Social programs to feed the poor, etc. are good, even necessary. Every society should take care of those in their midst who cannot care for themselves. But this is not the job of the Body of Christ, whose responsibility is to take care of its own. See Church Generosity. Jesus told Peter to feed HIS SHEEP, not someone else’s sheep. His people are to “live by every Word that proceeds from the mouth of God,” not physical food. So why do churches and so-called “faith-based organizations” establish food banks, conduct “medical missionary” trips, etc? BECAUSE GOD IS NOT IN THEIR MIDST. Therefore, lacking His power and presence, religious groups must do something to legitimize their existence and maintain their position within the religious community. All must be done “in the name of the Lord” and with His supposed backing. This substitute religion has come to be known as the Social Gospel which was created to meet the dead church’s need for religious legitimacy. I recently talked with a pastor who had conducted a food pantry type of program for the poor in his area. After two years he had given it up because, as he stated, the church’s efforts had produced no spiritual fruit in the recipients. One world-renowned t.v. minister who finances aid programs all over the world was asked why he did so. His response was that he hoped some would get saved. Both pastors were well-intended but not in line with God’s Word and Way. Let us return to the subject of miracles for a moment.
Most “miracles” that take place do so without God’s involvement. Take the flu for example. In most cases the flu, if attacked with prayer, runs its course in about two weeks. In the case were the flu is attacked with medication it runs its course in about two weeks. Where prayer and medication are combined it is normally a two week ordeal. Obviously, God is not involved in any of the three scenarios. Much is made of “prayer chains” and prayer meetings undertaken for the benefit of people or situations in need. The fact of the matter is, those prayerful efforts have no effect because the people are either not God’s people, or in the case of a true saint, he/she is not listening to the Lord. I recently had a bout with bronchitis–coughing, etc. I fought it for several days, got medicated, etc., but to no avail. Then the Lord showed me that I had failed to do something I had told Him I would do. Sometimes it takes a spiritual kick in the pants to get my attention and put me back on the right track. In the case of the professing church, her continuous rebellion against the Lord’s Word, and therefore Him, isolates her from both members of the Godhead. As God stated in Isaiah 59:2, her sins have separated her from Him. Therefore, as a general rule He does not hear and answer their prayers. If they would be honest, probably not more than one prayer in a hundred is actually answered. These are the people who confess that they “love the Lord” while rejecting His command to prove that they love Him: “If you love Me, keep the commandments” (Jn. 14:15). “For this is the (sign of our) love of (for) God, that we keep His commandments” (1 Jn. 5:3). The church nailed the Ten Commandments to the cross and declared them null and void. By breaking commandment #four, she breaks all ten (Jam. 2:10,11), thereby making herself iniquitous–Lawless. In Matthew 7:13-27 Jesus made perfectly clear what is required in order to enter paradise. First, one has to choose the right gate and way. Then he must avoid false prophets who bear bad fruit. Then Jesus addressed the hundreds of millions of false Christians who will come before Him expecting to be rewarded for their uber-religious lives, “Many will say to Me in that day (of judgment), ‘Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in Your name and done many wonderful works in Your name?’ And then I will say to them, ‘I NEVER KNEW YOU; DEPART FROM ME YOU WHO WORK INIQUITY.'” Note it–HE WILL HAVE NEVER KNOWN THEM even though they had been super religious throughout their lives. He then compares those who believe and obey Him (His Word) to those who do not–life for one, death for the other.
Concerning prayer for others, I have often been asked to pray for people. I do so only if prompted by the Lord, which is usually not the case. On the other hand, there have been times when God compelled me to pray for people I do not know. I have also been prompted to pray when I have no idea for whom or what I am praying. An example is in order. Years ago I was in a motel in Memphis. I was awakened by God’s audible voice calling my name loudly and clearly. I immediately knew that He wanted me to pray but did not tell me why or for what. I did the only thing I knew to do–I prayed in tongues. Later, upon returning to my home in Georgia I learned that at the exact time I was praying a close friend was in serious trouble. I must assume that my prayers helped him through it. Again, we must not place God in a box. In given circumstances He has answered the prayers of the most evil of men. In times past I was one of those men.
Let us not forget that Satan can also perform miracles, in God’s name, in the church, etc. I have seen him move in a congregation and cause people to do what should not be done, though it all looked God-sent and was accepted as such by the congregation. In summary, unless one is a true Bible-obeying, Spirit-led, disciple of the Lord–a true son of God (Rom. 8:14), one cannot discern the source of spiritual guidance. To be continued. L.J.
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