Delusion: Gr-“plane”–error, deception. To delude is to deliberatly lead someone away from the right and toward the wrong. In the Biblical context, it means to degrade God’s Truth while exalting Satan’s error, to lead a God-seeker away from His righteousness and to Satan’s sin. Any church person who believes that Satan exists (not all do) knows that delusion/deception is his modus operandi–his method of drawing God-seekers to himself. God speaks about this in Matthew 7:13,14 where He warns about the two gates and two paths. That Satan deceives people is not surprising to the masses who populate the religious organization that calls itself “the church.” But most of them do not realize that God also deceives/deludes people–church people–and for the same reason. Let us examine what He says about this in Paul’s second message “to the church of the Thessalonians (who are) in God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ (1:1).” First, we must understand that God is speaking TO the church ABOUT the church. Notice that Paul paid homage to “OUR” Father–his and theirs. This proves that this was God’s church peopled primarily by God’s saints. The delusion/deception part of His message was written about those in the Thessalonian church who claimed to be His people but were not. In 2 Peter 2:9-22 and Jude 1:3,4,8-13 He warns the church then and now about such false believers and the havoc they cause. Anciently they comprised only a small minority in the church; today they are in the vast majority, which is why God-seekers are commanded to leave the Institutional Church. The New Testament consists of messages from God sent to the churches through the preaching and writing of His apostles. Many of God’s messages are rejected by professing Christendom because they do not conform to the church’s various narratives. Second Thessalonians 2:11 is one such message.
“For this cause GOD SHALL SEND THEM STRONG DELUSION (so) that they should BELIEVE A LIE.” “I can’t believe that God would do that” was spoken to me after I quoted the verse in a newspaper article. The speaker had been in church all of her life but had evidently never noticed the statement. Having been forced to acknowledge it, she promptly rejected it. I was not surprised by her ignorance of the Bible. Nor was I shocked that she rejected the hard-hitting passage after reading it. I have found her reaction to be the norm among the uber-religious. I was told by another equally religious churchite that Paul’s letters to the Church at Corinth were part of the Old Testament and therefore did not apply to New Testament believers. Having been in this business for many years I know what the purposefully ignorant are being taught by their equally ignorant false prophets. Having spent decades in the belly of the beast, I know that each hireling teaches only those few passages which, if taken out of context, twisted and contorted, seemingly confirm their false church’s particular theology. The expressed (by the Lord) purpose of this website is to expose professing Christendom’s deadly errors to those having eyes to see, ears to hear and a heart (mind) to believe and obey what He says in His Holy Scriptures.
Consensus within professing Christendom holds that the Thessalonian passage is one of the Lord’s numerous errors. Lucky for Him, the church noticed His error in time to eliminate it before He caused any more damage. God would never deceive someone into believing a lie in that this would cause them to obey/serve Satan, the father of lies. You might recall my rope, tree and stool analogy relative to one who wants to commit spiritual suicide–God will provide all three items. This passage proves that point.
Now let us notice about whom the Lord is speaking–false Christians. It is one thing to be ignorant of God’s Word; it is quite another to reject that Word when exposed to it. And when you consider that, in most areas of the world, anyone who wants a Bible can get one, and that it is the most purchased and stolen book on earth …. One need only connect the spiritual dots to see that approximately 80% of the world has no excuse for Biblical ignorance. For them, such ignorance is a self-inflicted wound. Those of us who have access to God’s Holy Scriptures must believe what we read in His Word as stated, not what wishful thinkers believe He would have written had He been adequately advised–by them of course. As I stated earlier, it is this attitude that led to the creation of Catholicism and Protestantism. See Revelation 17:1-5. To be continued. L.J.
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