For those who read my last posting (The Islamic Switch), an explanation is in order relative to the change in the subject of this posting. At times I have determined to do a certain thing, only to have the Lord stop me. Usually it is a matter of timing. At other times the thing is simply not to be done. I do not know which applies in this situation. I was awakened by God at 3:00 and told not to do what I had planned to do. He did not tell me why. I tend to believe it has to do with timing. It is possible that something will happen that will need to be included in the posting. For today I will write about something that has lain heavily on my heart for some time–the condition of the American family.
According to nationwide polls taken over the past several years, some 52% of Americans approve of same-sex marriage while some 68% claim to be Christians. This means that a large number of people who claim to have a relationship with the Biblical God are in favor of same-sex marriage. This is a direct result of several factors: Religious Correctness, generational liberalization, the decreasing importance of the spiritual accompanied by an emphasis on the material. This condition is the result of ignorance, unbelief and rejection of God’s Word, and therefore God Himself (Jn. 12:44-50). The result has been the fulfillment of God’s prophesy concerning the apostasy (falling away) of the church just prior to the return of Jesus Christ (2 Thes. 2:1-3). As is often the case when an entire society falls, there has been a union of church and state that has resulted in the nation’s and the church’s descent into Satan’s abyss. The demise of the nation as a whole has been many years in making. However, a recent act increased the speed of her downfall considerably.
On June 26, 2013, in the U.S. Supreme Court Case U.S. v Windsor, Section 2 of the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) was declared unconstitutional, thereby legalizing same-sex marriage. The wall that for hun- dreds of years had separated God-commanded decency from Satan-dictated degeneracy was destroyed with the stroke of a pen. No one from past generations could have foreseen what took place on that day. Nor could anyone have foretold what is about to take place in the United States–the “One Nation Under God.”
With same-sex marriage now the law of the land and the individual states coming aboard, what will be the future of marriage in the United States? With God’s Biblical Wall rejected, how can a legislature or a court refuse to recognize the marriage of two males to two other males? or five females marrying ten males? Or a human marrying an animal? Impossible? In this nation today there are women having sex with animals, on stage, in front of a paying audience. Homosexual foreplay can now be seen on prime time t.v. as was featured on a recent episode of How to Get Away With Murder. I predict that within five years, probably sooner, full heterosexual, homosexual and beastiality acts will be seen on t.v. and movie screens. Within 10 years such acts will be taking place publicly. With homosexual marriage now the rage, and the majority of Americans applauding it, how can the courts say “No” to the above-mentioned scenarios? With Political Correctness running rampant, how can state and federal legislatures rule against them? And with “love” and “inclusiveness” being the religious catchwords of the day, how can the church reject them? They can but will not. The Institutional Church will embrace such people with open arms, along with their animal mates. Impossible? Do you know that in the U.S. there are “churches” that welcome pets into their services. After all, we are told, “… they have souls too.” Never underestimate the degeneracy of the Counterfeit Church.
A warning to God’s saints: Prepare to see a flood of moral degeneration sweep the Western world that will make today’s global decay seem tame. The United States Supreme Court declared war on God with the passage of Roe v Wade which legalized the murder of unborn innocents. With the striking down of DOMA the court declared war on God’s Word. The United States will continue to lead the global charge against God and His Word and Way. And through it all the Counterfeit Church will do what she has always done–whatever makes people feel good, packs the pews and fills the coffers.
Those of you in foreign countries, do not waste your time asking God to rescue your nation. The world has passed the point of no return with America in the lead. God has turned his back on the world and especially America, the most hypocritical of all nations. There will be neither a global nor a national reprieve. The world is heading at breakneck speed into the Great Tribulation in which starvation, plagues, natural upheavals and world war will be the order of the day. Only individually can God- seekers be protected while the world around them withers under 2 1/2 years of Satan’s wrath followed by the “… great and terrible day of the Lord”–a year in which the Lion of the Tribe of Judah will wreak havoc on sin-saturated, God-rejecting mankind (Joel 2:11,31/Acts 2:19,20). In Revelation 16 Jesus revealed to John the horror that will ensue when God pours out His wrath on sinning man. In chapter 17 He singles out the Great Whore and her Harlot Daughters (Catholicism and the Protestant sects) for special treatment. Come out of her (2 Cor. 6:17) and seek God while He may be found (Isa. 55:6). If you have questions or comments you can contact me at or P.O. Box 2352 Athens, TX 75751 U.S.A. or (903) 677-5642.
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