The first God-correcters were Adam and Eve–the gold standard for determining where God is wrong and correcting His error. Having figured out that the Creator of the universe was not seeing the big picture, they believed that by introducing Him to reality they had prevented numerous problems that would have plagued mankind had His error been allowed to spread among their descendants. Our original parents were the first to profess the “I was for it before I was against it” ideology made famous by the U.S. Secretary of State. The rule established by our first parents was as follows: Upon determining where a Biblical wrong exists, one in the know must address it and correct it for the benefit of all mankind. Just think where we would be today had Adam and Eve not graciously corrected our Creator.
One would assume that in today’s world such mental gymnastics would be confined to Washington, D.C. Not so. Doing an about face upon the realization of God’s error is standard fare in religious circles. In an increasing number of situations church people are embarrassed by the fact that the omniscient God to Whom they give lip service has not only been wrong from the beginning, but that He has put his error in writing. To the relief of the church masses, wise men and women are assuring the world that, in numerous cases, what the Lord of the Bible had labeled as “evil” is in fact “holy.” Churchman is using his superior intellect to correct God’s errors, thereby saving future generations from religious destruction. A couple of examples will reveal that, thanks to the grace and kindness of religious people, man’s light now shines where the Lord’s darkness once reigned.
One night several years ago I was watching t.v. when my attention was arrested by a blurb advertising an upcoming documentary on the woman who had been voted that year’s “Queen of Pornography.” Though not a viewer of porn, I wanted to see what a porn queen looked like. Out of morbid curiosity I stayed tuned in order to get a glimpse of her. I soon learned that, unlike the election of high school and college queens, porn queenship has nothing to do with appearance. Enough said. The thing that grabbed my attention was the story behind the subject’s rise to the upper echelons of public entertainment. As I stated in a previous posting, the Lord sometimes arranges for me to hear or see things that serve me well in His ministry. These postings will describe two of those seemingly accidental viewings. In the porn queen episode, it was neither her nor her chosen profession that God wanted me to focus on, but rather her parents, specifically her mother. From that episode I gained new insight into the incredible power Satan exercises in the lives of religious people–how Biblically-defined right and wrong are subject to change when they conflict with “reality.” The first example played out as follows.
The newly crowned queen had left home immediately after high school and began to pursue her career– a three billion dollar a year enterprise. Because of her choice of profession, her deeply religious parents were terribly embarrassed, not wanting anyone to know how their daughter made her living. During her early years when she was getting started her parents did not want to admit that they were related to her. Their Scripturally-dictated attitude remained solid for several years. Then something happened that would forever change their attitude toward their daughter and her line of work–her income began to rise. Amazingly, the increase in her financial situation brought about a change in God’s attitude toward the pornography profession–the more money their daughter made, the more the Lord approved of how she made it. Long story short, her mother became her manager. Mom having seen the light, she had convinced the Lord to also embrace it. As they say, its never too late to learn. To be continued. L.J.
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