In the epistle of the Apostle James he makes the statement (1:12) that a man who overcomes temptation is blessed by God and SHALL (later) receive THE “crown of (eternal) LIFE” which the Lord has PROMISED (to be awarded later) those who LOVE HIM.” This statement is confirmed in Second Timothy 4:8 where the Apostle Paul tells Timothy that: “Henceforth there is laid up for me a ‘crown of (earned by) righteousness’ which the Lord, the righteous judge, will (later) give me at that (judgment) day. And not only to me, but to all of those who eagerly await His appearing (return),” at which time God’s Very Elect will be saved and born again (changed from flesh to spirit bodily composition)–First Corinthians 15:49-54. At that time we will become as Christ is–spirit (1 Cor. 15:52/ 1 Jn. 3:2). The change in bodily composition from flesh to spirit is Scripturally known as being “born again.” Read Born Again. Key word–Again.
At this time I feel the need to speak to those who are newcomers to the website with its 2000 plus postings. Website veterans know that I repeat myself time and again. I do this for the sake of newcomers who have not read my past postings. I want to make certain that they are soon introduced to some of God’s basic foundational Truths. Veterans, please bear with me as I speak to newcomers at this point.
Four of the numerous deadly lies Satan’s false prophets tell their congregations are 1) that one is saved and born again upon accepting Jesus as Savior, completing the prescribed ritual and being baptized, 2) God’s Law, having been “nailed to the cross,” plays no part in the New Testament Church, 3) that due to Adam’s sin gene transferal miracle, believers have no choice but to sin, and 4) that Jesus died to enable believers to sin an and get away with it. In the following short segment I will produce some of God’s statements that contradict these common fallacies, specifically the belief that one is saved in this life and need only repent following one’s inevitable sins.
In Romans 13:11 Paul says that true saints are NEARER TO SALVATION THAN WHEN THEY FIRST BELIEVED. In First Corinthians 13:1-3 he noted in that if he failed to obey the Lord everything he had accomplished would be for nothing. He would be like any other lost soul. First Peter 1:9 tells us that SALVATION WILL BE AWARDED AT THE END OF OUR LIFE OF FAITH. Romans 5:21 and 6:22 tell us that SALVATION IS THE END RESULT of a life of righteousness and holiness following conversion. First Thessalonians 5:8 tells us that in this life we have the HOPE OF SALVATION, not salvation itself. In Second Timothy 3:15 Paul tells Timothy the evangelist that studying the Holy Scriptures would give him wisdom LEADING TO SALVATION. In his letter to the Hebrew converts Paul reminded them that they were HEIRS OF (A FUTURE) SALVATION. An heir has the promise of an inheritance. An inheritor has already received the inheritance.
We are not saved and born again in this life. Salvation and rebirth are rewards that will be received at the return of Jesus to resurrect His Very Elect. Until them, stay vigilant, for the enemy comes “as a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour.” Not even God’s Very Elect are exempt from this Truth. As Matthew 24:24 reminds us, even the Very Elect are subject to his temptations. Some, the Lord tells us, have succumbed to him and others will do so in the future. In Matthew 7:13,14 He warns that most salvation seekers would be snared by his lure of easy religion. Note that in Matthew 24:24 the words it were are written in italics, meaning that they were added by the King James translators who, being Catholic, wanted the statement to conform to the Catholic belief that, having joined the church, one’s salvation is “sealed” and guaranteed. This is a lie that Christ and the apostles spoke and wrote about extensively. Recall that Jesus warned the disciples: “Let no man TAKE YOUR CROWN, for many will come in My name and …. will deceive many” (take their crowns)–Mat. 24:4,5. Thousands of such men, operating under the power of Satan, are robbing the masses of their future crowns today by leading them into Satan’s Catholic/Protestant Church System. This ministry is dedicated to exposing them for what they are–false prophets filled with and operating under the power of the antichrist. Just as those who belong to and serve Christ are called “Christians,” those who operate under the power of the antichrist are called “antichrists.” In First John 2:18 the apostle noted that there were “many antichrists” in his day. Their numbers have only increased as more and more self-proclaimed “churches” make their way onto the religious scene. Satan is an “any-way-you-want-it” church provider. Hundreds of churches, denominations, faiths, congregations, assemblies, presbyteries, cults, sects, etc. provide a home for every salvation seeker, no matter what he/she believes.
Satan has any number of temptations with which he entices man to follow his lead. Such temptations end only at the instant of death. Recall that only hours before His crucifixion Satan tempted Jesus to take the easy way out. While sweating great drops of blood, He asked the Father if there was some other way to become mankind’s Messiah. He could have spared Himself all of the pain as well as a torturous death on a stake by simply answering Satan’s siren call. The temptation to do so was obviously powerful. How many of us would have succumbed to it? But Jesus chose to obey His Father and suffer the consequences. Praise His holy name. Back to James 1:12.
There is a caveat in this verse whose true meaning is deliberately rejected. The caveat (condition for fulfillment of the promise of salvation) has two words: “LOVE ME.” If asked, every believer will confess that they “love the Lord.” But when confronted with God’s definition of love toward Him the response is, with extreme rare exception, anger, resentment and, yes, even hatred. No one hates God’s Truth like a true churchite. In John 14:15 Jesus told His disciples, “If you love Me, keep (obey) My commandments.” In verse 25 He said, “If a man loves Me he will keep My Words and (then) My Father will love Him and We will come to him and make our abode with Him” (in the form of Their Holy Spirit). In verses 13 and 25 Jesus EQUATES HIS COMMANDMENTS AND HIS WORDS. To the Godhead, they are the same. To the Godhead, every statement in the Bible is a commandment. In Matthew 19:17 a man has asked Jesus how to attain eternal life. Jesus responded: “…. if you want (eternal) life, keep the commandments.” In First John 2:5 we are told that “whosoever keeps His (God’s) Word, in him truly is the love of God perfected. By this we know that we are in Him.” In the previous two verses we are told that “We know we know Him IF we keep His commandments. He that says he is in Him and does not keep His commandments (the Law) is a liar and the Truth (of God) is not in him.” In First John 3:4 such a man is called a transgressor of the Law (a sinner). First John 3:5,6 tells us that Jesus died to “take sin out of our lives,” and that in Him there is no sin. Whosoever abides in Him does not sin; whosoever sins has neither seen Him nor known Him. In verse 8 John says that “he who commits sin is of the devil.” SIN IS THE TRANSGRESSION OF THE LAW (GOD’S WORD)–1 Jn. 3:4. Anyone who is a hearer of His Word and not a doer (obeyer) of His Word deceives himself (Jam. 1:22). In 1:16 James warns his “beloved brethren” not to err (commit sin). If, as we have been told, we carry Adam’s sin gene, we have no choice but to sin. And if we are already saved, why does it matter? Did not Jesus die to make sin go away? The Institutional Church has been lied to by the father of lies using his false prophets.
In 2:5 James addresses his “beloved (spiritual) brethren,” telling them that only those who LOVE GOD WILL INHERIT THE KINGDOM OF GOD. THESE ARE THEY WHO PROVE THEIR LOVE BY OBEYING HIS LAW/COMMANDMENTS. I will close this posting with John 15:10 where Jesus lets us know that relative to keeping the Law (not sinning–1 Jn. 3:4), He was no different from any other man while on earth. He said: “IF you (disciples) keep (obey) My commandments (then) you will abide (remain) in My love, EVEN AS I HAVE KEPT MY FATHER’S COMMANDMENTS/LAW AND (THEREFORE) ABIDE IN HIS LOVE.” JESUS HAD TO OBEY GOD’S COMMANDMENTS (LAW) IN ORDER TO REMAIN IN HIS LOVE. HE HAD TO FULFILL GOD’S CAVEATS JUST AS WE DO. IF HE HAD NOT, HE WOULD HAVE FAILED AND WE WOULD NOT HAVE A SAVIOR. L.J.
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