From the founding of this nation there has been a spiritual “dam”–a Biblical mind-set established in the collective heart of her people–that has served to hold back the floodwaters of sin and degradation that exists wherever man exists. From America’s founding there have been those who would take her to the lowest level of degeneracy if allowed to do so. Since her founding those of good will have managed to hold back the tide of sin with a “dam” of Biblical belief and a goodly degree of obedience to Biblical commands. No more.
When the U.S. Supreme Court struck down the Defense of Marriage Ace (DOMA) a while back I wrote in a newspaper article that the nation’s moral “dam” had been breached. Now, I predicted, sin– specifically sex sin–would eventually obliterate every modicum of decency still found within the population. I predicted that we would see gay marriage, group marriage, human-animal marriage, etc. legalized, and that we would see sex acts of every sort, including beastiality, performed on tv, in movies and in the street. I also predicted that the vast majority of Americans would revel in their new freedom from God’s out-of-date moral dictates.
America’s descent into moral decay has been long in coming as, first the church, then the nation itself began to slide into a level of Satanic heathenism formerly found only in the most pagan of societies. There has been a continuous, below-the-surface rumbling of degeneracy going on for many years. The rumbling grew louder when the Woodstock generation, with its emphasis on drugs and unrestricted sex, came on the scene. Next came Roe vs Wade which legalized the slaughter of the unborn–some 60,000,000 to date. The church first attacked the “dam.” Woodstock produced the first crack. Roe vs Wade increased its size. The DOMA decision widened it even more.
On June 26, 2015 the lone remaining standard of America’s moral “dam” was destroyed as gay marriage was legalized nation-wide. There are now no restrictions when it comes to man’s degeneracy. Now we will see my predictions come to pass and become business as usual for the nation in general. Why has this come about? Because the church long ago told God to “Sit down and shut up.” Now the nation is saying a collective “amen.”
But Bible believers have seen this movie before. The pages of the Old Testament tell of a people–the people of God–who set the pattern for America’s slide into oblivion. Israel’s spiritual dive into paganism resulted in massive death, national defeat and enslavement in the lands of her captors. God does not discriminate. What He did to Israel He will do to the United States of America, and for the same reason–rebellion against Him. God has turned His back on America and all other so-called “Christian” nations. Soon He will send His enemies to destroy her, defeat her and enslave her just as He sent Assyria and Babylon to destroy Israel and Judah. Once-blessed nations will become nothing more than vague memories. You do not have to go down with the religious ship. Believe God’s Word, come out of the Counterfeit Church, be converted and obey Him. He will protect you through it all. L.J.
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