The message God gave to Jesus to give to the Apostle John began with sober warnings to His churches in Asia Minor scattered along a Roman road system. He was speaking to each church relative to its spiritual condition. His descriptions were harbingers of the condition of the Institutional Church during the seven church eras that have transpired since that time. The final church He addressed (Laodicea) has its counterpart in the modern church (Catholicism/Protestantism). For a description of both churches read Revelation 3:14-19. Now let us move on to chapters four and five where we find written the prelude to the main prophecies of the Book of Revelation–the seals, bowls and woes used to describe first Satan’s then God’s wrath being poured out on sinning man.
John, the only apostle to die a natural death, has been exiled to the Isle of Patmos as punishment for preaching the gospel. Hated by both Israelites and Gentiles alike, John is allowed to live for one reason only in my estimation–to write the Book of Revelation. Just as Paul was prevented by the Holy Spirit to visit Rome so that he could write the Book of Romans for us to study, John was spared the sword for an equally important reason–to reveal to God’s end-time church what is soon to come on the earth. One day as the apostle is praying he is spiritually taken up to heaven, to the very throne of God. In the vision he sees God the Father sitting on His throne. Before Him are a number of living beings. Standing in front of the Father is Jesus Christ. The Father is holding the Book of Prophecy in His right hand. John has been told by a heavenly voice that he is about to be shown things that would come on the people of the earth in the future (4:1,2). In 5:1 he notices that the book in God’s hand is in fact a scroll that has writing on both sides and is sealed with seven seals.
The sealed scroll contains a prophecy that details the horrendous events that will take place just prior to the return of the Lord. For two thousand years men have tried to explain the symbols Jesus was about to show John, symbols that tell those who understand them what will take place during the final 3 1/2 years of this age. As John gazes on the scene he sees an angel who asks those around God’s throne, “Who is worthy to open the book and to loose the seals thereof?” But no man in heaven, on earth or under the earth is found worthy to peal back the seals (4:1,2). But there is one Who can–a lamb called “… the Lion of the Tribe of Judah, the Root of David (Who) hath prevailed to open the book and to loose the seven seals thereof” (vs. 5). To “open the Book” means to peal back the seals so as to reveal the meaning of the symbols found within it–to reveal to those with eyes to see what will transpire between the unsealing of the scroll and the end of the age. Notice that as Jesus begins to open the first seal, something happens: “And they sang a new song, saying, ‘Worthy art Thou to take the scroll and to open its seals, for thou wast slain and by thy blood didst ransom men for God from every tribe and tongue and people and nation, and hast made them a kingdom and priests to our God, and they shall reign on earth” (Rev. 5:9,10). Notice two things: 1) The Lord’s saints will come from every nation, tribe, people and tongue, 2) they will rule and reign with Him, not in heaven, but here on earth where He will establish the Kingdom of God upon His return. Recall that He prophesied this event in Matthew 6:10 here He prayed that God’s kingdom would come to earth in the future at which time His will would be done throughout all the earth. Note also that God’s kingdom was at that time in heaven where it remains until this today. Many have tried to place the Kingdom of God/Heaven on earth at the present time. Various descriptions have been given it: the church, the will of God in the church, the joining of men in a religious manner, God manifesting Himself through men, etc. If God is telling the truth, no description of His kingdom given by man is correct. For a complete Scripture-based description of the Kingdom of God/Heaven read the posting by that name where one will find that it is nothing like what we have all been told from pulpit and podium. To be continued. L.J.
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