Evolutionary change in religion has a long history dating back to the Garden of Eden when God’s first church had literally everything on earth going for it. Both of its members were ardent fans of the church’s Pastor–the God Who had created them and the earth they inherited, along with everything that moved on it, above it and in the waters that dotted it. But we all know what happened–THE WORSHIP OF SELF HAPPENED. The serpent convinced Adam and Eve that THEY, NOT THEIR CREATOR, should determine what was good and evil for themselves while continuing to live in the paradise God had created for them. The rest is church history–an oft-repeated transition of light-to-darkness, glory-to-disgrace which has continued to take place under the direction of God’s archenemy–Satan, the devil.
A similar religious transition took place during the time of Noah, “a preacher of righteousness” who led the world toward righteousness and holiness, only to be rejected. Later the Lord raised up Abraham from whom He brought forth the twelve tribes of Israel who were to be His “light to the (Gentile–heathen) world”.” But then ten of Abraham’s grandsons sold one of their brothers into Egyptian slavery. Afterward the tribes of Israel became enslaved in that country for over 400 years.
Following their miraculous escape from Egypt the Lord met them at Mount Sinai where He called them to be His people by following His Ten Commandment Law which He gave to them in the form of stone tablets. They immediately rebelled against Him and the rest is repeated history. Once again God called, the people answered, then fell away from Him.
Then came the Word (the God of the Old Testament–Jn. 1:1-4,14) to earth where He established the New Testament Church which began with a flame of fire (the visible form of the Holy Spirit) and quickly gained popularity. But within a generation we find the Apostle Paul chastising the churches of Galatia for embracing a perverted version of God’s Gospel (Gal. 1:6-9). Paul and the other apostles worked tirelessly against the forces of evil that had invaded the New Testament Church and finally destroyed it by replacing it with what became known as the Catholic (universal) Church. With the help of the Roman Empire, Catholicism came to rule much of the world, including the church world. What became known as “the church” had reached its lowest ebb. Later, the so-called Protestant Revolution/ Restoration accomplished two things–it spread Satan’s perverted version of God’s Church throughout the world and divided it into hundreds of cults, each claiming to be “the church” that God was using to win the world. What had begun on the Day of Pentecost 31 A.D. had evolved downward into a religious sewer that had spread its Satanic tenacles throughout the earth.
But God has always had a remnant–a tiny group of true believers who, once again, would raise His spiritual banner–His Holy Bible–to its rightful place within man’s world. This took place with the advent of what became known as the Philadelphia era of church history in the early 1930’s. Over the following generations the tiny, rejected church flourished in terms of adherence to the Word of God. But history was about to repeat itself yet again. In the late 1980’s the church so cherished by the Lord dissolved into a half-dozen or so religious cults.
Now let us look back in church history to the age of Solomon who became the king of Israel following the death of David, the “man after God’s own heart.” Under King David the kingdom of Israel had flourished spiritually as well as materially. When he died he left his son Solomon a kingdom that was the envy of the world. Under Solomon–the worlds’ wisest man–the Kingdom of Israel became even more powerful and more successful. People came from distant nations in order to see the might and grandeur of the tiny, world-leading nation known as Israel, a word that means “power with God.” Once again God had rewarded obedience to His Law. But once again what He had elevated and glorified, He would be forced to degrade and eventually destroy. The cause? SIN–the transgression of the Law (1 Jn. 3:4).
The problem was that “the world’s wisest man” became bigger than the God Who had made him what he was and had given him everything he had. Reading Solomon’s message to his son (Proverbs 1-3) one hears a loving father teaching his son all that is good and right. But something happened to this great man of wisdom. What the king learned from his father and relayed to his son was cast aside. A new lesson was now being taught by the king of God’s Chosen People.
Listening to the same voice that Adam and Eve had heard, Solomon decided that he, not God, should be making the rules for governing the world’s greatest nation. God had commanded Israel never to make allegiances with the heathen nations around her. He had commanded the people not to socialize with the heathen and not to enter into marriages with them. Why? Because He knew that His people would eventually embrace the ways of the heathen–Satan’s people. He knew that LEAVEN ALWAYS LEAVENS THE LOAF.
Having assumed for himself a God-like role, Solomon began making military and economic covenants with the heathen kings in the Middle-east. He solidified their relationships by marrying their daughters. Over time he accumulated approximately 1000 heathen wives and concubines from all types of religious backgrounds. These women were allowed to bring their gods, religions and customs into the nation of Israel.
Over time Solomon turned a one-God nation into a collage of religious beliefs and practices that bowed to a variety of gods, two of which–Baal and Molech–required their followers to sacrifice their children to them. Solomon built groves and mounds required for the worship of Israel’s new gods. In the Valley of Hinom, located just outside of Jerusalem, he built alters upon which the people offered their little ones to the flames. What had begun in glory ended in horror. Solomon, who began in spiritual light, ended in religious darkness. Under his leadership Israel sacrificed thousands of children on the alter of fire. America has sacrificed millions of her children on the alter of convenience. Knowing what God did to Israel, what does America’s future hold?
I believe that we will see a short surge of religiosity in the near future. Read about it using the key word Revival. But the movement will quickly end and the entire world will turn on God’s tiny church. As I have written several times, there is coming a religious civil war in which the world, including the church world, will turn on God’s true saints. Though we number only a few thousands, WE WILL PREVAIL AS GOD DEMONSTRATES HIS POWER AND WRATH FOR ALL THE WORLD TO SEE. Read Killing the Messenger and Killing the Messenger 2.0. Key word–Killing.
This brings us to the post-Philidelphia age of church history known Biblically as the Laodicean era described in Revelation 3:14-18 where Jesus characterizes modern day Christianity in very negative terms. If history is our teacher, then we can see where “the church” is headed and where she is taking once greatly blessed America. History, including church history, will repeat itself as man grows ever farther away from God. A good example of this truth was recently found within the group of professing Christendom known as “EVANGELICALS” who are the most conservative of all professing believers. A survey found that 54% of those surveyed believed that abortion should be made available to all women. This being the case, I would guess that 90% of all other church people would agree with them. I hate to believe that, but, after watching the church’s headlong rush into apostasy over the past few years, I will stick to that estimate. Indeed, as Jesus said, “SATAN HAS DECEIVED THE WHOLE WORLD” (Rev. 12:9). L.J.
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