The prefix “anti” means against. Satan is the ultimate power operating against Christ and the Father. As is the case with both Father and Son, Satan is in only one location at a time. Therefore he must have a means by which he can influence the world’s masses. Just as Father and Son are everywhere through their Holy Spirit (Ps. 139:7-12) influencing receptive people for good, Satan’s demon spirits permeate the earth influencing the rest of mankind for evil. In the same way that God’s ministers utilize the Spirit issuing out from Him to lead men to Him, Satan’s ministers utilize the spirit issuing out from him to lead men to sin. This power is known Scripturally as “the spirit of Antichrist” (1 Jn. 4:3) and was already in the world and at work during the time of the apostles. This was the spiritual force with which they did battle and against which God’s people fight today. This power is also called “the spirit of iniquity” (Gr.-“Lawlessness”-2 Thes. 2:7) which produced the universal religious body called Catholicism, known as the “Great Whore.” This God-defying church later birthed other “churches” (harlot daughters)–a system of contending, conflicting bodies known collectively as Protestantism (Rev. 17:1-5). At present the daughters number in the hundreds and counting. “Like mother, like daughter,” the Great Whore’s daughters differ from her mostly in form, not substance. Satan’s pull has proven to be too powerful for them to divorce themselves from her to any significant degree, which proves the age-old adage to be true: “The fruit does not fall far from the tree.”
The major problem faced by God’s ministers is that Satan’s message is presented as “light” and “truth” and his ministers as “ministers of righteousness” (2 Cor. 11:15). Due to ignorance of God’s Word, the masses assume that because they quote Scripture, preach, heal, etc. that they are of God. In so doing they break His command to test the spirits of those who claim to represent Him (Rom. 16:17/Phi. 3:17), then study to show themselves approved of God (2 Tim. 2:15). Those who do not follow these commands have fallen into Satan’s trap which features numerous heathen beliefs and customs along with so-called “Christian” music, clothing, hair styles, chants, amulets, symbols, rituals, etc. Loud and proud have replaced reverent and humble; gaudy has replaced simple; man’s “Have it your way” has replaced God’s “My Way only;” New Age theology has replaced “the faith once delivered to the saints;” huge churches and international followings has replaced “prove all things, hold fast to that which is good, reject that which is evil.” Truly, the Spirit of Antichrist has taken root and taken over–the loaf is thoroughly leavened.
And religious man is oblivious to what has happened. Jesus said: “He that is of the Truth hears My voice;” “My sheep hear My voice and … know not the voice of strangers” (Mat. 10:5,27/Jn. 18:37). “Not so,” says the Institutional Church. “My pastor says I’m saved, so I am.”
That Satan has saturated the world with his false religions is evidenced by the numbers. His people outnumber God’s saints millions to one. The whole loaf is leavened; a perverted gospel is being put forth as God’s Truth; another Jesus is being exalted–the Spirit of Antichrist is alive and well in the Counterfeit Church.
But God has always had a remnant–a “tiny flock” who know, believe and obey His Word. Numbering only a few thousand globally, His saints continue to uphold His Word in the face of a world gone religiously insane. This website is dedicated to exposing this insanity. If you have questions or comments email me at
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