As I have noted on numerous occasions, as goes the church, so goes the nation. As I have also pointed out on numerous occasions, the church has gone awhoring after Satan, to the point that he has become her god, and by transferal, the god of the United States of America. The new god referred to on her currency is the god of this world who has blinded the eyes of the people so that God’s glorious light no longer shines on her. Of late the church’s rush into the devil’s religious pit has been gaining speed as she religiously legitimizes more and more of his sexual deviance. This is a ploy designed to enhance her “Diversity, Equity and Inclusion” (woke) posture in hopes of luring in more converts into his church system.
However, the Scriptures tell us that God is not woke. He rejects diversity (Eph. 4:4-6) and does not recognize spiritual equity (Mat. 24:4,5). Nor is He inclusive (2 Cor. 6:14-7:1). He has extremely strict standards for those with whom He will spend eternity. As Jesus said, not everyone who calls Him Lord is his/her Lord (Mat. 7:21-23). Know this: GOD IS A SEGREGATIONIST. It is His way or the highway. There are no shortcuts or side streets leading from lost to saved, from sin to holiness. His way is “STRAIT (difficult) AND NARROW (restrictive)” (Mat. 7:13,14/ 1 Jn. 2:24-3:10). Read God is a Segregationist. Key word–Segregationist.
In the previous postings of this series I pointed out a fact that we are daily witnessing and hearing–GOD’S WORD IS LOSING ITS DESIGNED EFFECT IN THE LIFE OF THE CHURCH. What Jesus and the early apostles fought for is becoming passe’ and is rapidly losing its power over the parishioners. What the early apostles fought against–literally to their deaths–is now being welcomed into the fold like a wealthy, though smelly relative–hold your nose while counting his money. The church’s forefathers fought against those who wanted to counterfeit Christ’s message of forgiveness and salvation and combine (blend) it with lawlessness (iniquity) as Jude warns about in verse 4. Their entire “new and improved” gospel involved one all-inclusive “truth”–the death of God’s Law. Today we are still hearing that Christ nailed the Law to His cross. Modern (Laodicean–Rev. 3:14-20) churchites have accepted the very lie the early apostles gave their lives to expose. They have blended the Holy Bible with human tradition and reasoning so that they can create their own rules of engagement with the God of the Scriptures who has been relegated to a name-dropped figurehead, having little part to play in their religious activities and beliefs. Not surprisingly, the more power man gives himself over his “Christian life” the less control God is allowed to exert over that life. The weaker God’s Law becomes, the stronger their law (options) become. TODAY’S “CHRISTIAN” COMPROMISES WITH SUBJECTIVE (CHANGEABLE) SIN BECAUSE HE HAS REJECTED GOD’S OBJECTIVE (UNCHANGABLE) LAW.
In the old days this Satanic ploy was known as “situational ethics” and, for the most part, was rejected by the church. Today that mind-set dominates church life as religionists turn away from God’s Word and to a variety of heathen beliefs and practices. For example, the reject the Lord’s Sabbath while observing Satan’s sabbath which exalts the supposed death and resurrection of Tammuz, the sun god written about in Ezekiel 8:14. In honor of him and his mother, the church celebrates Christmas and Easter. Catholics observe Lent in his honor. The church has divided herself into denominations (cults) and use man-made objects associated with their religions (crosses, statues, fish symbols, pictures) which God condemns in Exodus 20:4. They believe in such heresies as original sin (Adam’s sin-transferal miracle), the Friday death and Sunday resurrection of Jesus (the death and resurrection of Tammuz), the trinity (in honor of a three-headed heathen god), workless salvation (in spite of James 2:10,14,17,18,20,24,26) and salvation/rebirth in this life (Rom. 8:24,25–Read Hope and Salvation–key word–Hope).
This ministry is dedicated to exposing these (and other) church “truths” to be exactly what they are–Satan’s lies designed to draw salvation seekers away from the way (Law) of God and into his (Satan’s) deadly web. He has been superbly successful.
For your information: A list of every series produced by this ministry is available at no charge by emailing me at Every series I have written (approximately 285) is listed along with the key word and instruction as to how to download the selected series.
The Satanic errors brought to light by this website explain why the religious community is powerless against sin in general, and, relative to this series–sex sin among her members. Many a church person has been compromised by sex. Read Sex and Satan’s Tautological Truths and Sexual Leaven: Spiritual Depravity on Display. Key words–Tautological and Depravity respectively. Compromise is highly contagious, even addictive. Sin begets sin. Each time one sins, sinning becomes easier not only to commit, but easier to rationalize and explain away. When we tolerate and compromise with sin we weaken our own resolve relative to the Lord’s Bible-commanded “walk” (style of life). As a result our guilt consciousness grows weaker and weaker as we continue to sin. This enables us to tolerate what, in the past, we would have rejected. For the younger generation, guilt has become a relic of the past. This is why the last few decades have seen an explosion in divorce, fornication, adultery, pornography, homosexuality, and lately, such abominations as children’s drag shows, puberty blockers and genital mutilation. One preacher even proclaimed that “God is trans.” It has been rumored for years that Jesus was queer. Another church widely spread “truth” was that He and Mary had an affair. One group went so far as to announce that they had a child, though, to my knowledge, he was never identified. As is obvious, heresy has a long history within the church. Without God’s governing Law, whatever any individual or any group wants the truth to be, truth it is. I had a man say to me that the one thing he knew for sure was that we can interpret the Bible any way we want to. The liberal mind applies that “truth” to everything in life. For example, there is no problem on our southern border and a man can have a baby. I recently read that a transfemale’s milk is as good as a woman’s milk. God promised mental problems (“confusion of mind”) for the nation that rejected Him. How better to describe the mental state of millions of Americans today. And where did it begin? IN THE CHURCH–THE RESULT OF THE DESTRUCTION OF GOD’S LAW.
Gone are the days when Jesus would tell those who had been forgiven of their sins to “Go and SIN NO MORE” (Jn. 5:14; 8:11). That was then; this is now. God, we have been assured by a homosexual Presbyterian priest, “has changed.” Sin has become such an expected part of so-called “Christian life” that to even mention Christ’s command for holiness invites ridicule from those who wear crosses around their necks and have them tatooed on their bodies. That cross freed them to do whatever they wanted to do. Jesus, they had been assured, would make it all go away. I saw a television news release where a woman had robbed a store and, when caught and photographed, had a cross dangling between her exposed breasts. Another thief, when caught, was recorded begging Jesus to get him out of trouble. One evangelist reported that upon arriving at the church where he was to conduct a revival, the church pastor had assigned to him two young women whose job was to “take care of his needs” each evening after the service. When asked about it, the pastor said that every traveling evangelist needed a “spare tire” to satisfy his sexual desires while away from his wife. One television preacher delivers his message while sipping whisky, smoking a cigar and standing between two near-naked women. Another proclaimed that Jesus wanted His people to “have fun.” And what was more fun than sex? According to the leader of this young people’s church, fornication was part of the “Christian walk.” A local youth pastor found himself in deep trouble for telling his young fornicators that they were sinners. Their parents had him fired because he had made their children “feel guilty.” After all, “Jesus bore their guilt for them.” The church fathers agreed and fired the offending youth leader. Sin is business as usual in that popular church system. One man in another popular denomination told me that, in his church, there were at least five affairs going on, and that everyone knew about them. Catholics have simplified the forgiveness system. A young parishioner explained his freedom to sin and get away with it as he patted a tattoo of Mary on his forearm, “My Lady takes care of it (his sins),” he said through a sly grin.
I have a couple of questions for those who believe that sin is part of the normal Christian life. First a fact: Jesus knew that He would die for man’s sins. Why, then, did He bother to tell salvation seekers to stop sinning? Why tell them to reverse the course of their lives, to change from sinfulness to holiness if His death would erase those sins as quickly as they repented of them? And why did God tell us to “Resist the devil” if forgiveness is just a repent away? And besides, didn’t Adam’s sin-transferal miracle make resistance a waste of time? Didn’t his miracle make sin natural like eye color and height? I will again repeat the mantra I concocted that explains the church’s theology relative to sin: “Sin and grin, my friend, for in the end, you’ll still win. Pie in the sky, sin ’till you die, for in the sweet bye and bye, you’ll still get to fly. So don’t feel bad when you’ve sinned yet again, Jesus died so that you can sin, sin, sin.”
Because God hates every type and every instance of sin (Prov. 8:13) He commands His people to be holy AS He is holy and BECAUSE He is holy (1 Pet. 1:15,16; 2:5,9). Why refuse to sin if He erases each sin simply because we ask Him to do so? Why does He command us to become perfect as He is perfect (Mat. 5:48)? which is the very purpose for which we were created (Mat. 5:48). If, as we are told, sin is inevitable thanks to Adam, why does God hate the sinner (Ps. 5:5)? Why does He hate someone for doing what he must do?
The true saint is not his own. He is bought with a price–the greatest price that can be paid–the death of Someone else. To earn the result of Christ’s death (justification–the forgiveness of all past sins–Rom. 3:25), we are commanded to stop sinning. His death and resurrection enables us to receive the Holy Spirit which gives us power to do what Jesus commands us to do in Revelation 3:21–OVERCOME SATAN’S TEMPTATIONS TO SIN AS HE OVERCAME THEM USING THE SAME SPIRIT. Not believing that resisting sin is possible does not make His Words wrong any more than not believing in gravity makes one able to fly. Again, read First John 2:24-3:10 and Matthew 24:4,5,11,24. Read All That Glitters. Key word–Glitters.
Relative to sexual deviance, the following is a list of Scriptures that condemn such acts: Gen. 19:4-11/ Lev. 18:22,23; 20:13/ Deut. 23:17; 27:20-23/ 1 Ki. 14:24/ Isa. 1:5-9; 3:9/ Eze. 16:49,50/ Mat. 11:23,24/ Rom. 1:24-27/ 1 Tim. 1:8-10/ Jude 7/ Rev. 22:15. L.J.
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