Concerning the fact that God sends strong delusion to those who claim to be His people but are not, let us study two examples from the Old Testament.
Deuteronomy 13:1-4: “If there arises among you (Israelites/the church) a prophet … and (he) gives you a SIGN OR WONDER, AND THE SIGN OR WONDER COMES TO PASS ….” God then warns us not to follow that prophet simply because he performs miracles or preaches great sermons or has a huge, globe-encircling ministry, etc., “FOR THE LORD YOUR GOD IS PROVING (TESTING) YOU TO KNOW WHETHER YOU LOVE THE LORD YOUR GOD WITH ALL YOUR HEART AND ALL YOUR SOUL”– He administers a continuous IDOLATRY EXAM to those who claim sonship in His family to determine if they are fruit examiners or fruit ignorers. God is testing the Institutional Church today to see if she will follow silver-tongued, miracle-working ministers, or if she will test them using His Word. And if she finds that their words and actions do not match those put forth in His Holy Bible, does she reject the prophet or embrace him? As He states in this passage, He allows false prophets full sway in order to test those who claim to be His to see whether they will obey Him or follow those who tell them what they want to hear, who assure them that they are saved and born again, that their mansion awaits in heaven, and that, because the fix is in, obedience to His Word is an option to be exercised only when it is convenient and inoffensive.
God’s warning to ancient physical Israel rings true for Spiritual Israel (His church–Gal. 6:16) today. The few ministers who have the spiritual spine to speak His Truth to the religious masses continue to warn them as the day of His wrath comes ever nearer. The thousands of self-proclaimed “churches” that dot the world’s religious landscape are proof that His warning continues to fall on deaf ears. Having rejected His Word and having gone awhoring after a pagan god (Tammuz), the Counterfeit Church continues her slide into apostasy, following her false prophets into the abyss like lemmings rushing over a cliff. Her idolatry is exposed when she pays annual homage to Tammuz and his mother on Christmas and Easter respectively. These are but two of the many heathen doctrines and customs the false church has embraced over the past 1700 years while rejecting the true God and His Word. This website is dedicated to the public revelation of the church’s abominations.
Ancient Israel failed God’s test. His reaction to her apostasy is well known–defeat and enslavement. His testing method has not changed. Neither has His reaction to test failure. But He is long-suffering and patient. He gave Israel many years to repent and turn to Him and has done the same for the United States. Both failed to answer His call. One down, one to go. The difference between then and now is that then He killed the false prophets physically; today He kills them spiritually. To be continued. L.J.
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