This series is dedicated to proclaiming the Biblical Truth that the Gospel preached by Jesus Christ and His apostles has not changed, is not changing and will not change. He is the Lord, He “changes not,” which means that His message has not changed. The Godhead (Father and Son) and Their message–the Holy Bible–are one. Their Word has not changed, neither has Their command to study it, learn it, believe it and obey it; neither is the fact that only those who do so will spend eternity with Them in the Kingdom of God. Read the Kingdom of God and The Signs of the End of the Age. Key words–Kingdom and Signs respectively.
The second part of the dedication involves Satan’s attempt to destroy God’s Truth by replacing it with a false “truth” that uses just enough of God’s Truth to deceive the vast majority of salvation seekers. who concentrate on God’s “headlines” but refuse to embrace His “fine print,” without which His “headlines” will not come to fruition. We will now continue in this mode by comparing Satan’s popular false gospels (each “church” has its own gospel) to God’s true Gospel. This spiritual war has been going since the Garden of Eden. Recall that Noah was “a preacher of righteousness” (2 Pet. 2:5). However, his entire congregation had to be drowned because of their wickedness. As is repeatedly pointed out on this website, in terms of numbers of followers, Satan is winning by a margin of millions to one. Of all of the people on earth, only eight people were saved during the great flood. Jesus warned early on about a global end-time rejection of His message in Matthew 7:13,14; 24:4,5 and Revelation 12:9. Now let us pick up where the previous posting ended.
Laodicean (modern) Christianity (Rev. 3:14-20) claims that the church must strive for diversity, equity and inclusion so as to make even the most vile of people feel welcome, to accept them as they are with no expectation of a change in their character because Jesus loves them just as they are. All that is necessary is that they accept Jesus as their Savior and repent following their inevitable sins. We see proof of this Truth in the rainbow flags being carried by people with crosses around hanging from their necks. The spiritual fix, church sinners are assured, is in. One can be what one wants to be and do what one wants to do as long as one loves Jesus and repents. This is the same Jesus Who said we must prove our love for Him by obeying Him (Jn. 14:15,23; 15:10; 8:31/ Mat. 19:17/1 Jn. 2:5). Billions of so-called sinners saved by grace have embraced Satan’s big lie whole-heartedly.
Contrary to what salvation seekers are being told, “holy men of old” who “spoke (and wrote) as they were moved by the Lord’s Holy Spirit” (2 Pet. 1:21) paint a totally different picture. They made it clear that a total change of character was necessary in order to qualify for entrance into God’s church during this life and salvation that would come at the return of Jesus to earth for those who have proven their love for the Lord by obeying His Words (2 Cor. 5:17/ Eph. 4:24,13/ 1 Jn. 3/ Mat. 4:17; 7:23; 10:22/ Rom. 5:21; 6:22; 13:11/ 1 Pet. 1:15,16; 2:5,9). Those Truths firmly established, we will now complete this series by reminding the reader of a number of passages that directly refute church beliefs that are known to all and need not to be stated.
Church people who continue to sin belong to Satan while true saints belong to God (1 Jn. 3:8, 10; 2:3-6; 3:3,7). Judgment is on-going in the church and only the righteous within her will be saved (1 Pet. 4:18). Only those in the church who keep God’s Law know Him in reality; those who claim to know him and refuse to keep His Law are liars (1 Jn. 2:3,4). False prophets and their followers have been bewitched into serving false gods (Cal. 3:1; 4:8), which is exactly what Adam and Eve did.
Contrary to universal church opinion, salvation seekers are not saved by faith alone. Works of obedience are necessary. As the Apostle James tells us, “faith without works is dead faith” (Jam. 2:10,14,17, 18,20,24,26). Faith does not replace the Law, but rather establishes the Law in the heart of the saint where it must be obeyed in order to be justified, which if maintained leads to conversion which, if maintained leads to salvation (Rom. 3:31; 2:13). One must walk in Abraham’s faith (believe and obey God as he did) in order to receive eternal life (Rom. 4:12). Calling Christ one’s Lord without obedience to Him means nothing and characterizes the false Christian as unwise–foolish, whom God says will be destroyed (Lk. 6:46/ Mat. 7:21-27). Salvation is earned by obeying God’s Law (Lk. 10:25,26; 18:18-22).
However, iniquity (Lawlessness) is the order of the day within professing Christianity and is the work of Satan who has deceived those who are perishing by causing them to reject God’s Truth, thereby rejecting Him and His Son. God sends strong delusion to those who reject His Word so that they believe Satan’s lie which he speaks through his false prophets who lead his Catholic/Protestant Churches (2 Thes. 2:7-12). Satan has deceived the whole world (Rev. 12:9) into believing and obeying him. The God one obeys is the God one serves (Rom. 6:16). We serve God by obeying His Word; we serve Satan by obeying his word. Thus says the Lord Jesus Christ through His prophets and apostles. Christ declares that He will judge all people by the Words He has spoken–the entire Bible (Jn. 12:44-50). L.J.
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