In verses four through six of the first chapter of Paul’s letter to the church at Rome we find the apostle writing about Christ’s resurrection from the dead by the power of the Holy Spirit, also called “the Spirit of HOLINESS,” which gives us a hint as to the reason for receiving the Holy Spirit at conversion. There is a reason for receiving God’s Holy Power (Spirit) at the time of one’s conversion (reversal of life). True conversion involves much more than a recognition and repentance of all PAST sins, which the gracious Lord forgives based on one’s repentance (Rom. 3:25). More on Biblical versus church conversion later.
In 1:5 Paul tells us why we receive grace, and in the case of some, apostleship: “FOR OBEDIENCE TO THE FAITH THROUGHT ALL NATIONS.” Note in verse six that the Gentile church in Rome was not exempted from that command, and that they were “also called” by Jesus Christ to obey THE (ONE AND ONLY) FAITH recognized by the SON OF GOD (vs 4). That God recognizes only ONE FAITH is openly rejected by professing Christendom. A commonly heard question asked during so-called “Interfaith Conferences” is: “What faith are you?” meaning what denomination does one belong to. The idea that there is more than one faith in God’s church comes from their leaders whom they hire to tell them what they want to hear. As the world’s most famous evangelist has told hundreds of thousands of “converts” who “accept Jesus as their Savior,” there are hundreds of churches (faiths/denominations) out there, so “go join the church of your choice.” One woman said that she chose a certain denomination because, “They do what I like to do.” They do the exact opposite of what God commands them to do.
Here we find yet another error within professing Christendom: each church system has its own faith–those Scriptures that are deemed “right” and “acceptable.” In Romans 10:19 we are told that our faith is based on our acceptance or rejection of God’s Word. Each church/faith/ denomination, cult, sect, etc. picks which of God’s Truths to believe and obey when it is convenient to do so. God has no choice but to accept their choices. This was voiced by a man who “knew” he was saved told me, “The one thing I know is that each person can interpret the Bible the way he wants to.” Those who interpret it a certain way join together and, presto, A church is born. And unlike all other churches, this one is THE church. And Satan smiles.
Relative to faith and the Word it is based on, it is all or nothing according to the Holy Scriptures. There are no options found in God’s Word/Law/Truth/Light. One either believes and obeys every Word, jot, tittle, etc. in God’s Law (Mat. 5:18), or one believes and obeys none of them (Jam. 2:10). This makes one a Law-breaker (worker of “iniquity”) whom Jesus will reject on Judgment Day (Mat. 7:23). One must accept God’s Word as THE ONLY TRUTH OF GOD (Jn. 17:17).
In Satan’s church system there are as many “faiths” as there are denominations, churches, etc. However, in God’s family, there is only ONE faith (Eph. 4:5), which consists of accepting the Word/Truth of God (Jn. 17:17) as it is written. Jesus Himself depended totally on His Father’s Word, which is why He combatted Satan’s temptations using that Word. With each temptation He said, “It is written.” Then He would quote God. Note that He quoted the Old Testament Law when responding to Satan’s offerings. This was the same Law He declared would remain in effect as long as heaven and earth exist. Ironically, the Words (Law) Jesus quoted during His time on earth are summarily rejected by those in “the church” today because it was supposedly “nailed to the cross.” Romans 1:5 tells us that we are CALLED (COMMANDED) TO OBEY THE (ONE AND ONLY) FAITH no matter where AMONG THE NATIONS we live.
Concerning THE GOSPEL, Paul states in verse nine that he served God by preaching “THE Gospel of His (God’s) Son.” Note that he was referring to Christ’s Gospel which he refers to as their MUTUAL FAITH, meaning all in God’s true church agreed (and still agree) on one set of beliefs, which God commands of His people in Ephesians 4:4-6. Paul stated that he preached the same Gospel to “all churches in every place” (1 Cor. 7:17/ 2 Cor. 8:18). Recall also that he and the other apostles met periodically to make sure they were all preaching the same Gospel.
In verses 15 through 17 Paul once again refers to THE (one and only) GOSPEL which he calls “the Gospel of (not about) Christ”–the Gospel Jesus preached. His first ministerial statement was: “Repent and believe the Gospel” (Mat. 4:17) for the Kingdom of Heaven (the church) was soon to come into existence. Notice in verse 16 that THE Gospel (not gospels) of Christ “IS (not are) the power of God (which leads) to salvation for everyone who believes (the Gospel).” Note that the Gospel (Law) is the power which will result in the salvation of the believer IF he/she fulfills it’s (the Gospel’s) requirement for holiness (vs 4). In verse five Paul states that the Holy Spirit empowers the believer to obey the Gospel, thereby allowing the Holy Spirit to create righteousness and holiness within the believer (vs 5). Only those who are led by (and obey) the indwelling Spirit can achieve the holiness necessary for salvation (Mat. 10:22). Notice in Romans 1:16 that the Gospel is the power of God (leading) to salvation–IF THE SPIRIT IS OBEYED, which identifies God’s true children (Rom. 8:14). All others are His in name only. Through the power of the Holy Spirit believers obey God’s Gospel following true repentance and true conversion. Jesus tells us that IF we continue on the Gospel path until the end of our lives salvation will be our reward (Mat. 10:22). Paul and the other apostles, along with their teachers–the prophets–repeat that same lesson again and again.
Professing Christendom is filled with people who, by their participation in “the church,” are known by God as “… My people who are called by My name.” In Romans 1:17 we are told: “For therein (the Gospel–vs 16) THE RIGHTEOUSNESS OF GOD IS REVEALED TO US as we walk in ever-increasing faith and thereby retain our justification (sinlessness/righteousness). WHAT GOD REVEALS TO US HE EXPECTS FROM US RELATIVE TO OUR DAILY LIVES.
Herein lies another church error. Church people are told repeatedly that by accepting Jesus as one’s Savior, belonging to a church, etc. makes one right with God and eligible to receive the fulfillment of His promises. Turn with me to the Old Testament for proof that this is not true. Recall that this is the same Old Testament that Jesus and His apostles used in their daily walk as well as the basis from which they preached. They would all be dead before the New Testament would come into being.
In Second Chronicles 7:14 we find the Lord saying about “… My people who are called by My name.” He states that IF they would “… HUMBLE themselves, PRAY, SEEK MY FACE and TURN FROM THEIR WICKED WAYS ….” He would hear their prayers. Notice that He referred to these people as “… My people called by My name.” However, these same people were EVIL, PROUD lot who refused to PRAY and to seek God’s FACE and who would not TURN FROM THEIR EVIL AYS. Note also the caveat “IF” relative to His answering of their prayers. This explains why 99.99% of church prayers go unanswered. Note in verse 13 that it was God Himself Who had sent their problems because of what He said about them in verse 14. Read All That Glitters. Key word–Glitters.
While these people were very religious, they were also very rebellious. They were reluctant to pray to Him and did not want to be in close proximity to Him. He had to tell them to not only stop sinning, but to TURN FROM THEIR WICKED WAYS. Here is another place where church people have embraced Satan’s gospel and rejected God’s Gospel. The problem is the belief that knowing about God’s Word, etc. is all that is required by Him. This attitude has been a problem among God’s people since the Garden of Eden. It is one thing to know a truth and even to believe it; it is quite another thing to obey it. Just knowing what is right will get us nowhere with God. Those whom God Called His people knew right from wrong. And so do we in that we have His rules of engagement sitting on our coffee table.
We are told from day one of our church experience that we have no choice but to sin due to Adam’s fall. Accordingly, it is impossible for God’s people to “turn from their wicked ways” in that this would mean removing sin from their lives, which, as “everyone knows” is “impossible.” Therefore, we are assured from pulpit and podium that Jesus died so that we would not be expected to do the impossible. “Everyone knows” that, because of Christ’s death, churchman can sin to his heart’s content, knowing that his “lady” will “take care of it.”
Depending on which head of the church snake one is involved in, either Mary or Grace “handles” believers’ inevitable sins by convincing Jesus to make them go away. I was told by a confessed serial fornicator as he patted a tattoo of Mary on his forearm, “My lady takes care of it,” meaning his sins. Though Grace does not show up in pictures, tattoos, statues, etc., she works just as mightily on behalf of Protestants as Mary does on behalf of her people. At least that is what the church “ladies” are reportedly doing around the clock on behalf of the billions of people who depend on them to keep their sin slates continuously clean.
What is not to like about so-called “Christianity?” What is commonly called “Christendom” is hands down the most convenient religion known to man in that, as the saying goes, the believer can “have his cake and eat it too.” This is the ultimate “win-win situation.” L.J.
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