Jesus declared that, as long as He was in the world, He was the LIGHT OF THE WORLD. His light shined in the darkness of the world, but the world refused to embrace it (Jn. 3:19). Even His own people rejected His light. He taught and demonstrated His light to His apostles, who preached it, lived it and recorded it. By totally embracing the light, they, like Jesus Himself, BECAME THE LIGHT WHICH WILL LIGHT EVERY MAN THAT IS EVER BORN (Jn. 1:9). Jesus prepared His apostles for this eventuality by telling them that, upon sending them out to bear that light, THEY WOULD BE THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD (Mat. 5:14). Jesus and His apostles were individually and jointly THE LIGHT OF THE WORD. What did those 13 very different men have in common that made them God’s light? HIS HOLY WORD. However, what Jesus called light was rejected as darkness by most of those who knew or knew of Him. Of the thousands He dealt with, only about 120 remained with Him until the end.
Recall that many of the Jews, including some of their religious leaders, initially embraced Him (Jn. 7:31,48). However, those same people would later convince the Romans to kill Him along with all of His apostles except John, whom they imprisoned. In one instance Jesus was talking with some Jews and, “many of the Jews believed in Him.” However, before the conversation ended, they were preparing to stone Him (Jn. 8:30-59). Why? BECAUSE OF HIS MESSAGE—THE HOLY WORD THAT CAME FROM THE MOUTH OF GOD, EVERY WORD OF WHICH MUST BE OBEYED IN ORDER TO RECEIVE ETERNAL LIFE (Mat. 4:4), if, that is, we can take Jesus Christ at His God-spoken, Holy Spirit-empowered Word (Jn. 12:44-50). Read that passage with a receptive mind; it is basically the Bible in miniature. John correctly called Him “the Word” in spirit form Who came to earth as Jesus of Nazareth–the Word in flesh form (Jn. 1:1-4,14). His true saints are also God’s Word in flesh form. Read First John 2:6 and First Peter 1:15,16 and 2:5,9. John called Jesus The “Word.” In the Greek language the Word is “logos,” meaning “spokesman.” As Jesus was God’s Spokesman in human form, so are His true disciples. Just as He taught the Father’s will through His Words, thoughts and deeds, so do His saints in this life. And as was the reaction of the religious establishment to Him then, so is the reaction to His saints now.
Jesus warned any who would follow in His spiritual footsteps that, just as He was not recognized as God’s Son anciently, neither would those who obey Him be identified as God’s children now. At one point He said that those who killed a disciple would believe that they were pleasing God (Jn. 16:2). Read Simon of Samaria. Key word–Simon. Specifically the section on the Inquisition. Bible fact: If one is spiritually accepted by the Institutional Chruch, one is not a child of God. Jesus said that the world would hate such people. The nonchurched world does not care what we do, say or think. The churched do. Jesus warned that darkness hates light because light exposes the works of darkness (Jn. 3:19-21). This hatred God and His people is already being demonstrated individually and corporately. For example, in the United Nations, negative statements about the world’s religions is prohibited, except one–Christianity. Now we will fast-forward to today as the Laodicean (final) era of church history is coming to a close.
In Second Thessalonians 2:3-12 the Apostle Paul is telling the church (then and now) that, relative to the coming of the Lord Jesus and the gathering of His saints unto Him, they were not to be troubled by false prophets who were telling them that the day of Christ (His return) was at hand at that time. In verse 3 He tells them not to be deceived, for that day will not arrive until a mass “falling away” of the church from the Lord has taken place. That “day” (period of time) has arrived. This series will prove that we are in the initial stage of the time period known as the “APOSTASY.” As proof of the church’s apostasy I will use several quotes taken from publicly available sources which I will identify in order not to be accused of plagiarism. Let us begin this hard-to-stomach report which will allow us a peek into what the church Jesus founded some 2000 years ago has become. Looking ahead, we can imagine what she will be in the future. Recall that Jesus said only a few would find His church and walk His way (Mat. 7:7:13,14; 22:14). I agree with those who say that only revival can save the Institutional Church and the nations that house her. The question is, revival to what? Read the three series on revival. Key word–Revival.
The world’s news media have reported that there are nations that have enacted federal laws which make sexual deviance a crime punishable by huge fines and long prison sentences. In cases in which one causes the death of another, the death penalty can be enforced. The African nation of Uganda recently passed such a law. These crimes are of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, questioning, intersex, asexual, two-spirit + variety. The reactions of some church people to such laws are somewhat surprising.
For example, United States senator Ted Cruz, an avowed Christian, said that Uganda’s outlawing of homosexuality was: “…horrific and wrong …grotesque and an abomination.” This means that he and those who agree with him reject what God says about sexual sins more than a dozen times in His Holy Scriptures. He is not alone in His acceptance of sex deviance as a social right. Premier Christianity wrote that the Christians should “offer unconditional compassionate support to LGBT people in your own community and networks.” Christianity Today opined that “we can’t pretend that the Ugandan homosexuality law is Christian.” We must ask ourselves why professing Christians and Christian publications are defending homosexuality and other types of sexual deviancy when God condemns them multiple times and in plain language?
The answer is found in chapter 2 of First Thessalonians as referred to above. Though some churches condemn some deviant acts while embracing others, the bottom line is that God pronounces His curse on all who are involved in sin of any kind, along with those who overlook their sins, and do so in His name (Rom. 1:32). Sin takes place in the mind (Jam. 1:12-16). Those who approve of the sins of others are equally as guilty as are those who commit the sin physically.
Church people who accept sin in other church people accuse those who do not accept sin in church people of not loving the guilty church people. This is a false accusation. The problem is not that we do not love sinners. We love them enough to demand change in those who want to join us in our worship of the One Who condemns their sins. The Lord’s condemnation is based on the fact that the DEI (DIVERSITY, EQUALITY, INCLUSIVE)–“WOKE”–religious institutions do not demand that the sinners they embrace do what God demands them to do in Second Chronicles 7:13,14 where He commands that they humble themselves before Him, confess their sins, repent of their sins and TURN FROM THEIR WICKED WAYS. “Turning” refers to true conversion, which necessitates a 180 degree reversal of life. Instead, the “come as you are, stay as you are. Jesus loves you just the way you are” groups simply blend sexual sins in with those sins which the churches long ago declared to be the will of God, even though He plainly states that they are abominations to Him. See the homepage of this ministry for a list of several such church “truths.” The blending of sins makes everyone in the organization equally sinful in the eyes of God. Recall what Jesus told the church at Laodicea about her blending obedience and holiness (heat and cold). He equated the mixture with vomit which He would spew out of His mouth.
Some use Christ’s encounter with the prostitute as recorded in John 8:10,11 to allow sex sin to remain in the church. Here Jesus tells the woman that He has forgiven that He did not condemn her. He is referring to her PAST sins. But that is where they stop reading. It is at that point that He inserts the unspoken “IF” caveat. He is telling her that He would not condemn her if, from that moment on she obeyed His command to “SIN NO MORE.” What if she continued in her sins? Would He overlook them simply because she called Him “Lord” and forgave her past sins? Read Matthew 7:21-23 and Luke 6:46. Also read Romans 6:17-23 and Ephesians 5:8 where Paul compares what people were in times past to what they became following conversion. Sinners saved by grace do not like those verses.
In the above-stated verses Jesus was speaking to and about the modern day church concerning her apostasy. Read about the spiritual condition of the modern church in Revelation 3:14-20. And she is only in the beginning stage of her slide into Satan’s sewer. The recent publicly pronounced apostasy of Pope Francis is only a hint of what is to come as professing Christendom’s “light” is exposed as “great darkness” which Jesus warned about in Matthew 6:23. Protestants need not look down on the blasphemous pontiff. The Scriptures tell us that the entire world will one day be one religious entity ruled by an all-powerful religious leader which I believe will be the reigning pope. Some Protestant Churches have already united with the Catholic Church in terms of beliefs, customs and “truths.” The mother (Catholic whore) will not for long suffer the loss of her children (harlot daughters–Protestants)–Isaiah 47:1-15. Here God is speaking to the “daughter of (mystery) Babylon” and “the daughter of the Chaldeans.” This is the whore of Revelation 17:1-5 who is “drunk on the blood of the saints.” Upon His return, Jesus will destroy both mother and daughters who, by that time, will have officially united to become a world-ruling religious body under the rulership of the “false prophet” (second beast) of Revelation 13:11-17; 16:19; 19:20; 20:10) whom, as I said, will be the pope. L.J.
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