Much discussion has taken place over the past two millennia concerning the lessons the Apostle Paul’s letter to the Rome congregation has taught the New Covenant Church. However, a careful study of the epistle reveals that much, if not most, of what he wrote has been either misunderstood or deliberately misrepresented by the leaders of that religious system. Having been in that system for almost 80 years, I have concluded that most of the errors have been due to man’s embrace of Satan’s lies about God’s Holy Scriptures. Those lies, which are much more man-pleasing, have been accepted without challenge by the religious masses who have followed in the religious footsteps of their original parents as recorded in Genesis 3:1-6.
Two years after the establishment of the Church of God in an upper room in Jerusalem on the Day of Pentecost 31 A.D. another “church” came into being in Rome and began its attack on God’s people by infiltrating their congregations with “truths” that contradicted the edicts of almighty God. The founder of this new “church” was Simon Magus (the magician) whom we read about in Acts 8. Posing as the Apostle Simon Peter, the heathen priest named his mew religion the “Universal (Catholic) Church” because it catered to all people regardless of their spiritual beliefs, practices or gods. All were embraced by the Universal Church and absorbed into its catechisms. As the Roman Empire defeated a heathen nations their religious beliefs and gods were absorbed into the Catholic Church which exercised much control over the affairs of the Roman state. due to Emperor Constantine’s “conversion.” This was the first church-state union known to mankind and proved to be a mighty force in the world for many generations. The heathen abominations listed in the Introduction to this website were borrowed from those pagan religions. The church-state consortium did not care what people believed as long as they “converted” to Catholicism.
Simon, who claimed to be Simon Peter and billed himself as “the First Pope,” filled the organization with people who, along with himself, never bowed the knee to the Biblical God, though they did use some of His teachings in order to appeal to the Jewish people. Simon’s organization, today known as “the church,” has dominated the theology of most of the Western World for almost 2000 years. To learn the history of this counterfeit church read Simon of Samaria: the Legacy. Key word–Legacy. The so-called “Protestants” (protesters) who physically departed from Catholicism took most of her beliefs and practices with them. Contrary to popular opinion, the protesters did not leave the mother church because of her heathen doctrines, but rather because of the sinful acts of the priesthood. Nothing has changed over the centuries. This ministry exists to teach God’s Truth to those who have been lured into the two-headed monster known as the Catholic/Protestant Church. Those having eyes to see and ears to hear will “come out of her and be separate” and will never again “touch that unclean thing.” Then, and only then, the Almighty promises to receive them, be their God and allow them to be His children (2 Cor. 6:14-7:1).
The Book of Romans is one of the most often used sources of misinformation used to refute God’s Truths. Many years ago someone told me that “If you don’t get Romans, Romans will get you.” She was right. The irony is that she was a died-in-the-wool Protestant who “knew” that the pagan doctrines listed in the Introduction to this website are “Biblical Truths” that come straight from God Himself. Hopefully, anyone who does not realize the power Satan exercises over professing Christendom will gain insight into his total control through the study of this series. I count Romans and First John the two most important epistles found in the Holy Scriptures.
Though we will not focus on every statement found in Paul’s letter to the Rome Church, we will zero in on the most important ones. It is my hope that you will not mind staying at length on a single subject–the Book of Romans. I wrestled with beginning this extended series for almost a week before accepting the fact that the Lord was telling me to delve into both the well-known “headlines” and the usually-ignored “fine print” without which the “headlines” have no meaning. As is always the case when it comes to the Bible, the usual mode of operation is to embrace ten percent of God’s Word and ignore the other 90% of what God says about the ten percent. My job is to reverse that trend. Let us begin with Chapter one, verse one.
Here Paul makes it clear that there is only one Truth, which He calls THE (one and only) Gospel of God. He wastes no time in stepping on the toes of everyone in “the church” anciently as well as today. Each of the two heads of the church–Catholic and Protestant–along with each of the hundreds of denominations, faiths, churches, cults, sects, etc. has its own gospel, which Paul calls “perversions” of God’s Gospel in Galatians 1:6-9. He shows us how this comes about in Second Corinthians 11:4 where he tells that church that if someone presented to them “another Jesus” they would embrace him. This is exactly what each group within professing Christendom has done. Each has its own set of truths, its own jesus, its own god and its own path to heaven. Concerning this, Paul asks, “Is Christ divided?” (1 Cor. 1:13). To which those in the hundreds of churches answer: “YES, and we in the ________ Church are the only body that has the right god, the right christ, the right truth, the right gospel and the right pathway to heaven.” This in spite of God’s saying that there is only ONE BODY, ONE SPIRIT, ONE HOPE, ONE LORD JESUS CHRIST, ONE FAITH, ONE BAPTISM, ONE GOD AND FATHER OF ALL (Eph. 4:4-6).
Back to Romans 1:1 and the subject of all Biblical writings: THE (ONE AND ONLY) GOSPEL OF GOD. Paul tells us in verse two that God promised us that one Gospel through His holy prophets in His Holy Scriptures. That Gospel would “concern His Son Jesus Christ our Lord (vs 3). Here is where we find the church getting off God’s track and onto Satan’s track in two ways: 1) the identity of the Gospel and 2) the subject of the Gospel and 3) how to appropriate the Gospel’s promise. This happened because people failed to study God’s “fine print” concerning the Gospel (“good news”). They failed to identify the Gospel; failing to notice the subject of the Gospel; and failing to notice the process of entering into the promises connected to the Gospel.
The problem lies in readers’ automatic (Satan inspired) assumption that the Gospel is about Jesus Himself. It is not. The Gospel is about the Kingdom of God Jesus will establish on earth upon His return and about Him being our Lord. “THE GOSPEL” CONCERNS CHRIST’S MESSAGE, HIS TESTIMONY ABOUT THAT KINGDOM AND HOW TO ENTER IT AS PAUL MAKES CLEAR IN VERSE THREE. Here is where another error comes into play. Contrary to universal opinion, God’s emphasis in verse three and throughout the entire Bible is not on making His Son our SAVIOR, but rather on making Him our LORD, OUR MASTER WHO MUST BE OBEYED IN ORDER FOR HIM TO BECOME OUR SAVIOR UPON HIS RETURN. The following words must be both learned and believed: UNLESS JESUS IS OUR LORD (MASTER WHO MUST BE OBEYED) IN THIS LIFE, HE WILL NEVER BE OUR SAVIOR IN THE NEXT LIFE. WE ARE NOT SAVED IN THIS LIFE. Read Hope and Salvation. Key word–Hope. This is yet another error the church refuses to acknowledge in spite of Scriptural evidence. I will close this posting with proof from the mouth of Jesus Himself concerning the true Gospel message. Just prior to His death He addresses His apostles, telling them that: “THIS GOSPEL OF THE KINGDOM shall be preached in all the world for a witness to all nations; and then the end shall come” (Mat. 24:14). Note Christ’s message to the world as stated in Matthew 4:23: “And Jesus went about all Galilee, teaching in their synagogues and preaching “THE GOSPEL OF THE KINGDOM.” The “Gospel of Christ” was the kingdom message that He preached, not a Gospel about Christ Himself. God’s true messengers continue to preach the Gospel of the Kingdom of God. Read the series by that title. Key word–Kingdom.
Another point of error is caused by a misunderstanding of what Paul wrote in First Corinthians 2:2 where he states that he preached “Jesus Christ and Him crucified.” Paul knew that only because of Christ’s death would man be able to enter His Father’s kingdom. Also Read 1:5-8. Note that Paul wrote very little about the actual life and death of Jesus. Rather, he emphasized what man must do to enter into the kingdom He will establish upon His return.
We have only gone three verses into Paul’s epistle and have already uncovered several church errors. Concerning THE GOSPEL of Christ, did you know that He, called “the Scripture,” (Word/Jesus–Jn. 1:1-4,14) preached that same Gospel to Abraham? Read Galatians 3:8/ Gen. 12:3 and 22:18.
God (the Word Who became Jesus of Nazareth) created the original version of His kingdom in Eden for Adam and Eve and their descendants. He then told them what they must do in order to live there forever. The message is the same today. Tragically, man is still rejecting it. Read Jesus of Nazareth: God, Man or God-man? Key word–God-man. L.J.
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