Having previously revealed that God now approves pornography, another example serves to prove yet again how changeable He can be when the right people point out the flaws in His reasoning. Let it be known that the more religious the correcter is, the more credence God gives to his/her argument. To His credit He is humble enough to succumb to the superior reasoning of His creation, which He does with ever-increasing regularity. The following episode will prove what an amazingly pliable God He is.
This case involves a couple who were absolutely positive that God had it right concerning homosexuality–that it is an abomination. Without the slightest hint of embarrassment, the subjects themselves told the story I am about to relate. As a result of their Biblically-based belief, the couple had petitioned their church to declare that God was right–homosexuality is the epitome of evil. I found it amazing, though not surprising, that homosexuality was not officially evil until “the church” declared it so. This “church” had been hesitating in their declaration, not totally convinced that God was right. This couple was so adamant that their church approve God’s declaration that they went door to door among the parishioners asking them to join them in their petition. They were successful. I’m sure that God was relieved when His declarations were seconded by that particular denomination. For a period of time all went well: God was right, proven by the church having agreed with Him. The couple in question had saved the day. Glory to God and His Truth. Then a terrible thing happened–the couple’s son came out of the closet.
Suddenly, everything changed, the crusading husband and wife team admitted while looking directly into the camera. God was no longer right. And what was more devastating, the church was no longer right. Immediately, mom and dad began a new crusade. Once again they went door to door in an effort to persuade their fellow parishioners that they, the Lord and the church had all been wrong. How could they have been so blind? Everyone knew that homosexuality was good, not evil. Eventually both the parishioners and the ecclesiastical hierarchy came to the same conclusion–God was wrong. Long story short, the Lord bowed to His creation’s more religiously correct reasoning.
The lesson presented by these two examples of a globe-circling trend is that sin is sin until it comes through religious man’s door. The guilty parties were believed to be living in God-defined darkness until the light of man’s reasoning dawns, sending the darkness into oblivion. Alas, turning sin into righteousness is not a new phenomena. Adam and Eve set the standard; their religious descendants simply expanded it. See the introduction to this website for several examples. L.J.
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