Six seals have been opened. John has witnessed the devastation following each revealing. Now the Lamb opens the seventh seal: “And when He had opened the seventh seal there was silence in heaven for the space of half an hour …. And I saw the seven angels which stood before God; and to them were given seven trumpets” (Rev. 8:1,2). John saw seven angels holding seven trumpets. The trumpets constituting the seventh seal represent seven events that are about to take place on earth in stages, each stage is called a trumpet. Each trumpet is a plague as noted in Revelation 9:20. God is about to send seven plagues upon the wicked of the world.
The seventh seal, with its seven trumpet blasts, constitute the Day of the Lord–the day (year) of His wrath. The prophet Zephaniah describes it in this way: “A day of the trumpet and alarm against the fenced (defended) cities and against the high towers (military fortifications).” Recall that in Revelation 7:1 God ordered the angels to hold back the four winds (trumpet blasts). These winds were prevented from blowing until the Holy Spirit had sealed the 144,000 Israelites and the innumerable multitude that had come out of the Great Tribulation from all nations, tongues and peoples. Just as God protected the Israelites in the land of Goshen while He sent plague after plague upon Egypt, He will keep these people safe in “her place” called “the place of safety” while the world around them is experiencing the worst horror ever bestowed upon man. Just as He led His people to the Holy Land following their removal from Egypt anciently, following the plagues of the Day of the Lord He will lead His saints to the exact same place–the Holy Land.
The first four trumpets, also called plagues, are described in chapter 8 as winds that blow on the earth, trees, rivers and seas (vss 6-12). The final three trumpets are called “woes” due to the devastation they cause the earth (8:13). Let us study these woes to discern what God is warning us about relative to the last of the last days of the world as we know it.
The first woe (the fifth trumpet) reveals that a people of extreme wickedness will ascend out of a “bottomless pit” or “abyss” to ravage mankind. The inference is that these people have been secretly preparing for this global attack for many years. People much more learned than I believe that this will be the resurrected Holy Roman Empire that caused so much trouble for God’s people in the past. After much study I have come to agree with them. Having been “hiding in plain sight” in the form of the European Union, this beast will rise up again to lead mankind into World War III. Recall that it was this same people who started World Wars I and II. This woe is described in 9:1-11.
The second woe is symbolized by horses and horsemen in Ezekiel 38:4,15 and refers to a tremendous military power–an army of two hundred million men. Bible authorities believe this to be a mighty Communist Eurasian army of incredible manpower and weaponry. It is reported that today China alone can field a military of that size.
Before the third woe (the last trumpet) sounds we learn that two men called God’s “witnesses” have been preaching the gospel for the past 3 1/2 years. Their mission ends with the end of the second woe (vss 12-14). These witnesses are endued with supernatural protection and give out God’s final warning to the evil powers before the final trumpet sounds. For their efforts they are killed by “the Beast” described in Revelation 13 and 17 and Daniel 2 and 7. As stated, many believe this to be the revived Roman Empire. It is now time for the seventh trumpet (third woe) to blow in order to determine what it is and to hear its message.
We are told that Christ will return at the blowing of the seventh trumpet (1 Cor. 15:52/1 Thess. 4:16/Mat. 24:31). In Revelation 11:15 we are told: “And the seventh angel sounded; and there were great voices in heaven, saying, ‘The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord and of His Christ; and He shall reign for ever and ever.'” JESUS HAS RETURNED TO RULE THE WORLD AND ALL OF THE GOVERNMENTS AND PEOPLE ON IT. This does not sit well with the rulers of the world who quickly convince the people of the world that Jesus is the Antichrist who has come to destroy their leader–the head of the Beast government (the real Antichrist). Spurred on by the False Prophet, the people will fight against Jesus and His saints who have set up the Kingdom of God: “And the nations were angry, and Thy wrath hath come, and the time of the dead that they should be judged, and that Thou shouldest give reward unto Thy servants the prophets, and to the saints, and them that fear Thy name, small and great; and shouldest destroy them which destroy the earth.” (Rev. 11:18). Notice what fills up the wrath of God–the seven last plagues: “And I saw another sign in heaven, great and marvelous, seven angels having THE SEVEN LAST PLAGUES; FOR IN THEM IS FILLED UP (COMPLETED) THE WRATH OF GOD” (Rev. 15:1). Now notice that the Lord has not come from heaven alone: “When the Son of man shall come in His glory, and all the holy angels with Him, then He shall sit upon the throne of His glory; and before Him shall be gathered all nations; and He shall separate them (individuals in those nations) one from another as a shepherd divideth his sheep from the goats; and He shall set the sheep on His right hand and the goats on His left. Then shall the King say unto them on His right hand, ‘Come, ye blessed of My Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world'” (Mat. 25:31-34).
Chapters 15,16 again speak of the seven last plagues. These are God’s judgments against the counterfeit church system known today as Catholicism/Protestantism but anciently as Babylon, the Great Whore and her harlot Daughters (Rev. 17:1-5). She is also referred to in 18:1-5 as a dwelling place for demons, foul spirits and unclean birds. We are warned to “… come out of her” so as not to share in her sins and receive of her plagues, for God will remember her iniquities. Chapter 19 further describes the coming of the Lord. The 20th chapter speaks of the thousand year earthly reign of Jesus and His saints and the Great White Throne judgment. Read The Resurrections. Chapters 21,22 describe the New Earth and New Heavens.
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