Search the Scriptures (as we are commanded to do-2 Tim. 2:15) and you will see that God never equates signs, wonders and miracles and the fruit we are required to produce (Jn. 15:2,4,5,8,16). The fruit God requires is obedience to His Word. This is especially true of ministers whose responsibility is to set the example for those they lead (Mat. 7:16). Christ’s example of God-commanded ministry is two-fold: speaking and doing. It is true that God commands His ministers to heal the sick, cast out demons and perform other types of miracles. It is also true that they are to communicate His Word AS PRIORITY ONE. Man will be judged by God’s Word, not the number of miracles he has performed, has seen performed, etc. Note again in Matthew 10:7,8 the order of ministerial application: “And as you go, PREACH …. (then) heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out demons. Freely you have received, freely give.” Notice that the primary mission of God’s ministers is to preach the Gospel of the Kingdom of God. Once the Word has been put forth they are to meet the physical needs of the people. Though at times the order of ministry is reversed due to circumstance, the main emphasis is always on God’s Word. There are circumstances in which the physical need is met without benefit of the spoken Word–Jesus healing the man at the pool of Bethesda for example. We must not limit how God, Who knows all things, can work. However, whenever possible we are to adhere to the pattern set by the Lord: meet the spiritual need first, then the physical.
He warns us time and again to beware of false prophets (ministers) who come to us with mighty works and quotes from His Word. These false ministers Paul calls “deceitful workers” (2 Cor. 11:13). A problem in this labeling is that the deceived do not know they are deceived–if they knew, they would no longer be deceived. Such ministers remain deceived (Rev. 12:9) because they refuse to study “ALL the counsel of God” (Acts 20:27) to show themselves approved by GOD. Rather, they study only what they are told to study (church doctrine) and those Scriptures that, if sufficiently manipulated, seem to confirm their sect’s doctrinal stance. All Scriptures to the contrary are avoided. God’s command to study His Word “… precept upon precept, precept upon precept, line upon line, line upon line, here a little, there a little” (Isa. 28:9,10,13) is ignored. With extremely rare exception, financial security and good standing within the family and the religious community win out over obedience to God. It is for this reason that “The Message” is put forth from pulpit and podium continuously, proving that within professing Christendom, self-preservation is a greater force than Truth preservation.
Satan has blinded the eyes of multiplied millions of believers to the fact that those whom they follow do not represent the living God by obeying His Word. Rather, they obey Satan and admonish their congregations to follow. “The Message” coming from pulpit, podium, t.v. and radio is a continuous litany of “WHAT YOU CAN GET FROM GOD.” As as result, the listeners’ focus is on receiving from Him, not obedience to Him. At no time will you hear: “GOD DEMANDS THAT YOU OBEY HIS WORD,” followed by what He says in that Word. Why? Because the message and the messenger would be summarily rejected by the hearers. No one wants to hear what God expects of him/her. No pillar of the church will tolerate being told that obedience to God, especially to the Law, is required for salvation. “The Rule” within the ministry is: TELL THEM WHAT THEY WANT TO HEAR AND THEY WILL SUPPORT YOU. I have no support because I tell people what they do NOT WANT TO HEAR–THE WORD OF GOD.
The second Pentecostal group simply talks about signs, wonders and miracles. “The move of the Spirit” is evidenced within them in the form of rhetoric and physical movement. Having neither God nor His Spirit power in their midst, they do the next best thing–they fake it and talk about it. Having spent years in these circles, I know of what I speak. The miracles around which their ministries are built rarely, if ever, take place.
In summary, it is imperative that we be able to distinguish between the Spirit of the Lord and the spirit of Antichrist (Satan). If Adam and Eve had used the power of discernment the world would be a totally different place today. One word–“not”–was all the evidence they needed to reveal that Satan the serpent was to be avoided. I find it ironic that Eve herself stated God’s Words relative to sin: “… we shall die,” then believed Satan’s words: “… ye shall NOT die?” Are you following in her spiritual footsteps? Are you, by reading this website, emulating the five foolish virgins–“hearing” God’s Word then, by believing the devil, rejecting it? Or are you like the five wise virgins–hearing God’s word, believing and obeying it? God is no respecter of persons–what one sows, one reaps–with interest. L.J.
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