God has, in spirit (vision) taken the Prophet Ezekiel into Jerusalem, to the Temple and into the place of the alter, the area of God’s Temple where God was worshipped (chapter 8). From his vantage point Ezekiel can see the people worshipping god. However, the object of their worship is not the Holy God of Israel. This god can be seen in the same area as the true God, whose glory was visible. The god the people are worshiping causes jealousy to arise in the true God. Ezekiel identifies this replacement God in verse six of chapter eight of his book.
The people of Israel (specifically Judah) had broken rule number one of God’s Law which He had summarized into ten commandments. By its very existence, the substitute god had been placed before the true God. Who was this god? How did he manifest himself? How does he manifest himself today among those who call on the name of the Lord? Unlike most replacement gods (idols), this god is not a singular being. Instead, it was then and continues to be an idolatrous act. Let us find out exactly what constitutes this IMAGE OF JEALOUSY to this day. As God leads Ezekiel farther into the people’s acts of idolatry, their acts grow ever more sinful. Watch as the people draw farther and farther away from God.
In verse six God directs Ezekiel’s attention to what the people were DOING. God tells him to notice “what they DO” and the abominations which “they COMMIT.” In verses seven through twelve Ezekiel is shown the various idols (“abominations”) the people had drawn on the walls of the worship chamber. The Lord then directs Ezekiel’s attention to the elders of the people who also have their private idols which they worship in secret.
Then God points to the women in the congregation who are “weeping for Tammuz” (vs 14). Tammuz is the sun god that so many of Israel’s neighbors worship and whom the Israelites had embraced. Before supposedly becoming the sun god, Tammuz had been a human being who had been killed by a wild boar at the age of 40. The women are weeping for him. It is from this aspect of idol worship that the Catholic Church came up with the idea of a Lenten Season–a time when they deny themselves a pleasure in the memory of their sun god’s early death. Read Simon of Samaria: the Legacy. Key word–Legacy. This series explains how the Catholic/Protestant Church System came up with the various anti-biblical beliefs and practices that have become the foundation stones upon which the church stands. The home site/introduction to this website presents a list of universal church beliefs and practices taken directly from the heathen world. God calls them “doctrines of devils.”
After Ezekiel had witnessed this spectacle, God told him that he would now show him even “greater abominations” than those he had just witnessed (vs 15). Then God took him an area where he saw a group of men who, having TURNED THEIR BACKS TO GOD’S TEMPLE, were BOWING TOWARD THE EAST AS THEY WORSHIPPED THE RISING SUN. In verse 17 God voices His rage towards the sun worshipers. In verse 18 He says regarding those who had broken his first commandment: “I will deal with them in my fury; My eye will not spare them, neither will I have pity on them. Though they cry out to Me for mercy, I will not hear them.”
Nothing has changed. God is the same now as then. Idolatry is the same now as then. Those who continue to worship and serve the sun god on his day (Sunday–“The venerable day of the sun”–the continue to be the objects of God’s wrath. Because of professing Christendom’s worship of the sun, God hates their religious practices by which they believe they are honoring Him (Deut. 5:9/ Ps. 101:3/ Am. 5:21). These are they who will stand before Jesus on Judgment Day and remind Him of all the wonderful (religious) works they had done in His name. He will say to them: “I never knew you, depart from Me you who practice iniquity” (Lawlessness). Their religiosity will all have been in vain (Mat. 15:9/ Lk. 6:46/ Mat. 7:23). Because they will have heard the Law but refused to obey it (Rom. 2:13), they will have “deceived themselves” (Jam. 1:22).
I must admit that in my past ignorance I attended such “sunrise services” in honor of the sun god, all the while believing that I was honoring the Lord. Along with millions of counterfeit Christians world-wide, I unwittingly worshipped the sun god on “Easter Sunday” as we all ignorantly paid homage to the heathen Goddess of Fertility, the heavenly whore whose servants continue to honor her at the time of Christ’s resurrection with colored eggs, symbols of fertility. Originally, the eggs were all colored red. Following the sacrifice of their children, sun worshippers (including Israelites) used their blood to color the eggs. Those in the Institutional Church continue to follow in the same footsteps of ancient sun worshipers as they honor the same god with a weekly service in his honor on the same day–Sunday, known as “the venerable (holy) day of the sun god.” Then, on the day of Christ’s resurrection, they pay homage to the mother of Tammuz, the sun god. In the Western world she is known as Easter. I can recall a time when Easter was characterized not only with colored eggs, but also colored baby rabbits and chicks–symbols of fertility.
Heathenism continues to reign supreme in “the church” as professing Christians by the millions break God’s first commandment by bowing to another god, another idol. Satan’s power over the church has remained so great that God’s “voices” (curses) have failed to get her attention. America and her fellow all “Christian nations” are about to feel the brunt of His wrath which will culminate in the Great Tribulation and the Day of the Lord. We are watching the “beginning of sorrows” Jesus warned about as America and other parts of the world sink deeper and deeper into Satan’s sewer.
I do believe that the long-suffering Lord is going to “pass by” the United States one more time and allow her one more chance to turn to Him. I believe she will. However, I believe that we will see the same thing happen as what took place following 9-ll-2001. People will realize their need for God. Religion will take front stage. Church pews will fill up as masses of people “get religion.” False salvations will increase as people are instantly “saved” by completing a prescribed ritual, saying “the sinner’s prayer” and being dunked in water. The early signs of such a “move of the Spirit” are taking place now with the so-called “Jesus movements,” “revivals,” etc. Over time things will settle back down to religion as usual as people return to their citadels of sin on their sun god’s day where they will hear the same Satanic lies their ancestors have heard for generations.
What God did to ancient Israel He will do to their modern day descendants. His primary focus will be on America and her religious establishment, and for good reason. “God is not mocked. What a man sows he will reap.” “He who sows the wind will reap the whirlwind.” The so-called Christian World, led by America, has sown the winds of sin (idolatry) like no other nation. Get ready, dear readers, the whirlwind is coming. Do not look to the church for help. God is not there. Look to His Word, which Jesus identified as His “Truth.” It is only by His Word that we are sanctified (set aside for holy use). Let us live IN the holy Word of God and then get on with LIVING it. There is no other way to gain entrance to the Kingdom of God. The end result of righteousness is salvation (Rom. 5:21). We must hunger and thirst for righteousness. He has promised to fill us IF we obey His Holy Scriptures. Also read and heed Second Corinthians 6:14-7:1). L.J.
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