual brethren (Mat. 12:46-50) and His friends (Jn. 15:13,14). So-called “sinners saved by grace” are deceiving themselves. Only His spiritual brethren, who are also His friends, will rise to meet Him at the time of the first resurrection. Jesus said: “I must work the works (walk the walk) of the One Who sent me.” Only those who follow in His footsteps (1 Jn. 2:6) will join Him in the clouds upon His return, descend with Him to the Mt. of Olives, enter Jerusalem and assist Him in establishing the Kingdom of God. Why? Because only they have walked as He walked while on this earth.
I have been the butt of jokes, ridiculed and cursed for such people for taking God at His Word. I rejoice in the world’s rejection, for it proves that Jesus was right when He warned that if we obey Him the world will hate us (Lk. 6:22/ Jn. 15;18). This includes the church world, and in some cases, our families. For this reason Jesus said that we must love Him more than we love our family (Lk. 14:26). We must go with Him in spite of their rejection of us (Mat. 10:36,37). Admittedly, it hurts when loved ones reject us on spiritual grounds. However, we hope that, following the second resurrection, we will meet them again and have the pleasure of teaching them God’s ways. Hopefully, those who have rejected us will be among the Great Multitude who will come to the Lord during the Great Tribulation period. Read Who Will Comprise the Great Multitude of Revelation? Key word–Multitude. L.J.
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