Disciple: One whose life reflects that of another. Spiritual discipleship involves patterning one’s life after one of two spiritual deities: the Biblical God or the god of this world. Every human being is a disciple of one or the other deity. In the eyes of the Biblical God–the only eyes that count–there is no mixing of allegiance or loyalty. One belongs to Him totally or to Satan totally; one loves and obeys Him totally or Satan totally. Read Second Corinthians 6:14-7:1/ Revelation 3:14-20; 8:31; John 15:10,13,14,22,24/ Matthew 7:21-23; 15:9/ Luke 6:46. First John 2:3-10 and Revelation 3:14-22 prove that SINNERS SAVED BY GRACE DO NOT EXIST, that, like it or not, one is 100% or nothing. One has the proper “receipts” or one does not.
Of late we have seen the use of the word “receipts” in reference to political accusations and the “receipts” that prove the accusations to be either true or false. In the physical world we often must provide “receipts” to prove things like automobile and insurance ownership, the right to enter an event, the right to board an airplane, etc. These are legitimate requirements for doing what only one with the proper receipt can claim ownership, drive, see a ball game, fly, etc. In these instances in which failure to provide a receipt is at worst an inconvenience, one’s word relative to the subject is not enough. One must produce the proper receipt. Try getting into a rock concert without a receipt and you will see how important a ticket has come to be. People pay hundreds of dollars for them.
Ironically, this is not the case in the spiritual realm where eternal life or death are at stake. In the spiritual world one need only claim to be a Christian in order to be accepted as such. I have shared the following story before, but for the sake of new readers, I will repeat myself in order to make an important point. The point being that, in the church world, simply having A receipt–word of mouth–is all that is needed to be accepted as a child of God. The subject of this story was my earthly father who was one of, if not the most vile, Satanic human being I have ever personally known. His reputation as a womanizing, blaspheming, God-hating reprobate was well-known. The following story about him was told to me by someone who knew it to be true.
The members of a local church knew him and knew what he was in that he made no secret about it. Because of his reputation, They were concerned about his soul. The pastor agreed with them and decided to talk to him about his spiritual condition. My dad was plowing in a cotton field when the pastor approached him and asked him the well-scripted questions. The following sun god day the pastor reported that brother Jaques was indeed in right standing with the Lord. How did he know? Dad had told him that he had joined a church of that same denomination during his teen years, which was true. Upon hearing this, the congregation rejoiced, “knowing” that God had Himself a convert and Satan had been denied a convert. The man who routinely curse God was declared a heaven-bound Christian. Case closed. Why? Because this denomination held to the “once saved, always saved” theory. All “receipts” to the contrary were irrelevant. Brother Jaques had completed the prescribed ritual in the distant past so God would welcome him home when he had blasphemed the last time.
Years later the attendees left dad’s funeral assured that he was at that moment smiling down on them from heaven. Brother Jaques had gone home to be with the Father. All of his other “receipts” had been cancelled–rendered null and void–by that one receipt which was his name on a piece of paper in a box in a small country church. And it still is. There is another name in that box–mine. No matter what he did, his name could never be removed from that church’s “salvation roll.” And “when the roll is called up yonder” his name will still be on it. I grew up in that church with some of her present day members. The irony is that if they knew what I believe and preach they would probably remove my name from the roll. You see, breaking God’s Law thousands of times is automatically overlooked if one has been ‘saved.” However, believing and speaking that Law will get you rejected from the church, even if you have a membership “receipt.” To join that church and remain a member in good standing a congregant needs to possess only one receipt–proof that one has completed the denomination’s prescribed ritual.
Due to the invention of television, receiving such a receipt is much easier now than it was in pre-t.v. days. You can earn one in the comfort of your own home between sin-glorifying t.v. programs. Just repeat the prayer offered by the false prophet on the screen and, presto, you are saved, sanctified, born again and rapture-ready. I timed two of those salvation hucksters to see how long it took to “get saved.” It took about ten seconds. What does God say about becoming one of His people? Read The Process of Salvation. Key word–Process.
Reminder: I will send free of charge a list of series titles to anyone who will email me at lpj4142@gmail.com Following my mailing of the list I will not contact the recipient again unless asked to do so. I ask for nothing except that readers study the Biblical passages I provide in my teachings. Do not take my word for anything. If what I say is not Scriptural, ignore it. If it is Scriptural, obey it.
This brings up the question: WHAT ARE THE TRUE SAINT’S RECEIPTS THAT PROVE HIS/HER SAINTHOOD? For an introduction to the answer to this question turn to Mark 10:17-22 where we find a rich man asking Jesus what he must do to inherit eternal life? In other words, what were the “receipts” he would need? Jesus told him that his “receipts” must consist of his obedience to His Royal Law which He gave to ancient Israel and the modern day church in the form of the Holy Bible, which He condensed into the Ten Commandments which cover every “thou shalt not” act (sin) that man can commit. Recall that the rich man told Him: “All these (the Ten Commandments) I have obeyed all of my life.” Hearing this statement, Jesus “looked upon him and loved him.” However, there was one missing receipt–a proper attitude toward stuff and things. The salvation seeker lusted for more and more stuff and things. This man who had traveled the country to find out how to receive eternal life failed to attain it from the only One he knew could bestow it. Why? Because of one thing he lacked. Jesus loved him because he obeyed the Law. However, that was not enough to overcome his lack of ONE RECEIPT. Read Psalm 5:5 to see how Jesus viewed the salvation seeker following his rejection of His (Christ’s) commanded receipt. God is no respecter of persons (Acts 10:34). What He requires of one He requires of all. Now read Luke 10:16 to see what a lack of belief and obedience receipts says to Jesus and His Father. This passage, perhaps better than any other, tells the members of the Godhead how sinners feel about them. Know this: GOD AND CHRIST ARE NOT WHO AND WHAT YOU HAVE BEEN TOLD THEY ARE. THEY DO NOT VIEW SINNERS THE WAY YOU HAVE BEEN TOLD THEY DO. CHRISTIANITY IS NOT WHAT YOU HAVE BEEN TOLD IT IS. SALVATION IS NOT ATTAINED THE WAY YOU HAVE BEEN TOLD IT IS ATTAINED. NOTHING IS AS YOU HAVE BEEN TOLD IT IS. SPEAKING THIS MESSAGE TO THE INSTITUTIONAL CHURCH IS THE MISSION OF THIS MINISTRY. I work night and day to fulfill my mission call which, in truth, is my life. This commission is the reason I am alive. I have no other reason for being on earth instead of in it. Speaking and writing God’s Truth is my passion. It is with great joy that I share His Truths with you.
Instead of going over each receipt required by God for salvation, I will direct you to study two series titled Mission Statement Review and The Process of Salvation. Key words–Statement and Process respectively. There you will find some aspects of church life which, like the things and stuff receipts of the rich salvation seeker, must be eliminated from the salvation seeker’s life. This website is filled with information concerning other receipts that must be eliminated along with those positive receipts that must be attained in order to spend eternity with the Lord God Almighty and His Son. L.J.
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