God’s temple (tabernacle) is where He has chosen to abide as He lives among His people, either bodily as in the case of ancient Israel–His “Church in the wilderness” (Acts 7:38)–or spiritually as in the case of His New Covenant church–the Israel of God (Gal. 6:16). In Exodus 24 He (the Word Who later came to earth as Jesus of Nazareth) called Moses, Aaron, Nadab, Abihu and the 70 elders of Israel to the top of Mt. Sinai where He ratified the covenant He had made with the nation as recorded in chapter 20. Then in 25:8 we read where He told Moses that He would abide among His chosen people in a man-made tabernacle. From chapter 25 through 31 are recorded His Words as He laid out for him precisely what articles to use in its construction, as well as how to care for it and utilize it once construction was complete. Later, in chapter 40, God puts a fine point on what He expects of Israel relative to His dealings with them. Nothing was left to chance in constructing, maintaining and utilizing the edifice in which He would abide and from which He would lead His people.
With the coming of Israel’s Old Testament God to earth as Jesus of Nazareth a change in the location and form of the tab- ernacle took place. In the case of the church in the wilderness He made His abode in a man-man tabernacle and appeared to Moses in visible form (light). On the Day of Pentecost A.D. 31 He came to live inside each member of His church through the agency of His invisible Holy Spirit. On that day each true saint became His Temple. He later confirmed this in First Corinthians 3:16,17: “Know ye not that YE ARE THE TEMPLE OF GOD … for the temple of God is holy, WHICH TEMPLE YE ARE.” He also said that He would destroy anyone who defiled His temple in which He lives in the form of His Holy Spirit, which is the meaning of the statement: “Christ in you the hope of glory” (Col. 1:27).
How does one defile the temple of God? By disobeying Him. This website was miraculously brought into being by the Lord in order to expose professing Christendom for doing exactly that, and to issue her a warning about God’s wrath that will come upon her if she continues walking the path along which Satan is leading her. Religious man routinely, repeatedly and loudly rejects God’s Word, and in so doing rejects Him (Jn. 12:48). Scripture reveals that the Lord views Himself and His Word as One (Jn. 1:1-4/Rev. 19:13). The Counterfeit Church has judged His WORD as deficient, thereby finding HIM deficient (Rom. 3:4). The church has defiled herself and will pay a heavy price for doing so.
The man-formed, Satan-empowered Institutional Church has built her house on a foundation of sand that can be mani- pulated into any shape man desires (Mat. 7:26,27). This is exemplified by the many forms (faiths, churches, denominations, orders, etc.) assumed by Catholicism/Protestantism. A storm is coming in which man’s religious system, which God calls “great darkness” because she substituted her darkness for His light (Mat. 6:23), will fall. In verses 13,14 He identified who would be in that church system–the “many” who had entered the wide gate and walked the broad way leading to destruc- tion. These God calls “fools.” These are they who “… hold the Truth in unrighteousness,” upon whom the wrath of God will come (Rom. 1:18,19). The “few” who enter the strait gate and walk the narrow way leading to life built their tabernacles on the Rock of Ages. These are the true saints who will weather the soon-coming storm and live.
It is my hope that those in the Institutional Church who visit this web-site will accept God’s Truth, come out of her and obey Him. To not do so removes any chance such a one has to receive eternal life. If you have questions or comments you can contact me at LPJ4142@gmail.com or (903) 677-5642 or P.O. Box 2352 Athens, Tx 75751 USA. I speak and write only English.
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