Christianity has discovered Satan-sanctioned sex and is embracing it with vigor. Though only in its initial stage, the addiction is claiming new converts at an increasing rate. It is as if the 1960’s had returned, bringing its sex-obsession with it. Many churches, it seems, are sprinting toward a spiritual Woodstock, wildly stripping themselves of their clothes as they rush to be the first to arrive totally naked. Queerness, transgenderism, transsexualism, pedophilia, homosexuality, dragivity, two-sexism, etc. Nothing is off the religious table when it comes to the church’s arms-open, come-to-mamma invitation to anyone whose sexual proclivities go beyond the realm of Biblically-defined rightness.
This drastic change includes marriage and the blessing of various types of coupleage. God, we are told, has gone totally woke relative to his/her rules concerning who can marry or couple with whom. What next? Will we soon see the blessing of one night stands and week-end hook-ups? Or perhaps pastors will be performing species/human marriages that unite human beings and animals, birds, reptiles, etc. in holy matrimony? Do not count anything out. Remember, some people leave their fortunes to their pets.
We recently learned that the Presbyterian Church is now uttering prayers to the “god of pronouns” in an attempt to appease those in the transgender/transsexual crowd who insist on being called such things as “they” and “them” instead of “him” and “her.” In my attempt not to be offensive while remaining a true southerner, I refer to all transes, not as “him” and “her,” or “them” and “they,” but as “yawl.” Concerning the Presbys, I wonder if they call God “them” or “they.” It would not surprise me. Several years ago they ordained a homosexual priest who, when asked how he could be a Christian in light of God’s condemnation of homosexuality, he replied, “God has changed.” Because the Presbys wanted to be the first to officially ordain a queer priest, they convinced the God Who said, “I am the Lord, I change not” and about Whom it is written that “He is the same yesterday, today and forever” to change. That, ladies and gentlemen, is the apex of spiritual influence. What kind of clout must a church have that can convinced the unchanging God to change? And are there other changes that we are not aware of? Could the Catholics be generations ahead of us in their power with the Almighty? Does Mary “take care of it” (sin) as soon as a priest asks her to? What else do we not know?
The United Methodist Church is preparing to ordain a drag queen. A drag funeral was recently held in a Catholic cathedral, complete with drag queen speaker, drag dancing and eulogies which contained such words as “whore” and “bitch.” Why not? Why is not the sky literally the limit? Why limit the church’s influence with the Almighty? We are told by no less than three religious television hucksters that you can get saved, born again and have your rapture ticket punched by repeating a 10-second prayer. One pulls it off in 8 seconds. I time them. Such people are Satan-controlled enemies of God. Though the rainbow-waving, cross-wearing churchites are the most obvious reprobates, abominable religious beliefs and practices are not limited to the churches. Higher education is getting into the any-way-you-want-it-God-will-accept-it act.
The Harvard Divinity School is now offering a course titled “Queering Congregations: Contextual Approaches for Dismantling Heteronormativity.” God, according to the religious giants at Harvard, has consented to man’s doing away with the marriage of one man to one woman. I wonder if that includes transes? What if a trans female wants to marry a trans male? How would that work? The Ivy League is filled with those who can change the Lord’s Word and convince Him to go along with the change. For example, a Yale transgender professor said, “Christianity, rightly understood, is about the transgression (removal) of boundries. (Real) Christians believe in a God whose love undoes every binary (one man-one woman union). (In true Christianity) all laws are negated (done away with), including the law of contractual sexuality, that is, marriage.”
The reader will notice a consistent theme in every instance in which a church changes the traditional ways and means of Biblical Christianity. The theme always revolves around one act: THE ERADICATION OF GOD’S LAW. God’s Holy Bible is His holy Law. The Ten Commandments is an abbreviation of His very extensive Law (the Holy Bible–Genesis to Revelation) which the true Christian is required to obey in order to receive salvation upon the Second Advent of Jesus Christ. The so-called churches have as their primary objective the eradicating of His rules for attaining salvation. It is my commission from Him to repeatedly proclaim those rules, many of which I refer to as His “fine print.” Each religious cult (denomination, faith, church, assembly, etc.) has its own perverted version of His Gospel/Word/Truth which effectively does away with all of the offending verses and passages and replaces their Writers with the editors themselves. Like Adam and Eve, they become their own gods. We know how that worked out.
What was once God-dictated, God-obeying Christianity has evolved into a conglomeration of self-serving, self-pleasing, Satan-dictated cults that effectively eliminate the Holy Bible as the one and only source of God’s Truth. As I have stated on occasion, each “church” has its own Truth, its own god, its own savior and its own plan of salvation and its own name. However, they all plan to end up in the same place. All religious roads, it seems, lead to heaven. It doesn’t matter that Jesus contradicts this “truth” in Matthew 7:13,14 and in numerous other places. Read The False Gospel: Satan’s Sweet Poison. Key word–Poison.
All of the above, though believed to be the “will of the Lord,” is far from the precepts and teachings found in His Holy Bible, which is God Himself, His will and His Truth in written form. God, through the Apostle John, declared that sin is the transgression (breaking) of His Law (1 Jn. 3:4). Yet many of today’s church leaders agree more with the so-called Bible Scholars of higher academia than with the Bible they claim to believe. Their primary “truth” that sets the stage and forms the foundation for all of their blasphemies and heresies is that Jesus Christ did away with the Law at His death. Through human reasoning, they compromise with, and actually reject, the Law of the God they claim to worship. In so doing they prove that they HATE HIM (Deut. 5:9 /Lk. 10:16). It is because of their human reasoning that the churches are falling for Satan’s DEI mantra and mind-set which exalt the idea that the sexual deviance God condemns repeatedly should be not merely tolerated, but exalted and celebrated. As a result, an ever-increasing number of churches are openly and publicly disagreeing with God’s Law. NEVER UNDERESTIMATE THE CONTROL SATAN MAINTAINS OVER PROFESSING CHRISTIANITY.
God’s archenemy has convinced the church masses that the Law is bad. God, through the Apostle Paul, says that the Law is good (Rom. 7:12). The religious masses claim that the Law was “nailed to the cross.” Jesus said that He did not come to destroy the Law, but to fulfil it (Mat. 5:17). The Prophet Isaiah prophesied that the Messiah would come to earth to magnify the Law and to restore it to its honorable status (Isa. 42:21). He would do this by writing His Law within the hearts of His true saints (Jer. 31: 31-34/ Heb. 8:8-13). This New Covenant (Law) would transfer the Ten Commandments carved on stone tablets to the minds (hearts) of those who would obey them from within themselves. His Law would be literally a part of their beings. Being part of their minds, the Law would be more easily obeyed. An added feature of the new covenant is that it contains better (spiritual) promises. The stone-etched Law offered only material promises. Also, saints would be continually equipped with the Holy Spirit which, by residing within them, would empower them to obey the Lord’s Law, thereby enabling them to reap both material and spiritual blessings in this life. Recall Jesus telling the disciples: “You will receive POWER when the Holy Spirit comes upon you ….” (Acts 1:8). I bear witness to the Truth of that promise. L.J.
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