SEE NO EVIL–The U.S. Congress passed a Law (Obamacare) without knowing what was in it, a fact Nancy Pelosi, the Speaker of the House of Representatives, proudly announced to the world. Over the past several years world leaders have voiced concern about the mental state of U.S. leaders. Pelosi’s admission assured them that they were right–we are led by loons. But they are not alone. The Counterfeit Church proclaims God’s Holy Bible to be His statement of Truth, but does not know what is written therein. “I didn’t know that was in there” has become something of a mantra among church people upon hearing what God actually stated in His Word. Some know what God said, but do not believe it. Others misplace Scripture, thereby nullifying what he/she does not want to be God’s Truth. For example, a pillar of one of the world’s mainline denominations thought that Paul’s statement upholding speaking in tongues was in the Old Testament and was therefore no longer in effect. She was wrong on both counts. If I did not know what was being taught throughout professing Christendom I would have to wonder. But having been raised in the quagmire that is “the church,” I know what is being taught–whatever Satan wants his followers to believe and obey. Multiply the episode that took place in the Garden of Eden billions of times and you have the modern church system. Back to Obamacare. Shortly after its passage, organizations began to receive exemptions from the law because it did not fit into their operational schemes. The church has awarded herself an exemption from having to obey the Holy Scriptures. For example, she has exempted herself from God’s Law concerning the wages of sin–death. Professing Christendom’s exemptive disclaimer allows her to sin and still receive eternal life. As did Adam and Eve, the modern church believes her god who assures her that she can defy the Biblical God and “You shall not surely die.”
THE PLACEBO EFFECT–In medical science a placebo (fake drug) is sometimes given to a patient with assurance that the pill will heal him/her. Satan has issued the Counterfeit Church a spiritual placebo– counterfeit salvation. He convinces his potential victims that they will be saved by completing a prescribed ritual. Like the “patient” who believes him/herself to be cured by the fake drug, the one who is “saved” following a ritual believes that heaven is the next stop.
AIRBRUSHED–In the social realm, when an image, for example a picture, does not appear as the viewer would like, he/she can airbrush it to make it look “right.” In the religious realm “spiritual airbrushing” (my term) describes the method by which the Institutional Church turns God offensive Words into words more to her liking. The end result becomes known as “church doctrine” which has replaced the Bible just as the Talmud has replaced the Torah in the Jewish faith. The Jews airbrushed the Old Testament for the same reason that the church airbrushed the New Testament–unbelief. As one religious leader recently proclaimed, experience, not the Bible, should be used to determine right and wrong.
ENTITLEMENT–In the economic realm the expression “entitlement” refers to something people are due, not because they have earned it, but simply because they exist–equal protection under the law being a good example. In the religious realm, Christianity is known world-wide as THE entitlement religion in that she awards salvation simply for attending–a religious “participation trophy.” If one shows up on Christmas and Easter, that is sufficient to retain one’s salvation status. But in reality, if one has ever “joined the church” one is a “Christian” no matter what kind of life he/she leads after the “salvation experience.” Many a reprobate has been preached into heaven following his/her death because he/she once “walked the aisle.” Elvis, we are told, is the director of God’s heavenly choir. And Satan smiles. L.J.
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