The Lord God uses all types of people and creates various circumstances to fulfill His will, teach lessons and complete a variety of tasks. In this process, things are not always as they seem to be. For this reason we must gather His spiritual manna (Word/bread) DAILY as our Israelite ancestors gathered physical manna during the 40-years they wandered in the Sinai Desert. When we study His Word regularly with a receptive mind we find instances of God's anointing being placed on some of the least likely people. This often surprises and confuses Bible readers. For this reason we must make Bible study our number one priority. The Bible is the ONLY source we have of knowledge about the Lord and His will for mankind.
In this ministry I often use Old Testament teachings, for which I have been chastised. Why do I so often refer to the Old Testament that was supposedly discarded upon Christ's death? Four of the Scriptures I use in response to that question are (1) Ephesians 2:20, (2) 2 Peter 1:21, (3)1 Corinthians 10:11 and (4) 2 Timothy 3:14-16. Let us examine each in succession: (1) The New Covenant Church was founded on the teachings of "PROPHETS and the apostles." (2) Holy MEN OF OLD spoke as they were moved upon by the Holy Spirit. (3) The Old Testament was preserved to be used as a TEACHING TOOL for the New Testament Church and (4) ALL SCRIPTURE is inspired by God and profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction and for training in righteousness. With my defense for using the Old Testament in my messages established, let us go there.
In the Book of Daniel we find the Jews being held captive by Nebuchadnezzar, King of Babylon who was the most powerful heathen king of the most powerful kingdom on earth at that time. God anointed him and used him to tell the people in his kingdom about the miracle-working God of the Jews. After seeing God move in miraculous ways, which his gods could not do, the king wrote to his people that the God of their Jewish captives was indeed the "God of gods." However, even though he had found Daniel alive after spending a night in a lions' den, even after watching Shadrach, Meshack and Abednego stand in raging fire without being burned, even after seeing another being in the furnace with them who, as he said, "looked like a Son of God," and even after speaking and writing to his people about what he had witnessed on those occasions, King Nebuchadnezzar refused to embrace that miraculous God as his own. This proves that when Satan buries his religious tenacles into a person's heart it is neigh onto impossible to pull them out. This is why Jesus said that few would allow that to happen (Mat. 7:13,14).
And then there was Solomon. Solomon was the son of King David whom the Lord had anointed king of the nation of Israel, His chosen people. David ruled Israel for many years while raising a son named Solomon. "The man after God's own heart" had wanted to build the Lord a Temple in Jerusalem. But the Lord refused, saying that He wanted his son Solomon to build His Temple. With David's passing Solomon was anointed king and quickly became known as the wisest man on earth. Solomon did indeed build the Lord a Temple, exhibiting both his wisdom and his management skills in doing so. Solomon was truly anointed. Through skills possessed by very few people, the king soon built the nation of Israel into the most powerful, most successful, most wealthy and most spectacular nation on earth. People came from near and far just to see what he had accomplished. However, his anointing, skills and blessings from on high did not keep him from becoming one of the most vile, sinful reprobates ever to walk the earth. Against God's strict orders, the king made alliances with heathen kings and married hundreds of heathen women who turned him way from his God and to their pagan gods and religions, exactly as God had warned. Solomon led Israel into the depths of heathenism riveled only by King Ahab and his co-regent, Jezebel. Wise and anointed Solomon led his fellow Israelites to worship false gods, even going so far as to have them sacrifice their children to one of their gods whose name was Molech. Obviously, Solomon's calling, anointing and blessings from the Lord were lost as the nation sank into the lowest depths of sin and depravity. Why did the Lord let this happen? Why does He allow false prophets to perform miracles and lead world-wide mega-ministries today? He tells us in the Old Testament. Many of God's Old Testament teachings that apply to the New Testament Church remain unknown within the church because she has been told that the Law was "nailed to the cross." Let us put that lie out of our minds and return to that rejected treasure trove of Truths which Jesus identified as God's Word in John 17;17.
In Deuteronomy 13:1-4 the Almighty is speaking to His Chosen People anciently (and today's true church), explaining through the Prophet Moses why people who are not His people can do the miraculous. As noted in the previous posting, I was one of those people prior to my conversion.
In this passage Moses tells us that a religious leader might tell us that he has seen a spiritual sign, or predicts a future miracle. He (God) warns us that the sign or miracle might indeed come to pass. Then, if the miracle worker tries to lead us to serve another gods, this means that He (God) is TESTING US to find out if we love Him with all our hearts. He is determining if we will follow Him, fear Him, keep His commandments (Law), listen to His voice (Holy Spirit) and remain faithful to Him.
God's use of the expression "other gods" in today's world refers to Catholicism/Protestantism's many churches, denominations, faiths, congregations, cults, sects, etc., each of which has its own god, savior, truths, etc. As is evidenced by the popularity of the counterfeit church's false prophets, which Jesus warned about in Matthew 24:4,5. That which He warned about is operating in full Satanic force as he lures in and holds captive billions of salvation seekers. Read Bait and Switch. Key word--Bait. Having joined one of those false churches early on in life, and having remained in "the church" for decades, I understand the allure of the devil's message, which I preached until the Lord did a work in me, snatched me out of Satan's grasp and anointed me to teach and minister His Truth. I cannot thank Him enough for his grace, patience and long-suffering kindness to me.
God is testing the professing church and she is failing the test. He is trying her and finding her wanting. If you are still trapped within her web, obey God and "come out of her and be ye separate, touch not that unclean thing." Then, and only then, He promises to be your God and you will be His people (2 Cor. 6:14-7:1).
Do not be taken in by the church's siren call to join one of her many counterfeit Christian organizations. Jesus addresses them in Revelation 3:14-22. He also warns those who remain within her in Matthew 7:21-23 where He warns those who will, on Judgment Day, remind Him of how they had dined with Him, had preached the Gospel, cast out demons, performed miracles and done many wonderful works in His name. He addresses these religious giants who had refused to obey His Law, saying: "And I will say to you, I never knew you, depart from Me you who practice iniquity (Gk.--Lawlessness)."
Let us obey God's Ten Commandment Law, please Him and live with Him forever. L.J.
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