Another example of God’s dealings with false followers who are His people in name only is found in 1 Kings chapter 22 and Chronicles chapter 18. Here we find Ahab, the king of Israel (the 10 northern tribes) attempting to persuade Jehoshaphat, king of Judah (tribes of Judah and Benjamin) to join him in a battle with Syria by promising certain victory. The leery Jehoshaphat requests that Ahab call his prophets and ask them about the coming battle. Ahab calls some 400 prophets and asks them what God is telling them about the conflict’s ultimate outcome. Several speak up, assuring the two kings that victory is imminent. Jehoshaphat, still concerned about joining Ahab, asks if there is any other prophet in Israel whom they could consult. Ahab replies that there is one, Michiah. The problem is that he always prophesies bad things about king Ahab. Anciently, prophets were held in high esteem and were consulted when a word from the Lord was needed. The king of Judah insists on hearing what Michiah has to say. Ahab reluctantly agrees. While his men fetch the only prophet available who was in fact God’s man, Ahab’s prophets continue to assure the kings that victory is a foregone conclusion. Meanwhile God is speaking to His prophet, telling him to go along with Ahab’s prophets–God tells him to lie to the two kings (1 Ki. 22:14,15). In the conversation, God shows Michiah how He will DECEIVE Ahab by putting a LYING SPIRIT in the mouths of his prophets (vs 21-23). Upon the prophet’s arrival, Ahab asks Michiah how the battle will turn out. Michiah does what the Lord has told him to do–he lies to the king. When pressed, Michiah again does what the Lord tells him to do–he tells the king the truth, that Israel/Judah will be defeated. Numbers outranking truth, both kings believe Ahab’s prophets. To the surprise of no Bible student, after calling for God’s prophet and listening to him, Jehoshaphat rejects his counsel and goes with the crowd. As a result Israel/Judah are defeated, Ahab is killed and Jehoshaphat barely escapes with his life. The two kings provide an early example of today’s popular religious mindset that asks: “How can so many people be wrong?” and “How can one lone speaker, who is diametrically opposed to the vast majority, be right?” Answer: Check out the sources of their Truth.
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